Devour Hope Bug & UI Handholding

SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

For the more experienced survivors...

Does the lack of a warning for a surprise perk like Devour Hope make the match more exciting?

When the Hag first came out I saw a streamer's match against the Nurse. She had just hooked him in the basement and left. I don't remember the details, but once she started downing people in one hit he was screaming that it was DH and they needed to find the totem in a completely panicked state.

One part of this was because the perk was new, but also because there was no warning to the survivors as to what was happening. Only that the Nurse was one-shotting people all of a sudden.

Everyone seemed to enjoy that match.

Nowadays, people get notified when surprise perks are activated before they're directly affected and they lose that surprise aspect. Devour Hope, Make Your Choice (to some degree, the injury sound is on flavor under the context of the perk), NoED, most status effects, and other such effects.

I suppose a killer equivalent would be a timer on the survivor portrait if they're under a protective effect like DS. It would allow the killer to know that an effect was active before they were affected by it and give them the opportunity to play around it.

I'm just curious what you think, and wonder if you'd think that not knowing when something becomes activated is more exciting than being told something has been activated.


  • Jamez666
    Jamez666 Member Posts: 26

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you only get notified once those perks come in effect? And not only when they are active, but once it is too late to do anything about. So what is the difference?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    The difference is that it was new.

    Removing them wouldn't have much of an effect on those who have experienced it enough times already, but it can very easily remove the surprise effect for newer players after their first time.