Way to many pallets

Give pallets a spawning radius like hooks so we dont get double pallets
As an offering? That would be interesting :)
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I was saying in general but an offering would be a good idea
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Double pallets were removed over a year ago. If you think what we have now is double pallets, good lord.
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Could the algorithm handle that? Real talk.
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Technically there is already a pallet minimum range. If you go to the smaller loops that usually have 1 pallet (Such as H loops) but they don't, that is the pallet range in effect. Actually helped out a lot on corn and Auto heaven.
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If that happens, it is in EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY rare circumstances. I spend most of my time in survivor, and haven't seen that in over a year. That is a rare bug in the pallet generation, and because of it's rarity, it's not a "game breaking issue".
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double pallets in tiles only occur when the minimum number of pallets on the map has been reached, which essentially causes the game to break its own rules and just place a pallet wherever it can. basically if you're seeing a double pallet jungle gym there isn't another nearby pallet for a good distance
there is a double pallet setup that can spawn in front of coal tower which doesn't seem unintended
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yeah I see them rarely too, annoying nonetheless :P
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If there's a lot of pallets in one place it usually means there's a deadzone somewhere else, as super-compact (or even straight up double) pallets tend to happen on maps with "islands" of safety inbetween all the swamp/cornland.
And as said, double pallets is just what happens when the minimum pallet number isn't reached and there's no "valid" spots left on the map. At that point it will ignore the usual rules to reach the minimum as it's a hard limit, it will not start the game with less pallets than that number. The vast majority of double pallets I see is in the loops next to the boat/pantry on the swamp maps.
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Don't know what games you have been playing but I'm seeing them constantly as a killer. I bet it's another bug from GF release.
I'm getting fed up of the bugs in this game. It's like a hydra. Chop off one head and another 3 grow back.
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Endfury is currently weak as hell cause of all the pallets even though the changes to Enduring should have made it stronger. You have to destroy at least 2 pallets to set it up, and then if you actually manage to get the pallet breaking stun, that 1 second is long enough for them to get to the next pallet which just happens to be right by.
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Sad part is they did. It just doesn't work xD
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@Dehitay I've noticed this as well.