MeIIo Member Posts: 3

Ghost Face is the PTB when he got buffed was fine, I don't know why he got nerfed...one of the worst decisions dead by daylight devs have ever made.

Number one, A survivor should not be able to reveal ghost face while hooked, I dont give a ######### about the logic "Oh the survivor can see ghost face on the hook so he can reveal him" No that's ######### bullshit. How is it fair in the slightest that a survivor who is dying on a hook, can get free points by looking at the killer?

Number two, I've been in many games as Ghost face when i'm having a stalkoff with a survivor, and somehow he/she reveals me when I crouch behind a rock, the reveal is delayed A LOT and needs to be fixed.

When I played Ghost Face in the PTB, here's something for you Devs that you might find crazy! I actually had FUN playing him! YEAH! I have no idea, I don't know why the ######### you nerfed him! the only people who were complaining are rank 20 survivors who were getting bodied, they just need to get gud. Please give us back the buffed Ghost Face we had in the PTB before he ends up like Freddy and Plague as a low-tier killer.


  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    I agree, i saw something on the hot fixes that said they were going to make it to where you can't stalk a marked survivor, sure i get its possible to keep rank 20s exposed using that but anyone and their grandmother can avoid GF long enough to get exposed off, let us stalk but not refill the exposed status (admittedly I've kept toxic survs exposed but never had use of it on any non-toxic survs)

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Getting Spotted through a damn wall is so annoying, behind a rock, behind a tree, etc.

    And the Devs want to make it even easier...why?

    What Survivor is complaining that Ghostface is OP and why are the Devs listening to the minority when the majority is saying he's fine. The Devs listened to the majority for Freddy but not for Ghostface?

  • SmokeStorm
    SmokeStorm Member Posts: 1

    He will get nerfed 100%, the majority of the survivors playerbase stays between ranks 13-20 and they say hes OP so unfortunately its gonna happen. Me I'm learning to spot him better and evade him better now. Just takes time and practice.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Considering all of the questionable decisions made in this game I'm going to say that this one in particular doesn't even make the top 10

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    ghost face is a broken killer that 100% deserves to be nerfed into the ground, broken and overpowered he even rival nurse.

  • Knight8
    Knight8 Member Posts: 3

    Oh killer mains crying about a Nerf but just weeks ago were rejoicing because MoM was getting nerfed into the ground because it was "op" because survivors got one extra hit after having to take 3...killers won't be happy with anything till survivors start on hooks and have Kobe to even start the game. Cry some more ghostface changes are needed because it's not that he's op it's he's a very inconsistent killer

  • Justwantacreampie
    Justwantacreampie Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2019

    Had to make an account just to say Ghostface does not need a buff, in fact he needs a nerf. If you are really going to bi* about not being able to camp well then you need to get rethink your decisions. Also i don't see you stating the fact his power his literally broken rn when you can't even reveal him when you are literally staring at him and he marks you.

  • Justwantacreampie
    Justwantacreampie Member Posts: 19

    Honestly you just need to learn to play him when he takes skill not free stalk and 0 terror radius while crouching or with monitor, he's literally better than pig and myers for Fs sake jfc. And as a plague main do you even know how to play her well or do you just not like killers that require any effort?

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360
    edited June 2019

    First I do play killer in the mid ranks, and survivor.

    survivors should be able to break you while on the hook. One thing gf players like to do is camp and gnab a unhook expose. This discourages camping.

    the expose on him is kinda broken. I can stare at him without breaking him out while he can stalk me from the same distance.

    breakout through walls is broken and needs fixed with that being said, You can stalk through walls too bud. It has been this way with Mikey boy for some time

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Ghost is another skill base killer, if the player is that good in him they deserve to be "nurse good"

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I wouldn't care if he got the nerf actually because of how I play him. I play him as a stealth killer and use night shroud on loops where survivors rely on terror radius to mind game it has been way more reliable and quicker than marking people honestly. You don't want to mark every single survivor you see sometimes it's just better to play him as a stealth killer. I have only lost 2 or 3 games as him this is at rank 1 btw although matchmaking has been weird.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I don't understand how I could see his entire body and watch him creeping towards me and then I'm exposed and it happens so fast and your exposed for far too long. Anyone saying he doesn't need a little nerf is full of it and obviously just plays killer. The speed he can make you exposed, how long your exposed for, and the speed of ghostface makes him an OP Shape or super Meyers rather. GF can expose you in seconds yet Meyers has to follow you around for half the game, lol. People are mad because they obviously enjoy one shotin and killing everyone almost every game. I was crushing people and don't even know how to use him yet but it was pretty easy to expose and down everyone. Seemed so unfair I started farming... all the games I used him

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    As an actual Killer main, while I'm happy MoM got nerfed I do think that it was overcompensated.

    2 protection hits is enough.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The stalk addon changes and mark extending removal are things that I wish they wouldn't do.

    The Killer Instinct and Detection QoL changes are fine.

    The Pallet stun = Kicked out of stealth, while it is a nerf it's not hard to break him out of he's already been stunned anyways so it's not a very big nerf given competent survivors (yes I know that most survivors aren't very good. But in terms of red rank viability they tend to be). So it's fine too.

    The other 2 changes however I feel should be counterbalanced with a buff of some kind. For example a 5 second lower cooldown on night shroud, or maybe the total removal of the sound he makes at 8 meters when moving, or maybe something else, it doesn't really matter so long as it's roughly equivalent to the nerfs.

  • AIG1992
    AIG1992 Member Posts: 98

    Imagine thinking a crutch perk that gave you an easy escape, only countered by some killers, and all you had to do was get hit isn't op.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    All these people saying Ghostface need a nerf are disgusting, do you know what practice is? Do you DC everytime there's a Spirit or Nurse? Do you cry about nerfing them all the time?

    I play Survivor too and he does not need a nerf YOU NEED PRACTICE. I can break him out of Stealth, it needs practice. Are you a P3 Claud? If yes then shut up, your opinion is meaningless because you have better stealth than he does and if you're getting spot that's embarrassing.

    It's people like you guys who are ruining this game and make the Devs make stupid decisions.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    After Ghost Face gets tweaked in the upcoming patch, he'll be in a pretty good spot imo.

  • GhostfaceneedaNerf
    GhostfaceneedaNerf Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2019

    I dont agree, as killer playing Ghostface its almost every match i get 2,3 or 4 DC players just in the moment they see me, they dont even try run away like with other killers, since i would oneshot him in less of 2 seconds.

    i dont likes waith 10 mins to do a match and get 4 DC because someone likes you want a killer that makes fall death all survs just looking at them. Ghost face its a very insidious killer yet, having black clothes by default crouching faster than pig, stealth mode when try be sneaky but also in chase, basically denie terror radious on chase and not on chase, he totally automatized with surv skills like "spine chilling" gettting visual and sound alerts when someone looks at him, he has aura reading skills but in oposite of Leather face that is slow and need hook survs, or Nurse that get fatigue and gets blind plus need hurt a surv, ghost face only need start the match and waith sitting to activate "all ears" and boom there is your aura reading skill activated, he can stalk like mayers but in less of 1 sec, he can oneshot, he can denie chase and grab from engines with easy, for most survivors its yet just not worth play against him since he denie chase, denie the 2 hits chase, and can camp the hooks in stealth mode so you will insta die in less of a min with all points denied and a -1 rank, making the match unworth to be played for survs, he literally has no counter and the only counter its stay quiet in front him and sending to him viisual and sounds alert of where you are but since he apply the veil faster, he will oneshot you anyways, he has almost zero disventages being a better Mayers, a better Legion, and a better pig, he only miss teleport like Nurse to be a God. Ghost face its a new generation killer with extrem stealth, aura reading skills, and the modern oneshot weapons, compared to him the nerfed Nurse its not even Tier A having so many cooldowns and disventages in everything compared to him, in fact you almost dont see Nurse on high ranks anymore but more Spirits, modern killers with oneshot weapons its proved to be the evolution to top Tier killers, even the new killer from charperter 14(that demon samurai ancestor of Yamaoka family) its also a sprint + oneshot weapon.

    I belive most of ppl that complain about ghost face being weak its ppl that bought it with p2w spectatives but they dont really know how play as killer, go try the Trapper or Billy, or Huntress or even the Nurse or Mayers, then go back to ghost face and you will see you are driving an high tech automatized oneshot machine.

    Speciaally after instaheals got deleted, all oneshot killers, feels pretty unfair and use to cause DC on Survs, making him more OP isnt gonna give you more kills but the opposite, the game its yet more balanced for killers than survs, since Freddy re-work, Demogorgon, pallets and medikits nerf, ghost face releasse, and other new killers, the amount of teleport/sprint/oneshot killers is very high, not even deleting pink mori you wouldnt be in the same spot that survs are actually.

    As you said yourself, you just need to get gud, and if not just use a pink mori, counting killers cant die and you get points by just walking around stabbing ppl, and you play as ghost face a oneshoter ultra stealth killer, just get better man or the next time you need play as huntress or any other old killer you gonna sufer a lot, ghost face can end a match in less of 3 mins with easy, dont complain about it, he is basically what all killers was asking for, a oneshoter killer that have it easy to destroy the matc in few seconds withouth care about any emblems but sacrifice all 4 survs in 2 mins and able to camp in invisible mode in case someone thought can be rescued.