Rank 1

Well, I made it to Rank 1. During the double BP weekend, I made a post asking about toxicity and what I could do to mitigate it. I thought I had been doing something wrong. I came to a realization after trying to be "nice." It doesn't matter. I will play how I want, and I play efficiently. Ever since then, I've gone from a Rank 10 killer to Rank 1. Turns out, playing by your own rules is FAR more fun and FAR better than playing by someone else's. Anyway, sorry for the small rant. I am pretty excited that I made it to Rank 1, although I've heard some, well, interesting things about it; though I look forward to the challenges it could present.
That's it...
Just saw this discussion at truetalents stream too. This game simply doesn't reward you for playing nice or sth...
Just had a game where I have seen why it's simply useless to play nice. I didn't tunnel and camp. All chases were not long rly. But the time is simply not enough to win the game. Finally 2 escaped... The time you need to do all Gens is simply a joke.
So what do you have to do to get a 3k/4k?
You si. Ply have to tunnel someone down... That simple. This slows the game down and you get the chance to pip...
Or you play Billy/nurse/spirit...
This is how the game harasses you to play...
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your moral is good.....the game is not.
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I would say to any killer, starting at rank 6, you have to play nasty. No way around it. You're often dealing with multiple instaheals and Adrenaline. Ruin will usually be a non-factor if you run it.
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What held me back the most was the no camping or tunneling under any circumstance. I always felt bad if I did it, but, it is simply efficient to tunnel. Camping only works if the survivors are uber altrustic.
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Honestly, i've been dealing with two instant heals and two BNP recently. Wake Up has excacerbated the gen management problem.