Tunneling and camping

I think the devs need to do something to stop the killers from tunneling/focusing on one survivor at a time and just camping survivors on the hook and there needs to be a a equal amount of pallets to hooks and stop favoring the killers and give the survivors more to do and fight back with
I think tunneling is reportable if you have video evidence is it not?
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Nice try.
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@NightIsBeautiful it is not. Tunneling and camping are both strategies (although camping is generally a bad one). Preforming a strategy like that is not a bannable offence even if it annoys you.
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Getting tunnelled? DS for the win.
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Discarded reports reasons
* Camping
* Slugging
* Tunneling
* Streamsniping
* Teabagging
* Bodyblocking
* Looping
* Tapping generators with ruin
We do not control anything that happens outside of Dead by Daylight.
This includes private Steam messages/groups/names, PS4/XBOX messages, Discord messages, Twitch/social media interactions, etc. Anything that occurs on these platforms must be reported to the respective authorities.
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My bad, I thought the bannable offense: "Targetting player to ruin their game experience" was tunneling but I guess its more like stream sniping and such :)
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try baiting less obvious next time, thanks.
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I'll humor this.
First, the amount of hooks to palettes isn't what you think it is. There has always been more palettes than hooks. How you can't notice that is beyond me. Second, the killer doesn't have to respect your made up honor rules. The killer is there to kill us not challenge us to duel. If you're getting tunneled then that is just what's happening. Plenty of options to deal with it if you're working with a competent team. Third, camping is one of those things that is a necessary evil. You can't get rid of without changing the core gameplay, but some situations make camping the best thing to do.
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Yeah well it ruins the game play experience and takes the fun out of it play it like a real horror movie and go after everyone and bounce between gens
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@deadmen2681 Show me a horror movie where people run in circles to avoid the killer. Oh yeah, in most horror movies, the killer does single out and kill one target at a time.
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LOL it would be if you didn't have to use it within 40-60 seconds. I can out run a killer after getting off a hook, but that doesn't stop them from continuing the chase even longer than that. It needs to be able to be activated after the first hook and only after that. That way you can use it when it's really needed, and not let it go to waste just to need it at 67 seconds.
Honestly the devs are looking into the multiple dcs in a game, but I've seen so many survivors dc ONLY because of the camping and tunnelling. The devs need to remember that this is a game, people play it to have fun, some play it more competitively, but if a player is being tunneled or camped they're not having fun, which leads them to dcing. The killer should be losing either bloodpoints (more than a few, try like 3-5k each time) that a killer tunnels a survivor off the hook, or stands within a certain distance of the hooked survivor. It's not that hard to get a 4k without tunneling and camping.
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Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm street. Freddy targets all of them through out the entire movie, and yes kills them one at a time, but he focuses on all of them. Jason in the many of his movies will actually end up in a room with two or more people and will go after them all and then chase one down, even if he's already wounded another one. Wrong Turn, Jeepers Creepers focused on more than one at a time, mainly in the second movie, and still got his kills even though he didn't tunnel them down if he saw another one close by he wanted and could get to faster. Myers in all his later movies goes after multiple people in a room, chasing whomever is closer to him. Not leaving one alive he's chasing to tunnel someone he wounded. There's tons of horror movies where the killers will go after one person, but then find more, and chase them down which gives the "tunneled" person a chance to hide and possible get away.
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Being tunneled and camped is very annoying, but the devs say it's not bannable, so we can't do anything. What bugs me is killers doing this during the events, when everyone wants to get points and then they just die with few points, because the killer could not go for someone else for a bit. While being tunneled, if you can escape for a time, you get points, being camped, aside from struggle, will not give you any points at all and is such a waste.
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If u get camped, then other can do gens. Then he can have fun with possible1-2 gens and 3 survs left, that even haven't been on a hook 1 time...
There is only 1 situation where I would say that camping makes sense. When exit gates are open and u play a killer without map control. If u chase anybody he will e5 away and u will even lose the person on the hook. Solution: don't open gates when somebody is down. Make it 99%...
Tunneling is an issue. This can happen in different ways. U can be the obsession and he wants his dl. Or there is simply no other target the killer sees. Or u just have bad luck. Or u just made the wrong decision... This can happen. It's much easier for the killer to get the target all ready hurt. U need ur mates support even after the hook. So he shouldn't directly run into the next loop while you aren't safe for example...
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You just have to remember this is a game designed as and advertised as an -- A-symmetrical pvp game--. This is not a table top game and the killer is not your DM providing challenges and balancing his play style for the group enjoyment. This often seems to be the idea promoted via player based honor codes. Those codes are for kill your friends when your friends don wanna be all competitive. Remember the killer has win and lose conditions and the methods they employee is up to them, be those methods fun, not fun, effective or dismal.
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I do think it'd be better for the game as a whole if tunneling wasn't such an efficient playstyle sometimes.
Because honestly, few things are more efficient than getting rid of an easy target early on in the game.
But for real, no point on shaming people for tunneling. People who do it want to win and have fun as much as you do. If anything, shame the devs for not making any changes to make tunneling less optimal in certain scenarios.
It's just like games ending in 5 minutes and survivors abusing extremely safe loops and infinites. Is it fun for killer when that happens? Hell no. But it's not the survivors' fault, it's a problem with the game.
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Every since the new pipping system came out, I've noticed a decrees in campers. Which is a huge plus, so for that I am thrilled about. The tunneling though, is insane, and now most killers slug the entire game. Any and all perks that help a survivor out, gets nerfed...and people are still complaining that DS shouldn't be in the game...If you are getting a survivor that just stabbed you, that means you were tunneling them straight off a hook between 40-60 seconds. You deserve to get stabbed. Does that stop you from tunneling people? Absolutely not, most killers will still go after that person, and continue that same game play every game, and still complain each time they get a DS.
Anything that helps the survivors out such as MoM gets trashed because the killers complain it's to strong. If you're being tunneled the entire game, MoM does help, or sorry DID help, but it was never a guarantee that you're still going to get out alive. Any perk that has been beneficial for the survivor has been nerfed into the ground because killers complain, and then they tunnel and camp and killers/devs just say it's "just their gaming style deal with it?"
Most people who are killer mains, will sit there and tell you "Well it's our goal to kill you" yes, and it's a survivor's goal to do everything they can to escape. Survivors can't fight back, they're not allowed weapons (I mean look at my boy Ash, his boomstick and chainsaw is gone), they're not allowed to find weapons in the map, or have perks that allow them weapons. Survivors get perks such as saving people, or running faster for a short time...yet the killers get a higher speed rate and blood lust....so there is no out running them unless you're looping, and only if you're good at it.
Someday killers might realize that they get more points and pips if they stop tunneling and camping. People are going to get really sick of survivors getting the shaft and end up quitting the game all together. I know a lot of my friends no longer play this game due to this game style alone. It's sad because I love this game, yet all the tunneling is a major issue.
I know a lot of people can say that survivors complain to much too, and that their perks get nerfed (all though I'm not sure which ones got nerfed nearly as badly as DS and MoM have been). I get that, people complain on both ends, that's never going to change, but the devs need to step in and change how the game is played so that people can enjoy the game as it was meant to be enjoyed. I ABSOLUTELY love the jump scares, the screaming I do when Myers or Spirit come out of no where, and I have no problem dying to an amazing killer, but I hate dying due to being tunneled the entire time. It's just crappy game play and needs to be addressed.
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If you want to take away tunneling or camping and then take away looping and reduce pallets to under 15 per map
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Oh so if Michael was chasing Laurie and someone ran in between to attempt to stop him, Michael would simply try to go around that person, not attack them, and continue after Laurie? Gotcha, never knew horror movies were like that.
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I don't get how so many of "supposedly intelligent humans" aren't able to use their brain at all. Please stop making a fool out of yourselves it is embaressing.
- Obviously nobody right in their mind would stick to playing a game where the chances of having fun are low. -> The more they have no fun the faster they will leave the game.
- Getting camped and/or tunneled are as boring and unfun as not doing anything but gens. -> The more those games happen the more ppl are getting annoyed and bored and will leave the game.
- Non-brain users saying that it's an ok 'strategy' to tunnel and/or camp are ignoring two facts:
- People that are experiencing tunneling/Camping nearly every game are likely to get bored and leave the game sooner or later. Sure some new players start every now and then but if nothing changes they'll leave as well.
- Playing Killer is (at least till now) only possible with 4 others human beings. That currently need to be ok with playing that unwinnable game that is boring and a waste of time.
You people playing Killer like that (using tunneling and/or camping regularly and without any reason) need to use ur brain if u want to play this game as killer in the future.
Sure: Everyone can play the way they want but others want to play too so why ruin it for others? If u behave disrespectful and kill the fun of the game you are killing it for others in the future as well.
That is the same as knowing that something is killing our planet but still doing it. Use your brains goddammit... .
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When I play killer I personally dont camp or tunnel, but that's because I dislike it being done to me so why would I add that experience to another person? Secondly if your being tunneled it means the killer goes after you despite the unhooker being right next to you. If your the only one in sight you have no right to complain either should of left or hid prior to the killers reappearance to the hook.
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It's not. But to the extent that it can happen, it really should be...insidious needs changing to only be active in a specific scenario where you can mindgame; that'd be a healthy change. Although if you want that type of thing you may as well play ghostface now, I guess?
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This. If it';s in all their games, they'll either be frustrated or bored of just having to gen rush the hell out of it and being FORCED to ruin Borrowed Time if they want a sliver of a chance to save the person on the hook.
If it's Leatherface though? Don't bother; he'll just down you both. And it's boring to play/watch, too...we all know it. You have to have no semblance of a life to main that, and I've encountered so many people who dedicate their entire time on the game to just that, but have been previously been banned for abuse etc, on other steam accounts.
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Looping isn't an equivalent to camping and tunneling, but a side note is that pallets sure can be too many on some maps, while on others they're too far and between. All maps need reworks in that regard.
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Well, this discussion has given me a new perspective. I am now going to play killer like i know they are not escaping without finishing the generators first, but i will give them a chance by just going for the savior instead. I think going for the savior is the best now because it allows the rescued survivor to have a chance to play and have fun, while also giving the savior the payoff for his bravery and altruism. I think the game needs to be darker though, maybe make it more stressful by making the maps darker and thicker mists like in the middle of a foggy night when an unstoppable serial killer is on the loose. These asymmetrical games are all about fun, because you can not balance the game 50/50 completely, so i think we should stop caring about winning and chill out a bit if it is getting too far and we forget other people's experiences. I would love to see the players of this game to be friendly to each other, and not make assumptions that everyone is a tryhard anymore so they go in to the game with the most used meta addons and perks. Yes sure both sides are going to be mad forever, but at least if we all played in a friendly, empathetic, and casual way we would have more fun and less stress at the end of a game.
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Tunneling (and camping) is just SO unfun to go against. Especially when it's for literally no reason. If you don't have DS in these cases it's just GG.
I wish something was done about tunneling instead of doing the "let's fix this with a perk" that the devs do for any problem.
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I play both survivor and killer (rank 11 survivor and rank 10 killer) and honestly tunneling is literally chasing the weaker survivor rather than the 2 hit survivor.
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The game is actually 'balanced' if all 4 survivors can "survive" for equal time.
I mean if the survivors hooked like this: survivor1 (1st hook), survivor2 (1st hook), survivor3 (1st hook), survivor4 (1st hook) then survivor1 (2nd hook)...ect. It will leave a great experience for all survivors, even if all of them die in the end, because they did alot through the trial.
Or even if the survivors hooked like: survivor1 (1st hook), survivor2 (1st hook), survivor1 (2nd hook), survivor3 (1st hook), survivor1 (dead hook)...ect. It still give the survivor 1 a play time, which gives survivor 1 good experience through the trial.
Because the lower number of survivors, the better chance for Killer to win, that tunneling - hooking the same suvivor until he dies to make it a 3man game. Totally destroy the experience for that survivor.
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Seems killers want 50-60 min. waiting times
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Ill bite at the bait as well...as a meg main...dude it happens it is a strategy you will encounter at all rank regardless...if they are camping you need to gen rush unless your playing with other useless survs that dont understand this red rank players can usually recognize what a killer is doing and act accordingly....survs you guys need to stop whining ab getting tunneled and camped...ita going to happen no matter many times you whine or trash talk the killer about it ( likely killer will do it more now) just move on to next game and adjust your perks to help you out more. So stop t bagging killers that played the way YOU wanted them to play and you won and maybe we will end up with less salty killers....salty killers are a result of d bag survivors in my opinion....so change the d bag things you may be doing and maybe slowly things will get better as far as toxicity goes....that rant was fun...
Thank you
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I think the issue with darker maps is it will affect killers negatively, for the most part.
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Pretty much why I began running it; I've been stuck at lower ranks for a while thanks to a bug so every rank reset I notice the tunnel and camp get worse and worse - DS and BT are my defaults because there's basically no other option.
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You mean DC for the win? It's a pathetic "strategy".
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Yes but if they actually make pallets less safe with the map reworks then stealth could be optimal and more encouraged than ever for staying alive.
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I wouldn't mind the tunneling/camping if you get overall more Bloodpoints as a survivor...
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I got a match vs a ghost face where he was tunnel me with BT AND DS... so nope.
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It would be nice if DS was an automatic ability for survivors, what since 95% of killers camp and tunnel anymore. At the very least, they should prevent survivors from depipping when tunneled. If a survivor starts next to the killer (which happens aaaall the time...and I usually ignore them to give them a fair start since the spawning shenanigans isn't their fault), then get camped and tunneled...they should safety pip just because they didn't get a fair chance.
Post edited by Tawnieeee on1 -
Yeah to be honest. Time is not your friend as a killer. You know that if somebody is hooked, 2 people work on Gens and 1 will save him. When you are no able to have constantly somebody on the hook, you will lose the game.
And there are many szenarios in that it would be totally dumb to fall the saving dude. Just had this yesterday. I hooked 1 sure near the shack. He is getting unhooked and the saving directly runs I to the shack and the other one into the dead zone of destroyed pallets I created while chasing him... Rly there is no reason to fallow the savior. He can propably hold me in the shack like minutes. The other one was an easy pickup.
But why should this be my bad? They were just dumb. The unhooked dude should have used the shack to escape and the other one should have taken the chase...
Why am I the bad guy and the bad tunneler in this story. It was clearly there mistake?
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Tunneling if something like a bad unhook happens and you can freely pick between the unhooked person and the unhooker just makes sense. Turning off your brain and doing ascended ######### like trying to squeeze past bodyblockers with 5 gens still up instead of hitting them, picking up DS bait so obvious a monkey in a coma could see it coming and going full caveman rage and trying to bloodlust completely safe pallets does not make sense.
Camping if gates are open or everyone is obviously crouching around the hook makes sense. Hard camping with 5 gens and continuing to do it when 3 gens pop is throwing the game either due to being bad, blinded by rage or as "trolling".
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I'm a switch so i play both and i don't like to tunnel and camp it's boring. However i've gotten to a point where every survivor seems to just want to loop every pallet and window so i either have to camp/tunnel the weak links just to get any points or just camp and tunnel the people who will continue to try and loop everything the second they get off the hook.
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Camping isn't effective. I don't get why people say that camping is something bad Killers use as a crutch, because I wouldn't expect those Killers to actually benefit from it.
Tunneling on the otherhand IS effective. I still don't get why people say that bad Killers tunnel, because you would expect good Killers to use good strategies. And thus that Good Killers are also the Killers that tunnel. And thus that tunneling is a sign of a good killer (instead of a Killer that doesn't understand the importance of getting an early kill.
Specifically, once you get a Kill it is very easy to stop all generator progress so long as you don't camp. All you need to do is hook a survivor and then chase someone, 1 survivor is being chased, 1 survivor is on a hook and 1 survivor is rescuing for 0 survivors on gens.
In any case. Bringing up the thing about Tunneling being unfun for the tunneled player is completely useless unless it's to establish the importance of a mechanics change in order to curb it.
So to those who say Tunneling is unfun answer this question. As a Killer what change do you propose implementing in order to make me not want to tunnel? Keep in mind that I don't give a ######### about bloodpoints and emblems and am just trying to optimize my kill rate as much as I possibly can at all costs.
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Tunnelling and camping are legit strategies, and are not bannable. Sometimes tunnelling is needed in order to quickly snowball the game, since the survivor has the advantage till someone dies. Camping is important in EGC because if you've done poorly you have to defend your catch, or risk coming out with nothing.
If you don't want people to tunnel/camp, Give killer's a shorter timer on EGC, and make gens take longer/hooks last shorter, so the killer has the freedom of moving away with a timer ticking that might help with pressure, and so he doesn't feel the need to immediately remove a player. Killers use these strategies because these strategies work most of the time, and help tip the game in their favor, or secure a much needed catch.
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Just had a match where 2 gens popped after I hooked the first surv with a 20-25 second chase.
When you set the killer under such a big preasure he doesn't have that many options than taking 1 guy out of the game asap...
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@lasombra1979 What about that T.V. show where 4 detectives and their talking dog drive around in their can solving mysteries?
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Honestly, stream sniping SHOULD be bannable.
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The problem is proving it.
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@Paladin_Goo But only if you don't thank the streamer for all the information they gave you. Good manners are important. I never forget to do it, I usually get banned from their chat afterwards... go figure
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I hope you're being sarcastic.
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Wow XD....
It's not my fault if you decide to give me that information. Also bit my fault if you name yourself twitch.tv/XXX...
Really for what reason you wanna ban that people XD.
This must be sarcastic