No One Escapes Death

NOED rewards bad killers and is super unhealthy for the game, yet the devs dont give a ######### about it.
Because genrush exists NOED will exist to be a genrush stopper so people do totems or pay the consequences if genrush wasn't a problem I could maybe see why people complain about NOED but with how fast gens get done currently I don't blame people for using it.
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why are there like 3 threads on the same page about this perk
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Because people are getting sick of it. It's so freaking anti-fun to play against. Only killer mains would ever defend it. Why shouldn't they? easiest way to get kills in the game.
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Because tekstdok is a dummy account and whoever created it quite possibly could have created the others.
Troll account. Move on.
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Do you guys see these in your game? Rub them for a bit especially the UNLIT ones. I heard that if one of these UNLIT ones are on the map once the gens are complete NOED takes root. I don't know about you guys but that seems a GOOD STRATEGY to PREVENT it.
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Good killers rarely use NOED, because they simply don't need it. That's why i said it only rewards bad players.
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Using 10 minutes on doing totems will get you killed too.
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This comment isn't even true, just something that gets parroted over and over. NOED is a powerful perk that only activates at the endgame, whether that be with all gens done, or when the killer closes the hatch. For the entire rest of the game, the killer was playing with an empty perk slot basicly. For some reason, alot of ppl will feel fine with using perks like ruin, that give you a strong START of the game, but bash NOED which gives a strong END. Just because NOED activates, doesn't mean the killer failed. He couldve killed 3 survivors and closed hatch. According to your logic, if the last person is using adrenaline, it is awarding THEM, even if 0 gens were done.
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Using 8 minutes on doing totems will get you killed too.
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cleanse totems
easy fix
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I play both sides BTW and how long have you been playing the game?
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I am pretty sure this game is called DEAD by Daylight not SURVIVE by Sunrise.
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Yupp let's add more time than Ruin takes making people need to run to, find, and cleanse every totem because a killer MIGHT have a perk that rewards him for being bad.
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This is my main problem with NOED. Getting the gens done with your team only to get rekt by noed at the end is the worst part of it.
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There's 4 of you for 5 totems. Just cleanse any you spot, and if you're feeling lucky look for them.
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How about the team plays stealthy and goes for totems first?
Killer is already busy prowling gens. Nab 2 or 3 totems before anything happens. Sounds to me like you are thinking about totems too LATE in your game.
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My thread is about how i think one perk is rewarding players for being bad, you cant argue with that lmao
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around 900 hours.
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There's nothing stealthy about DBD anymore. Killers have Auras, Crows, Marks, Foot steps & breathe sounds to go after now.
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There are four of you only one person has to do 2 totems the rest just have to do 1. And as for the perk being bad play I am not against the perks I am about list as I think they are fair but they reward bad play as well so here we go:
Decisive Strike rewards bad play by getting downed by the killer
Borrowed Time rewards farming the survivor off the hook
Unbreakable rewards you by being able to get up from the dying state, getting into the dying state is bad play
Tinkerer overall bad perk but still reward bad play of not hitting a skill check
Dead Hard rewards bad play by being injured
Self care if you run this perk this is an actual bad play because you waste time healing
The list of "bad play perks" goes on and on
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You can't comminute with your team in the game, how the frick am i going tell my team they need to do the last two totems?
And i cant believe that you think getting hit by the killer is bad plays. You will ALWAYS get hit by the killer no matter how ######### good you are, unless he just brought the game and don't know how to play it.
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OP, it's one perk that you can TURN OFF.
See, here's the amusing thing; Killers and Survivors say the games are too fast. Survivors can gen rush and pop 2 or 3 in under 2 minutes.
So Killers run Hexes like NOED, and now a subsection of Survivors are screaming it's unfair and OP that they have to stop their gen rushing to clear totems.
Guess what, man? We run these perks to make you slow down. Time is against the Survivors AND the Killers:
If you think about it, the Killers have a countdown until they lose; that moment when Survivors open the gates & leave. It's a random, invisible time limit and we run perks and skills meant to slow down/extend the clock because...
...Survivors work AGAINST the clock; the longer Survivors are on a map. The greater the chance they will get killed. So they want to do everything in their power to leave as fast as possible.
Killers have to FORCE Survivors to work on something other than the Gens: Running away, healing (self or allies), picking up allies, unhooking allies, cleansing Totems. Anything we can to slow down gen repairs.
If Hex perks were all really piddly 'Inflicts blind' and 'Tickles the Survivors' crud, then no Survivor would feel the pressure to cleanse Totems, and thus the Killers time limit is staying sadly short.
This Hex literally only affects you if you are too lazy to clear totems. At that point, it's really your own fault. Kick that lil skull over, get the BP, and literally turn off one (or mroe) of the Killer's perks.
It's that easy, and in doing so, the Hex is fufilling it's secondary role: Buying the Killer more time to kill you.
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So now you're talking 40 minute games basically because the only way you're stealthily doing totems is slowly much less if you even find them. Sounds to me like you can't down survivors until your garbage perk activates and you'd be salty if they nerf it.
Also your scenario implies SWF
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So incredibly wrong on every level. You do realize that it is intended that survivors are going to be downed eventually against a competent killer hence you get 3 hooks. Implying BT rewards farming is a cop out on your part so stop.
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Solo survivor and I have no complaints against it. It doesn't reward bad killers, it punishes bad survivors. Regardless of a killer's skill level, good survivors prevent it. The most a killer can do is hope it activates or that its not necessary. If you hate it that much then don't blame the killer or teammates, take it upon yourself to ensure its denial.
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mY pRoBleM WiTh NoEd IS tHaT i ThINk IT ReWaRDs KiLleRs fOr bEiNg bAd i diD nOt mAkE mY ThReAd sO pEobLE cOuLd tElL mE hOw tO pLaY AgAinST iT
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Hold on. You're supposed to use that text when you are making fun of what someone else said.
Are you making fun of yourself?
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Wow. You're totally not looking for a discussion.
You just want to scream, flail, and talk down to anyone who does not agree with you. You want an echo chamber and you're pitching a temper tantrum when you don't get it.
Good day, Sir.
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@NuclearBurrito Apparently even he thinks it's stupid
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Just lock the thread already. Tek has clearly made up their mind about this, and no amount of logical arguments is going to change it. Don't feed the troll.
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What about illogical arguments!? HMMM!??? DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT NOW DID YOU!???????!??!?!!?!!?!!?!??!?
Also I want to make sure my pet troll is healthy, so I need to be sure to feed him regularly and take them for walks.
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Want to remove NOED? Get rid of Adrenaline and we wouldn't need NOED. That sounds fair, hmm? Or is only the killer allowed to be punished for running a deniable perk?
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Pasting this from another thread.
The survivors objective is to escape. Some people think that once the gates are powered, they deserve to escape. But the match isn't over until you see the point screen.
A killer who sacrificed his perk slots for Blood Warden, NOED and Remember Me. Shouldn't be considered a killer who failed his objective. He prepared for the endgame.
Which is honestly the best way for both sides:
All players earned their points. Everyone will probably pip, no one will leave with 2k points and complain that he got tunneled.
But somehow, I get the impression, that people want killers to tunnel and kill survivors fast with no one earning more than 2k points.
Just because everything else is considered a failure. Please make up your mind on what you want. A match where everyone "wins" point and emblem wise, or a match where the killer ruins the survivors fun by killing them as fast as possible. Imagine Iridescent head + mori. Terribly efficient, but ruins the match for everyone else.
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How about we nerf Adrenaline?
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No, it rewards Killers for survivors being too lazy too cleanse 5 totems. If you want too gen rush and not cleanse you know what you might face. If you are having problems locating totems, run Small Game or Detectives Hunch.
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If you don't want too cleanse 5 totems, memorize their spawns so if NOED procs, you can spend 1 minute looking for it. It really isn't that hard too counter, only people that say it has no counter are people who are too lazy too cleanse/memorize 5 totems.
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If every survivor just broke totems they randomly saw on their ways between gens/unhooks NOED would basically never activate outside of maps with totem spots far out of the way like the Swamp.
On some maps you don't even have to use your brain to find them. Like on autohaven just check between the tires in TL-wall loops and you'll probably find 3-4 of the totems.
I understand it sucks to get clipped by NOED for your first hook and then camped, but it doesn't matter. Just like killers that get straight up furious if they don't 4k should quit the game for their own sake, survivors shouldn't under any circumstance expect to escape until they've run past the barrier.
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SWF doesn't even make it to end game even when abusing bugged perks. I still bet you the totems were not done.
Dude you run noed omg noob killer ggez.
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As a killer main myself, NOED has to go. Playing survivor at high ranks makes me want to die because all the killers run NOED. They are complete trash at the game and have to make up for it by using a clutch perk like NOED. It has go to go or get drastically nerfed. Im sick or horrible killers thinking their good because they get a 4k using NOED. It sucks.
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When I play survivor, the three perks I ALWAYS assume Killers run are NOED, Nurses Calling, and BBQ. Play around these perks and you will survive more often than not.
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I'm using NOED REGARDLESS. Even on Billy I'm using it. 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷
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I used to be against NOED but after ranking higher up I think it’s a totally fair perk. Survivors get DS and adrenaline. Does that mean it rewards bad survivors? Also their is no counter to Adrenaline and you can only counter DS by risking leaving someone slugged.
And yes when they find ruin the first minute of the game, the gen rush becomes real.
Gen Rush is not fun for the killer but that’s not taken out of the game, so why should NOED be taken out if it’s no fun for survivors?
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Yeah. I used to hate this perk also but now I don't give a dumb about it. Unlike old DS or Mettle of Man it has actual counterplay. People are right, it rewards bad Killers but not only bad Killers are using it. Like it was mentioned, it's popular because gens are done too fast. It still wouldn't be my alternative. I like winning before the last gen is done rather then after but it depends on which playstyle you have.
It's still funny how in most cases you recognize if a Killer has Noed or not.
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This is fine, sure. If they're gonna have a great performance all game and then get the final few kills with NOED than they deserve that. HOWEVER, there are people that use NOED as a last resort. They get 1 or 2 hooks the ENTIRE game and end up with a 4k bc of the clutch ass perk. This is the problem with NOED. Most of the time the killer wont even pip from it whats the point of using it?
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From this point forward, I am only referring to DBD as Survive by Sunrise. Suits the game better tbh
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Why is is a problem that a perk rewards bad play on the killer side but not the survivors? Why isn't Decisive Strike not a problem? It rewards survivors for being downed and picked up by the killer. Why isn't Unbreakable not a problem? It lets you get up for free from the dying state after you get downed by the killer.
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Do your [BAD WORD] bones then people.
I play solo and half the time me cleansing two or three dulls are enough to cleanse all of them after the other randoms find the ruin.
Even in 2 man swf its pretty easy to cleanse all the dulls.
It only takes 15 seconds to cleanse them. You have the time to spare to cleanse them in between going to generators. You don't get to complain about them if you don't actively want to prevent it.
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That doesnt mean you ¨must¨ Die, if so nobody would play it, champ.
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Aside from DS ,the perks you listed dont reward bad plays ;/