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Totems after Patch 2.0.0

Boss Member Posts: 13,614

Remember this part?

The devs either skipped Wretched Shop, Autohaven Wreckers or hill spawns, or the change just didn't do anything.

I swear to you, i BOLTED to this, as fast as i could as a cloaked Wraith.
Yet the bloody Claudette was already on it and a bloody Bill was right behind her.
Yeah, TWO spawned within at least 16 meters of my hill Hex Totem. ######### ridiculous. (I say 16 meters, cause there were no signs of scratchmarks whatsoever, and walking isn't very fast.)

I managed to save the Hex Totem though. But...

  1. TWO spawned very close to it.
  2. It's on a ######### hill, come on.

Ugh, anyway: How "bad" have your Hex Totem spawns been?
Would love to have more people have the same happen to them, so they may look more into it.


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    You seem surprised that the "fix" didn't work. I take you're new here?
    In all honesty I think they just need to change how hex works as this is like the forth "hex placement" patch will no real result. Some maps are just not built for the hex totems current design while other are pretty decent.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited July 2018

    @MegaWaffle said:
    You seem surprised that the "fix" didn't work. I take you're new here?
    In all honesty I think they just need to change how hex works as this is like the forth "hex placement" patch will no real result. Some maps are just not built for the hex totems current design while other are pretty decent.

    You are mistaken.
    Went to the Steam forums for the first time after a few months of this game's release, never stopped coming back to it, then moved to this website after it was created.

    I'm not surprised, i'm aggravated.
    In addition, it's important to point things out that aren't how they're supposed to be, or else they might just leave it how it is.

  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149
    edited July 2018
    Same here. Just look at this. It's in the middle of nowhere. It's not even hidden.
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Don't worry that first comment was sarcasm. I too am frustrated with how poorly totems work, hence why I believe they need a bigger change then simply "hide them better" as its already failed several times.

  • Why_Are_You_Salty
    Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138

    I think we did a pretty good job so far.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @guest602 said:
    Same here. Just look at this. It's in the middle of nowhere. It's not even hidden.

    Ugh, this gets me annoyed immediately.
    "Improved totem placement in various maps" Improved for Survivors, i guess. They removed all good spots instead. >_<

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    While the hill is generally a bad spot for totems because it's so visible, that can also sometimes work out for you as killer depending on which side the hill entrance is and where on the map the hill is. It might turn out every survivor sees it in the first 30 seconds but because of the location it will be very hard to get to without you seeing it and coming after them.

    That said totems need do better placements. If it spawns by the hill it should be near the big rock at the entrance so it's less visible.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Since hiding the totems clearly doesn't work why not add something to the mix. For example in order to cleanse a hex you must first find a item hidden on the map (lets use a doll as an example) that doll must then be brought to the totem in order to begin the "cleansing ritual" that will also have skill checks. This is a very simple idea that will make finding the totem not as meaningful unless you also have the "doll". It would also require the survivor with the doll to perform the cleanse or at least drop the doll for another survivor. It would prolong totem life and give survivors something else to do, or if they choose to ignore the totem then to just work through it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Since hiding the totems clearly doesn't work why not add something to the mix. For example in order to cleanse a hex you must first find a item hidden on the map (lets use a doll as an example) that doll must then be brought to the totem in order to begin the "cleansing ritual" that will also have skill checks. This is a very simple idea that will make finding the totem not as meaningful unless you also have the "doll". It would also require the survivor with the doll to perform the cleanse or at least drop the doll for another survivor. It would prolong totem life and give survivors something else to do, or if they choose to ignore the totem then to just work through it.

    I'd like to see the cleanse interaction (only for Hex Totems) put a penalty on the Survivor if they stop in any manner (getting hit, just leaving etc.) before completing said interaction.
    What that penalty is i do not know, but it should be something severe, like a curse.
    I mean, they cleanse it instead of just kicking it over, which suggests to me it's not a good idea to mess with it.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Boss said:

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Since hiding the totems clearly doesn't work why not add something to the mix. For example in order to cleanse a hex you must first find a item hidden on the map (lets use a doll as an example) that doll must then be brought to the totem in order to begin the "cleansing ritual" that will also have skill checks. This is a very simple idea that will make finding the totem not as meaningful unless you also have the "doll". It would also require the survivor with the doll to perform the cleanse or at least drop the doll for another survivor. It would prolong totem life and give survivors something else to do, or if they choose to ignore the totem then to just work through it.

    I'd like to see the cleanse interaction (only for Hex Totems) put a penalty on the Survivor if they stop in any manner (getting hit, just leaving etc.) before completing said interaction.
    What that penalty is i do not know, but it should be something severe, like a curse.
    I mean, they cleanse it instead of just kicking it over, which suggests to me it's not a good idea to mess with it.

    Maybe as a curse they become the killer and are forced to play the rest of the match against their own salty team?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @Boss said:

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Since hiding the totems clearly doesn't work why not add something to the mix. For example in order to cleanse a hex you must first find a item hidden on the map (lets use a doll as an example) that doll must then be brought to the totem in order to begin the "cleansing ritual" that will also have skill checks. This is a very simple idea that will make finding the totem not as meaningful unless you also have the "doll". It would also require the survivor with the doll to perform the cleanse or at least drop the doll for another survivor. It would prolong totem life and give survivors something else to do, or if they choose to ignore the totem then to just work through it.

    I'd like to see the cleanse interaction (only for Hex Totems) put a penalty on the Survivor if they stop in any manner (getting hit, just leaving etc.) before completing said interaction.
    What that penalty is i do not know, but it should be something severe, like a curse.
    I mean, they cleanse it instead of just kicking it over, which suggests to me it's not a good idea to mess with it.

    Maybe as a curse they become the killer and are forced to play the rest of the match against their own salty team?

    But...But then i can't Devour Hope. :'(:p

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I mean, atleast you didn't have two of your hexes spawn next to each other, with a third dull too. It was a triangle of totems, quite literally.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Some of the hex spawns have been very good, others not as much. I do think there has been some improvement. I did have a round where it spawned next to a generator and another in the open. I have also seen ones hidden really well. It seems to vary by map.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @fcc2014 said:
    Some of the hex spawns have been very good, others not as much. I do think there has been some improvement. I did have a round where it spawned next to a generator and another in the open. I have also seen ones hidden really well. It seems to vary by map.

    The maps after Hag have been the better ones, cause they take Totem spawns into consideration now.
    The earlier maps all didn't have Totems at all, and they needed to put them somewhere before the patch release, so they didn't have a lot of time.
    But that's no excuse to leave it so horrible for a year.

    Anyway, i don't see improvements at all.
    While i most certainly don't get hill spawns 24/7, most aren't hidden at all, but rather just obscured by 1 wall (whether that be a brick wall, a wall of junk, a few rocks etc.) to prevent you from being able to see it from the middle.

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    I don't think the problem is figuring out where to put the totems, but as others have pointed out the spaghetti code which means that relocating the spawns might be a lot larger project than any of us can imagine.
  • radioedit91
    radioedit91 Member Posts: 13

    Perhaps if there was a protective spell around hex totems (granted by the entity) for the first....I don't know...a minute and twenty seconds? It makes some sense right? The entity has these killers whom are using Hexes...shouldn't the entity help protect them at least a little bit?? If all hex perks started with a protective spell or whatever it would enable killers (especially newish ones) to get better map awareness of where things are (gens, loops, places to patrol etc.) instead of having to pretty much decide to bolt towards Ruin or head somewhere else in hopes to trick survivors into thinking a totem maybe where you're going. That's one of the biggest things in the beginning as killer; deciding where to go first. As we all know, survivors can flat spawn right on totems so more often than not killers are heading to the area where there totem is praying it isn't already being worked on/ seen. In higher ranks, Ruin generally gets worked through regardless but if you're trying to make Devour or Huntress Lullaby work even a little, you need amazing map RNG/ poor survivor searching skills.The times where Devour hope or any other hex park really shines is far and few in between the times where they are just obliterated after one chase/ first 30 seconds. Especially for less mobile killers which is literally all of them besides Billy and Nurse (Hags mobility depends on add ons/ urban evasion) Hex perks need some kind of protection in the beginning. It could be a time limit or maybe the protective spell goes away after your first downed survivor. It could be finding an item on survivors end first or something but this has been my idea.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Oh, i thought of something pretty neat, though it'll never happen.
    You know how Nightmare and Shape have some Obsession-based Add-ons?
    Why not give all Killers 1 extra Add-on that is based on Hexes?

    For Nightmare for example, there'd be one that would make all Totems not appear nor be interactable with while you are awake.

    Or with Pig, it will put Entity Blockers on all Totems.
    And then, as a Survivor, if you find the right Jigsaw Box and successfully take off the Reverse Bear Trap, the Entity will think you played well and, as a reward, will remove the Entity Blockers on the Totems.

    Stuff like that.

  • radioedit91
    radioedit91 Member Posts: 13

    Oh one more thing...remember when you first start playing the game would tell you what killer youre facing as survivor for a little while via the loading screen? I believe that after so many days of playing the game should stop telling you when the killer has Huntress Lullaby/ Ruin as soon as you touch a gen. It'll help keep awareness up and help add a little more "oh #########" factor when realizing the skill check sounds are going away. Devour hope is the only hex totem that doesn't make itself known until it's at 3 tokens (IF it makes it that far.) Stop telling survivors they're affected by "The Third Seal", let them figure out why they can't see anything. Stop giving away Huntress Lullaby before it even has a chance to work IF it gets a chance.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Totems seem relatively the same, and I would argue that hill totems are very dangerous. They're open for being spotted or defended at range. Furthermore, they're incredibly dangerous to cleanse if a killer is actively keeping an eye on it in the area. Dropping off of a hill can be fatal for any survivor not running Balanced Landing, and greatly reduces the effectiveness of Sprint Burst if they're forced to run off of it.

    However, I've seen some bad totem placement, too. Rolled MacMillan with the warehouse of windows in the center. There were two totems within 5-8 feet of each other, and my friend (that I frequently co-op with) said he'd cleansed a third one inside the same building that wasn't the two clustered. I mean, I understand two totems potentially spawning near one another, but three? That greatly reduces the chance of NOED being effective, or increases the chance of a Hex getting cleansed quickly due to its proximity to other totems in a high traffic area. That's virtually indefensible for most killers.

    Personally, I'd rather see the hex system die off and get baked into the game, so that killers have more reliable perks. Or that totem effectiveness should be proportional to the number of totems remaining, so that survivors are forced to cleanse totems against them. (But then this further increases the power/value of hex totems--another problem to fix.)

  • Daniel101773
    Daniel101773 Member Posts: 277

    You think that is bad? 3 times now on groaning storehouse I've seen three, THREE of the five totems spawn inside the main building, about 10 feet from one another.