Thrilling Tremors overrated?

jsphwtsn Member Posts: 79

Could someone please explain to me why so many people believe Thrilling Tremors is a decent perk? From what I've experienced, the time it blocks generators is too short, particularly as no one is working on those generators. The information it provides is nice, but it's easier to counter than BBQ, you simply stop working on the generator when someone goes down, and start again after 16 seconds. Not to mention, by the time you hook someone around 4-8 seconds has already passed. Maybe I'm not understanding the perk's use properly, but I feel like the perk should block generators survivors are working on for 16 sec after the survivor has been hooked.


  • Karanyatsu
    Karanyatsu Member Posts: 30

    From a killers perspective...any thing that helps with gen rush or gens being done fast is valuable.

  • jsphwtsn
    jsphwtsn Member Posts: 79

    I feel like perks such as PGTW, Surveillance, Corrupt Intervention and Ruin do a much better job though.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 2019

    It's pretty bad. Just a worse BBQ with no blood point bonus.

    They need to give it either a shorter cd and longer effect or make the gens blocked regress for its duration.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    If using it for detection is the only reason you use it, then, quite frankly, you really lack some imagination. Yes it give information, but it's also useful to scatter survivors and play mind games with them. Someone's gets downed, they stop working. Drop the downed, use them as a trap. Mixing it with ruin and haunted ground works great, especially if you run Nurse's calling. Mix it with BBQ to up the mind games and increase detection even more. Everyone is so obsessed with the chase, but no one bothers to think about stalking.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    @Cable2486 how the hell did you figure out my Ghostface build?

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    It's one of my standard Spirit builds, actually. It works really well with Ghostfaces powers. I just don't worry too much about the chase because it's not as important as the trap. Hell, running Wraiths blood detection perk with Ghost or Pig is pretty good with Nurses/BBQ for a tunnel-stalker build.