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General Discussions

People want a mori nerf, I want a counter.

Member Posts: 1,922

My idea? If you heal before your downed for the second time you become immune to the mori until hooked again. Being hooked makes you "vunerable to non perk related mori's" but healing yourself will counter that vunerability until your hooked again. Borrowed time, mending, plague vomit instant heal, and insta heals shouldn't countdown towards "healing a full state". Ie only healing a full state should reward you immunity to ending your game. Have it be a new status effect given upon being hooked and removed upon being healed.

This will both encourage wasting time spent gen rushing to heal, along with allowing people a form of counterplay to moris.

Ivory mori should get a buff with this to two people though.

Cypress should work as normal.

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  • Member Posts: 1,922
    edited June 2019

    Well yes but rather then blatantly nerf it into the ground like people are suggesting (use only on last hook etc) I'm suggesting adding counterplay which while yes in and of itself is a nerf it's something moris need. There the only thing in the game of the top of my head that all killers can use that has no counterplay.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,108

    Add a new status effect "Marked by the Entity" and make it persist till healed.

  • Member Posts: 437

    Or just get rid of them and give me back my bps. 😊

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503
    edited June 2019

    When I burn a mori, I try to hook everyone as quickly as possible but then hold back a bit to give everyone a chance to play the game before I start killing them. A counter like this discourages that playstyle and would instead encourage killers to tunnel off the hook to make sure their mori doesn't go to waste. With things like We'll Make It and instaheals, it's pretty easy to heal upon being unhooked if the killer's not camping the hook. With a change like this, a killer who brings a mori would be encouraged to camp the hook. I have trouble seeing a counter to moris that can be countered by camping and tunneling being a good step forward for the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Moris already encourage tunneling, expecially when paired with perks like dying light, stbfl and others. The way I see it if someone's already dedicated to the strategy of "camping and tunneling" atleast they'll get you out of the game faster. Like if there going to do that you'll die anyways so may as well go out with a cool mori.

    An alternative to this actually could be that moris only work on the unhooker. For 60s if you hit them (which would extend the timer) you gain the ability to mori them. Idk just kind of spitballing ideas at this point

  • Member Posts: 43

    Or they're fine the way they are. You can't be running into moris so often they're ruining the game for you.

  • Member Posts: 121

    This just forces killers to soft/hard camp. Unhealthy imo

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Aside from being painfully obvious on the offering screen, the potential of a mori is suppose to scare survivors into being more cautious. Hording the killer's attention is less desirable when you know its 1 hook then death. Also I much prefer to die by mori than hook, if I die at least it was entertaining.

  • Member Posts: 395

    Mori's are fine. They're rarely used anyhow, and when they are they're usually a special occasion for the player. They're expensive and rare for a reason.

  • Member Posts: 73

    There is already a counter...

    Don't get hooked.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    It says they’re rare but they honestly aren’t, same goes for keys and insta-heals.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Those aren't offerings. And no offerings that Surviviors have compare to the Mori

  • Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2019

    Mori's don't need a counter or a nerf. They're rare offerings. The counter is don't get caught.

    The ONLY ones complaining about these things are new players. Take the time to learn the damn game instead of demanding all the fun ######### within the game be changed to suit your delicate sensibilities and lack of drive to learn.

  • Member Posts: 998

    I'd rather see a counter to gen rush... or insta heals... or toolboxes... or other completely unbalanced things survivors have in their arsenal.

    And if anyone says use ruin or apply pressure they clearly don't know how the game looks when experienced players play on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    This feels really unnecessary. There are more pressing things that need a looking at than Moris.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    I have 770 hrs.

    i don't believe they need a nerf, i do however understand the outcry which is why i proposed this.

    @se05239 i know it does but i've seen the outcry. thats why i proposed a solution.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You want to be able to counter (i.e.: render worthless) an ultra-rare, single-use offering by way of gameplay alone?

  • Member Posts: 156

    You know maybe they should just have all the killers have no perks, because who cares about anything but the Survivor main experience. You already have to hate yourself to a degree to play killer in the games current state (high rank). So lets remove Mori today, Ruin tomorrow, Perks and any edge for Killers ever later on.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    This will just encourage heavy tunneling. Gonna be a hard no from me on this one.

  • Member Posts: 917

    As everyone is saying, this is a bad idea, encourage tunneling/camping and the game will be more toxic.

    Mori should be removed, its a unskilled thing for killers without hands. Should work on the last hook. Thats it.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't like that this idea encourages tunneling someone off the hook. I mean, to be fair, you can do that already with moris, but at least someone with a mori currently might potentially think "Well, I have them next time I see them, so I don't necessarily need to hunt them down the moment they are off the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    Leave the moris alone

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    I always thought that DS should be a counter to Mori myself. Just a one-time "Get out of jail free" shot to get away from a killer with Mori.

  • Member Posts: 192

    That just encourages constant heavy tunneling/proxy camping, no thanks. Even though one interesting side effect is that it would certainly nerf the no heal "strat" vs plague 😄

    They're strong, just like instaheals and pimped out toolboxes. DBD is not a game chasing perfect balance, some matches are simply more rough for one side or the other depending on add-ons/offerings and that's fine.

  • Member Posts: 917

    Just remove that #########, dont require skills

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    whats soo bad about mories?

    sure it's annoying if you are the first one to get morried but it doesn't happen that often and you even get to see the cool animation as you die

  • Member Posts: 23

    Sorry what m8, I have been getting 1 or 2 kills bringing a mori becuae the gems just get done WAY to fast.

    If you want to counter the mori just dont. Get. Spotted. And you gotta realize that this is an ultra rare offering right, doingt that nerf would completely ruin the emersion of being an actual serial killer.

    If this nerd is to be in the game then we should also nerf the instant heal shouldn't we? That's right your oh so reliable insta heal that you HAVE to run each time or else your going to die. No they nerfed it enough already and it will be as useless as the brand new part at that point.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Moris should be removed from the game, and insta heals should be nerfed. Neither should exist imo.

  • Member Posts: 328

    I don't agree with the startpost that after an unhook, if you heal, you can't get moried. That will promote tunneling because people want to use their mori no matter what.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    That'll incentivize tunneling a lot more, which ain't my thing.

    Imma vote no.

  • Member Posts: 1,109

    I have over 2000 hrs. What is your point exactly? Still bad idea. Learn to play stealthy.

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    "...hold back a bit to give everyone a chance to play the game..."

    @TragicSolitude I don't understand players like you, I bet you are one of those "killers" that allow the last survivor to leave using the hatch. You make me sick. The survivors are not your friends and will never be! We kill them!!! We take pleasure from their agony!!!

    Also, don't mess with my moris little survivors!

  • Member Posts: 946

    Your proposal would just buff instaheals and what about No Mither? Just out of luck?

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