New Chapter. "Shadows of Fear"

This killer looks like the Grim Reaper. He will be called "The Shadow." His lunge range would be the lunge rang of the spirit. His speed will be 4.6, like most killers. Here is his power.
Soul Taker:
You take the soul from a survivor,(Kind of like Freddy), once you take there soul a timer appears on the survivor, (kind of like The Pig), this timer takes 65 seconds to run out. Once it does you see the aura of the survivor. The way to stop the timer is for survivors to go to ghost chest around the map. It takes 9.5 seconds to open the chest and get your soul back. The actions survivors do to open the chest is look under the chest and find a key, this takes 3 seconds, then they unlock the lock, takes 4 seconds. then they open the chest, which takes 3 seconds. That's not all. The Shadow can hide in the chest and if a survivor opens a chest you are hiding in you automatically mori him..... JK, you grab him and put the survivor on your shoulder and take him to a hook.
A Ghost chest appears in front of the survivor, he goes to open it and The shadow grabs him and pulls him in the chest and locks him in it, after the mori the chest disappears.
This sounds cool, but 65 seconds for an aura? What?
His perks & the survivor should be on there too.