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What are your thoughts of adrenaline?

Do you think it is as cheap as noed, or do you think it is fine as is, or you have some other opinion on it?

I ask this because nobody talks about adrenaline as much as some other perks.

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  • Member Posts: 1,693

    I think Adrenaline is good, awards team effort to do generators. NOED should get a requirement like hook at least survivors 4 times? But both seem fine anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    If Hope is permanent, then it would be top tier. Either heal one health state and slight speed boost or permanent speed boost? Why would you lose hope after 2 minutes after generators are done? You should still have hope of escaping even after 2 minutes!

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    For the most part, I think Adrenaline is fine.

    Part of the reason killers hate it is because good survivors tend to use the perk. And I'm sure we've all had games where four adrenalines activated all at once lol.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Adrenaline would be fine if it had a hard counter. NOED is the only thing that keeps Adrenaline from being OP by being a soft counter.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Adrenaline, however obnoxious at times as a killer, is perfectly fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Their fine perks, I just don't get why it gives Sprint Burst even with Exhaustion. Only change I would make would be Always heal yourself, but you don't get the burst if you have Exhaustion already.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    I honestly think it's fine as it is. It is a reward for survivors who finish the objective and doesn't proc until the doors are powered. This means that for the rest of the game the survivor only has three perks and what killer can complain about that? The most annoying part about the perk is having it popped in your face right when you were about to down someone. If that happens though it is typically because you didn't put enough pressure on the gens as killer (this doesn't mean there isn't exceptions). Both NOED and Adrenaline are fine simply because they both have counters (more or less). To counter NOED, you just have to take the time to cleanse five totems and to counter Adrenaline you just have to put pressure on the gens and ensure the last one doesn't pop.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Eh, I love the "Ignores Exhaustion" part of it. Really helps if you are in a chase, healing and distance gaining!

  • Member Posts: 437

    This is a leftover from the exhaustion perks triggering after a certain time. It in itself isn't really op, since you can't use another exhaustion perk until you recover so it kind of screws you if you aren't the one being chased or was injured.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    It does have a counter. Kill them all before the gens are completed.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    I have actually been killed because of adrenaline before. Triggers exhaustion, I then get chased before it recovers...nothing left for a balanced landing I really needed.

  • Member Posts: 833

    Both Adrenaline and NOED are end game perks that suitably reward players in the end game for being down a perk all game. Neither one is an issue; and both survivors and killers who complain about them need to git gud .

  • Member Posts: 946

    Adrenaline does the same thing as NOED but without counterplay or skill requirements. Just don't die until all gates are powered/EGC.

    Not only does it heal you one health state and it screws over Freddy by waking you up.

    It nullifies all the effort from the killer.

    Just imagine a perk that hits all survivors when the gates are powered.

    In high ranks you can almost always count on Adrenaline and with that in mind is manageable.

    It's super effective, but I personally don't like the perk, not because all the above, but that it promotes a non heal and gen rush meta.

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    I hate adrenaline. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT. But you just have to kill them faster, no complaints from me.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Since they are basically the mirrored version of each other, I think both are fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    I don't run it much myself because i suck at chases and do better at sneaking around, doing gen's, unhooking, totems. But i do find myself doing a last gen while a little yellow marker darts back and forth as its being chased thinking, "God I hope they have adrenaline"

    On the killer side, yeah it can be frustrating, but like NOED, they enter with a perk that might not even get to proc and lasted long enough for it to activate. So no real issue with it here.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    I do, but it wasn't enough this time. It does really take the wind out of the killer's sail when adrenaline and hope both go off.

  • Member Posts: 182

    I think adren for most part is alright. But i do think that survivors should not get full health after being unhooked. That and its more or less rewarding survivors for doing their objective.

    NOED is fine but feels like a necassarity for certain killers, but thats fault of how fast gens are done. Not the perk itself, just wish we could keep at least a fraction of the speed buff after its cleansed.

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    @NuclearBurrito How does Adrenaline reward good play while NOED rewards bad play since BOTH can just as easily activate with 0 gens done when the killer closes the hatch? These 2 perks are 2sides to the same coin, 1 GIVING a health state while the other DENIES a health state.

  • Member Posts: 275

    They are not even close to being 2 sides to the same coin.

    Adren can only heal you +1 health state

    NOED can get u down -2 health states

    NOED is 300% stronger than adren.

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    @jeyers as opposed to -1 with no perk at all... You get the EXTRA -1 from the perk

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I think it's unhealthy.

    It's incredibly common and causes a huge sway in momentum when the game is already in your favour.

    The sprint is obscene and nearly guarantees escaping chases.

    The heal encourages racing through the last gens instead of spending time healing which is meant to be an important part of keeping a match slow.

    It overly rewards SWF who can coordinate popping adrenaline at the right time in many different situations.

    Healing when adrenaline pops while on the hook, or worse, before having a hook jammed through your shoulder, and being healthy as soon as you touch the ground is ridiculous. Incapacitated survivors should not get the effect if they can't heal when it triggers.

  • Member Posts: 275

    But you're not hitting -1 youre hitting -2 and that is Way too strong.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    @LordGlint I guess in the specific situation of the hatch closing it's not.

    But either way Adrenaline isn't going to help you all that much if it triggers that way, nor will NOED. Since if the Killer can find the Survivor before he opens the gate, then that survivor is almost certainly going to die no matter what perks they are running.

    Meanwhile in the standard activation method, Adrenaline activates because of the Survivors completing almost all of their objectives successfully, and is a big help there.

    Even so, I'm not one of the people who complains about NOED. That perk can be countered by doing totems. Adrenaline can be countered by just doing your objective in time (which in theory should be a reasonable task).

    They do counter each other perfectly though. So I guess there is that.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    It's a situational, one time use. As Killer It rarely seems to be an issue for me.

  • Member Posts: 8,602
    edited June 2019

    In short, I hate it. There should be a risk involved in not healing and pushing gens, not a reward. You shouldn't be able to get multiple slugs up with it. That's ridiculous. Who is in the power role in this game? The killer, or the survivor who can let the killer hit them, instaheal, tap a gen, get healed again, then sprint away? It's not as simple as just doing your job as a killer and preventing the gens from being completed, because 4x Adrenaline causes a complete playstyle shift in the survivors, and depending on the killer, you are not going to be able to have enough people on death hook by the last gen.

  • Member Posts: 192
    edited June 2019

    It's fine, really the perfect one-use perk if you ask me as it actually requires something objective-based. It actually feels like a reward.

    And I heavily disagree with the people that want it to get wasted if the survivor is hooked/being carried. Considering it's a one-time perk it should activate no matter what if the conditions it requires are met, they could change its functionality to not activate on premature EGC activation, just like Bitter Murmur.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    It's really annoying to be honest

    But it's not game breaking so I don't think they'll change it, at least not too much

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