PS4 queue times (Killer)

Man what is up with these queue times, seriously?! It is literally taking 5 to 10 mins to find a game as a killer on PS4 and has been this way since 2x BP.

Despite all the bugs and unbalanced mechanics in this game, it's long queue times that really make me consider putting this game on the shelf.


  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I agree, something is up with the queue times on ps4 for killers, very annoying.

    Survivors are almost instant though

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Honestly I've been having trouble queueing for both killer and survivor. The game has been nearly unplayable for me the last 2-3 days.

  • Jamez666
    Jamez666 Member Posts: 26

    SWF times are way down for my friends and me, we used to wait upwards of 30+ mins just for a game to get dodged, now we barely see ~5min times with the latest algorithm change. Not sure what is going on but the games have been a lot more choppy/laggy with this event going on when we do get in a game

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    The wait times are atrocious on PC as well, I'm waiting around 5-10 mins just to find a game that survivors either join or leave from once the lobby is set up. This matchmaking is getting worse and worse. I have no idea why the matchmaking had to be reverted to its terrible state, I was getting games pretty darn fast before.

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    At any given time, when there are more than 20% of the current players who want to be killers (based also on your geolocation and rank), the queue times are inevitably going to take longer. I don't think there are any matchmaking algorithms which will help with that. So if your killer queue is taking a long time, but not your survivor queue, that is probably the problem.

    PS4 has generally always been lucky for killers because there usually is lack of killers (less than 20% of killers) which means that survivors are the ones that usually have a longer queue time.

    However, during many of the events (especially double/triple bloodpoint events), the number of killer players tend to increase in number, which is what I believe is happening right now. It also doesn't help that the 103% BP offering seems to be easier to obtain as a killer than as a survivor for some reason in my experience.

    I do wish that there is option for players who don't care which role they play to gain a 'Quick Mode,' in which they have an automatic access to the role with the current smaller population, without the needing to check in with queue times of both sides.