Stop Toxic Survivors Getting What They Want

Dear Anybody who reads this rant,
Nerf Ghostface because he is somehow decent
Nerf Spirit because she can Mindgame
Nerf Billy and Leather face because they can down you with one hit
Nerf Nurse because she can blink through walls
How about just making every killer Wraith and Doctor level? That would definitely make the killers happy, oh wait- nobody gives a damn if killers have fun
Can you all just stop with the killer nerfs?
Why is Noed in the game? Well- why is Mettle of man, adrenaline and totem breaking in the game?
Leave Ghost face alone
With Love, A Balanced Player (Survivor + Killer Main)
Killer: *just came out, super fresh af*
Rank 20’s: *OP! OP! Nerf! Nerf!*
BHVR: *Destroys Ghostface*
Rank 20’s: *Teabags at the gates*
Lol your opinion and my opinion on who the devs often takes sides with is very different. I switched to survivor because killers were complaining way too much and it was pretty easy and wasnt a challenge. Killers are in one of their most powerful positions since they added bloodlust. Killers rarely see nerfs, almost ever change to a killer is to make them stronger and when there is a slight nerf it's to make another aspect of that killer stronger, so before you complain about survivors whining all the time maybe try to see it from their point of view, cause clearly you side with killers and aren't a completely balanced player.
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Downvote me all you want. I have facts to back up what I say. Enjoy your survivor "nerfs". Now you'll know how it feels for killers all the time.
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The thing is I’am a balanced player and don’t side with anyone, I only see what the real issues are, bloodlust doesn’t do much when you know how to loop, a experienced survivor can loop a killer for a very long time. I sometimes loop the killer for 3/4 gens before he catches me, now imagine if my teammates can loop a killer like that two and the poor guy only hooked someone twice for the entire match. Bloodlust doesn’t make a difference to me at all when I’m the survivor, I still manage to escape easily using perks like hope, adrenaline, lithe, sprint burst, balanced landing etc, you know perks that killer can do nothing about. Survivors have completely nothing to complain about (except camping) and I’m speaking from experience and the point of view of a survivor and a killer. I can say more but it’s late xd
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@MainSusie_Feng I try to be then I see close-minded ######### like this and it forces me to defend killers.
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LMAO try play survivor one day, also ghost face need a nerf its a P2W KILLER has sprint from Meg survivor + run while crunching from The Pig killer and Nea the survivor + stalking from Michel Mayer but instant + kill in 1 stab from Michel Mayer but faster + watch survivors like bbq and chile from leather face + run more than survivors or Legion even wihouth use the sprint + long weapon lunge from Freddy + his own habilitys like block engines = block the main target of survivors + learned habilitys from other killers, etc. lol just need teleport from Nurse right ??. Literally 90% killers switched to him, you dont even see the old killers anymore unless you play 24/7, i bought recently Michael Mayers and i feel scammed cuz he can stalk and oneshot in less than 5 seconds while i need the whole match to do the same with Michael Mayers, totally game breaking, all matches as survivor against him, he killed the whole party in less than 2 mins even with obiously noob player handling him plus dont cry more about teabags, Ghost face do Teabags aswell, so its not a survivors thing anymore.
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they buffed killers since they released huntress and that was old and long time
stop whine cause lots of nerfed survivors vault and pallet like side fast vaulting what kr invented first til spread worldwide
more and better hex positions
map changed like coldwind and macmillan for killers
the only left to nerf unnormal thing in dbd is swf and nurse
also they added trapper red addons
most of all they not nerfing nurse at all which na players too bad performed to give hope so much they actually its balanced but everyone knows how its broken in asia
other things just left for bloodpoints like mori and instaheals
they stomped brand new parts to not worth of red addon
nerfed healing time
added endgame which only good for killers
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can my pointing of these correct your mind?
if you better at this game you notice whats misplayed or unbalanced
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This comment made me laugh
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Excuse me?
Switching from rank 15 killer to rank 1 survivor is equally challenging, true.
But killer is easier to play?
I never heard a more pathetic lie (statement) in my entire life.
Go search up Depip Squad, watch some Tru3Ta1ent, ask Monto about his streaming experiences with playing killer, go play rank 1 without Nurse.
Then come back and tell us, killers are easy to play please.
You dear sir, don't have any idea about how this game functions, it seems.
You mean playing killer is easier?
Do survivors have to carry a perk with them to make them even viable? (Ruin)
Do killers have second chance perks for massively ######### up? (No, NOED is not one of them, you still have to put some effort into downing someone and then it can be completely annulated)
How many bugs are there on the survivor side which are hindering survivor gameplay? (Nearly none, ask the killers about bugs they are experiencing, THE grab function is still broken)
I usually played survivor and were only rank 1 just by owning overpowered perks and mediocre looping. Even without SWF.
Both roles have their problems, but survivors are definitely the power role and the role the devs care most for, even if you believe otherwise.
If you disagree with me, show me some rank 1 footage of a killer not being nurse or billy, who can actually dominate the game. Of course against decent survivors.
Average gen times are 5 minutes in my red ranks games by the way.
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You want some killers who think the game is too easy as killer? Sure, Physcoscorpians, Sverkeren, and Unumz are just 3 people who both are really good at killer and usually play other killers that aren’t billy or nurse. On top of that, none of them use Ruin because they don’t need it, because they know how to actually play the game. If you think survivors don’t have hindering bugs on their side, then whooo boy to you just ignore what happens on that side. Hitboxes are still #########, vaulting through a window completely and getting some distance away to still be hit, the double knife addon bug is back (making everything slower for survivors), bugged pallets where the survivor gets stuck for a couple seconds in a broken pallet before jittering through, survivors hair being able to seen over various auras so that a killer can find them even easier, and various perks not working how they’re supposed to; just to name a few. So yeah, survivor has just as many bugs that effect their game as killers do, and you’d have to be really close minded or blatantly ignoring of the other side to not see them. So yes, killer is the easiest it’s ever been, and it’s really on you and your skill level if you can’t play the game without Ruin. Also how is NOED not considered a second chance perk to you? It is the ultimate, “I played the game badly so let me get boosted at the last second” perk. It is based around the killer failing to to their job and then getting a benefit from it. As for “hard to use” if you are competent, you’ll be able to press M1 to hit someone and down them in 1 hit, it’s really not that hard.
Post edited by Luigifan64 on3 -
Killers are WAYYY stronger than survivors. And it sucks because there are more killer players than survivor players, meaning that whenever a survivor main complains, were immediately labeled as "salty cry baby survivor mains!!"
Like the devs have, patch after patch, nerfed survivors or buffed killers. And im not exaggerating, look at the patch notes. For the last 10 of them, there is at least one change that buffs killers or nerfs survivors. And what love have survs gotten? Nothing besides weird niche perks that work 1 in every 100 games. And then when they do work, people like you complain about how broken it is.
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I’m not complaining, I’m just defending and trying to help killers, other survivors should try doing that too, maybe then something would change for better for the killers. And about there being more killers than survivors, I really doubt that because playing killer is stressful and playing survivor is easy (speaking from my own perspective but a lot of people think so too) so you can show me proof and then I will believe you.
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He actually nailed it. Bullseye. sir.
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@DeadGavin People have asked for a Bubba nerf. They wanted his multiple down chainsaw to be taken away so he can only down 1 survivor at a time with a chainsaw swing.
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Woah, kid, press the Enter key a few times. This hurts my eyes to read...
Everything you've said is so wrong and obviously Survivor biased it's not even funny.
"You want some killers who think the game is too easy as killer? Sure, Physcoscorpians, Sverkeren, and Unumz are just 3 people who both are really good at killer and usually play other killers that aren’t billy or nurse."
Never heard of em. And do they stream? If not, their content could be edited to just show bad Survivors.
Tru3 counts as well.
"On top of that, none of them use Ruin because they don’t need it, because they know how to actually play the game."
Absolutely impossible. The genrush is insane and SWF teams will genrush even if you down and hook someone. The only way you can use Ruin and still 4k is if you're at the low ranks, or playing a meta Killer (Nurse, Billy, Spirit)
"If you think survivors don’t have hindering bugs on their side, then whooo boy to you just ignore what happens on that side. Hitboxes are still [BAD WORD], vaulting through a window completely and getting some distance away to still be hit, the double knife addon bug is back (making everything slower for survivors), bugged pallets where the survivor gets stuck for a couple seconds in a broken pallet before jittering through, survivors hair being able to seen over various auras so that a killer can find them even easier, and various perks not working how they’re supposed to; just to name a few."
Hitboxes are a product of lag. And they seem much better from what I've noticed.
The devs have stated it is 100% intentional to get hit through vaults if you are too close to the vault and the Killer gets close enough to you. That will not change. If you're getting hit, you are typically too close to the vault.
And concerning the double knife bug... Survivors have Wake Up, which is used in toxic genrush builds right now to bully killers. Two gens can be done before the Killer can even WALK over there if a 4 man SWF team has the correct setup.
Right now, it boosts ALL interaction speed by 5/10/15 percent.
And how often have you seen Legions nowadays, even with that bug in existence?
"bugged pallets where the survivor gets stuck for a couple seconds in a broken pallet before jittering through,"
"Stuck in a broken pallet"? What do you mean? Are you referring to when a Survivor can get stuck in place when trying to vault a window or pallet? That is a product of lag.
"survivors hair being able to seen over various auras so that a killer can find them even easier"
There is probably a Killer equivalent, and I imagine most Killers don't know about this. Or how to even get use out of it.
"and various perks not working how they’re supposed to; just to name a few."
It seems to be mostly Survivor perks not functioning the way they are supposed to... Remember Me, a Killer perk, is currently bugged in favor of Survivors. It currently INCREASES door opening speed, not decreases it.
"So yeah, survivor has just as many bugs that effect their game as killers do, and you’d have to be really close minded or blatantly ignoring of the other side to not see them."
I've heard about a locker bug that lets a Survivor glitch to the top of a locker while being pulled out of a locker and be left in the Dying state. I believe they can still move up there, meaning they can take the game hostage or stay up there until the Killer loses interest and a Survivor can come and pick them up. They can drop down any time they like by simply crawling off of it.
Plague currently makes the game crash, but that can't be frequently abused. Unlike this locker bug.
"So yes, killer is the easiest it’s ever been, and it’s really on you and your skill level if you can’t play the game without Ruin."
The vast majority of this community disagrees with you. Pros know the genrush is real. Killers AND Survivors know the genrush is real. Not only do gens get even faster in this update, Wake Up makes things even worse.
"Also how is NOED not considered a second chance perk to you? It is the ultimate, “I played the game badly so let me get boosted at the last second” perk. It is based around the killer failing to to their job and then getting a benefit from it."
Many people hate NOED, Killers included, and want it nerfed. So, don't think this is a Us VS Them situation.
"As for “hard to use” if you are competent, you’ll be able to press M1 to hit someone and down them in 1 hit, it’s really not that hard."
Are you referring to Ghostface's power...?
"Not as hard" You have no idea on how quickly rank 1 Survivors or SWF groups can shut down GF's power, run them around until Exposed wears off or make them waste time that could be spent stopping gens from popping in a attempt to expose them.
GF is a M1 killer with no anti-looping potential without his power. His power can be used for red glow mindgames mid-chase at places where the Killer cannot be seen, but that is really it. It doesn't give a speed boost, it doesn't bypass obstacles, it doesn't do much.
GF is slow. GF is weak. Certain perks destroy their power. GF gets genrushed easily.
The devs have failed, again, to make a good Killer.
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And they're going to stomp him into the ground even more xD
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Wait, is there gonna be MORE GF nerfs after this hotfix?
GF was med tier at best before, this hotfix might have some impact, and they want to nerf him even further?
Who are they even trying to appeal to at this rate? The majority of Survivors and Killers are not asking for GF nerfs. It's only rank 20s who are asking. In fact, I've noticed more people wanting buffs or protesting this change.
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I’m honestly confused from where the devs received the feedback after just few days of ghostface being fixed on PTB to be so convinced he needs nerfing especially since the majority of the community (the not survivor biased part) survivors as well as the killers don’t even think he is that strong, he is good but obviously not spirit or nurse level. I never have a problem pulling him out of stalk, it’s very easy. I think the devs should address and explain to us why they decided on something important like that without asking the community if we want the nerf. The whole situation just shows the lack of communication between devs and the community.
I never played ghostface and I’m not going to but the nerf is very unnecessary especially when survivors are the power role as of now in the game.
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Ok am i blind? Or are these rants on a diffrent website. Cause i haven't seen this (on forums) that much lately
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A good place to rant about DbD imbalance is Tru3’s twitch lol jk, anyway I don’t know any other places and wanted to rant somewhere so I did it here
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Of cause want some people ez games (survivors and killers alike, but mor e Survivors I think). The problem is, that these cry the loudest. They want to have "fun" but for the cost of another one's fun: the Killer's. Genrushing, tbagging and bug exploiting (wake up swf) or constantly using infinites is fun for them. How dare we to want to take this away from them? They have so many things to help them (insta heal, DS, DH, Adrenalin, keys, flashlight) , but noed and Ebony Mori "are OP"...... OK......
As for Pink Moris: Don't you ever thought of the Killer Player who might be frustrated with all the "fun" Survivors and just wants to feel the power once again? So he chooses a Mori. At least that's what I do.
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@LapisInfernalis Try getting Trapper buffed. You'd be surprised how many survivors say Trapper is fine and doesn't need any changes or buffs. The guy who has to traverse the map for up to 20-30 seconds, pick up a trap, walk another 10-30 seconds to a spot to trap it so some ######### can 2-second tap it, disarm it and make it useless until you walk back to it, rearm it and hope it doesn't happen again. Did I forget to mention, you can't block pallets or stairways with it? Hit box is too small. A smart survivor can walk past it on the sides. He's "BALANCED" to the survivors.
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@AStupidMonkeyy I don't play Trapper often, but I know what you mean. I do it myself as Survivor and I hate it as Trapper. Ironiccaly the pallet block works when I play survivor (I tried the wall hugging thing, but nope....), but never when I play killer....
I think it would be a bit better if you would start with all 10 traps in the beginning, but once you placed them all, you can only carry 1/2/3 depending on your add-ons. This would Trapper give a little boost.
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@LapisInfernalis I can get on that! That's really good.
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excuse me.. have you not seen that killers have mostly OP perks meanwhile survivors are only getting trash? and whenever a survivor perk happens to be worth taking they get nerfed because of whiny killer mains. how about just making the game as easy as possible for killers, remove all perks from survivors and make them spawn in dying state?
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@toxicmegg I already contributed to that specific conversation in a different thread and proved my point, that currently, survivors are actually better equipped than killers. If you feel like it isn't, go play killer near Rank 1. See how OP killers are.
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have been to red ranks and because im mostly solo survivor i can tell it's pretty damn hard to face the sweaty spirits and nurses. only with swf the game is playable in red ranks.
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plus i dont play killer much but when i do i have seen that the perks do pretty much everything for the killer.
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@toxicmegg Spirit and Nurse are the exceptions to the rule. Try playing Wraith or something at red ranks
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Killers are add-on reliant because their base power is trash. The amount of crutches survivors have against 1 killer is astonishing.
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These are exceptions to the rule, because generally the survivors are weak, just the nurse and the spirit show it, the windows/palettes are really strong aka looping, while the survivors are weak as #########.
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@toxicmegg It "works" only with swf at rank 1? By "working" you mean "bullying" right. Because that's what happens. You can play solo at rank 1, but it is difficult and should be.
Why do you think there are only Nurses, Spirits and Billy's at red ranks? Because of all the survivor mains who want simple games and only play swf.
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So DS, DH, Adrenaline (and MoM before the nerf) don't do everything for the Survivors? Insta Heal with sprint burst at the end, a free window or pallet you shouldn't have get and almost fool proof invulnerability after being unhooked for 1min (often used for risky altruistic actions you won't do normally) are OK?
This is just your skill and not the perks doing this for you. Sure dude....