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Member Posts: 674

Yesterday i played against a Plague and she had to lagswitch to actually get me after falling for a 360. I reported them in game and i also have video evidence which i will provide below if someone wants to see for themselves. I am just not sure who to contact to get players like these banned.

Btw. i got hooked in the basement, someone came to rescue but i knew she was close, so i went into a locker to use my DS, but i just ended up on the hook again with the DS skillcheck appearing after the hooking animation LOL.

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  • Member Posts: 86

    For this I would highly recommend sending a ticket to BHVR or reporting a cheat to EAC.

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    I will say it is possible it was just a lag spike but it's hard to say.

    I feel like if he was lag switching he would have done it a lot sooner than that.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I did see a slight bit of lag in the chase before the supposed "switch" happened so it's possible it's not a lag switch

  • Member Posts: 77

    That's not a lag "spike", that's clearly a lag switch and I can't believe you would attempt to defend it as such.

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    It's not clearly anything.

    My internet has spiked like this before, especially before I forced my landlord to fix the issue.

    I'm not defending anything. I'm giving a possibility. Chill out.

  • Member Posts: 1,773
    edited June 2019

    We're not defending the action of lag switching, but the footage doesn't prove it for 100% certain. As someone said in this post, she was a little laggy the whole case, so yes it could be lag switch, but it's not possible too know for sure without more evidence.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    The footage in question doesn't prove it without a doubt. The chase seemed too have lag in it, so idk if they would punish her since it easily could of been just a lag spike at a bad time. Happens too me all the time since of Comcast, so it could of been both. Do you have the footage of the basement lag you mentioned?

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I've had something similar happen in a match where my friend was killer and host he had a horrible lag spike and it appeared like OPS to me so you can't really tell.

  • Member Posts: 674

    I wish i had footage of that. That was really weird not even seeing how i get pulled out of the locker and just end up hooked again.

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    It is possible that the Killer had a very flakey connection.

    I've been accused of lag switching back when my internet was garbage. Remember that host is Killer, so if he's got doodoo internet, this kind of thing will likely happen.

  • Member Posts: 674

    Maybe you're right. But i find it really weird that it happens after she falls for a simple 360 and i get to shack where i probably could have wasted even more of her time if i ran it correctly. That in combination with what happened in the basement made me submit the ticket to BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 192
    edited June 2019

    Record it with shadowplay or something if you have it and send a support ticket with the video, I'm like 99% sure I got someone banned this way as I reported them and when I checked their profile a while later they had written they were banned and linked their new account there 😄

    It's possible their connection was just garbage and unreliable, but if the connection is flawless and suddenly everyone runs against a wall and then you teleport onto their shoulder... yeah that's quite convenient isn't it. Report it and let them review it, I'm sure they have information that helps them determine if it really was a super-unlikely lagspike or foul play.

    At least it'll be a thing of the past when dedicated servers become a thing.

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