The state of LEGION is now useless, LEGION needs a revision

I only have to say one thing, after its "update" it has become weak, therefore, I think it should be buff. Nothing else.
Agreed, they rushed and panicked and the fixes they gave him are beyond subpar with little thought to how it would synergize with his power. The add-ons are terrible, there's no need to be so SLOW in FF.
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God legion is sooo boring to play now. I completely dropped him after a few games. He’s literally M1 killer who has “get your first hit free then get a 4 second stun” the ability.
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She is just good for bloodpoints and she looks cool, that's why I still play my girl Susie. Granted that you meet good Loopy Loopers, you are doomed!
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I actually like them where they are rn.
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I personally don't think they're weak
But sure as hell they are boring to play
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I like them, but then again I also main Freddy. Kinda hard to see any killer as "unviable" when you can play R1 as Freddy and do fine.
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Freddy is far more dangerous and can stall the game better than anyone tho. Overcharge on Freddy is godlike
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Legion ruined the health, well being and future of dbd for 2 years before they received a long over due and well deserved nerf and it was "rushed? LMAO!
Before Ghostface launched, post Legion nerf I'd mostly play Legion because they are one of the few fairly balanced Killers in dbd.
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I feel like the new Legion is like an unfinished product.
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I don't think new Legion is not viable, I just think he needs more work to him, I like playing him time to time, I can get kills with him as I can anyone else.
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@DoubleTap Legion has not been out for two years... They were released last December then heavily nerfed a few months later due to their exploits and "lack" of counterplay. I'd agree they are more balanced than previously but the nerfs were taken too far.
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My main problem is this thing "miss a hit and lose your skill, get stunned for 4 seconds and then wait until the gauge is full to use your skill again, to miss another attack etc etc" This is not cool, survivors knows how to 360 and I'm always missing the hit. Plus, the cooldown stun is too way big. Legion was FINE how it was, just needed the fix in the blades add-ons because of the infinite mend bug. People just disconnected because was boring play against Legion. Now it's easy play against Legion. That's the true.
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- If you're missing the hits, that's an issue with you, not the character or the game.
- No. He was not even close to fine. There was absolutely no counter for a super fast killer that could vault pallets and stab like crazy with no consequences. And then when they were feeling really cheesy, could break line of sight to make your mend timer go down WHILE STILL CHASING YOU. So you either keep running and bleed out, or you stop to mend and get hit. Nothing was fine about that.
Legion is fine. Stop whining
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No, that would actually be a good killer. There's too many ways to avoid that FF hit as it is. Are you next to 2 vaults in close proximity? Avoided. Have an exhaustion perk charged and ready? Avoided. Next to what's ironically supposed to be an unsafe pallet? Avoided. Got a firecracker? Avoided. Next to a up pallet near a wall that can hide you from vision? Avoided.
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I think Legion can work in some specific situations and I find them hella fun to play as in those .
However,Legion is ,for the most part, frustrating more than anything; getting stunned for 4 seconds if you miss and possibly getting stunned or blinded soon after its like being bullied and you are completely powerless against that.
Things that The Legion needs:
-old vault speed back
-deep wound timer goes down if you are working on a generator.
-slightly reduced cooldown.
Things that could help them :
-While in Killer instict,all survivors are exhausted until Feral Frenzy ends. (Lets be real,here, exhaustion perks kill Legion's "intended" playstyle)
- after chaining 3 deep wounds hit to 3 different survivors while in Feral Frenzy,you can insta down the fourth survivor until Feral Frenzy ends.
-you don't lose your power gauge if you miss an attack.
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"If you're missing the hits, that's an issue with you, not the character or the game."
It could also be that you as the killer or even the survivor is lagging. There are times where I should have hit, but the survivor lagged to the left. Some survivors also know how to trick the hit, causing the attack from the killer to miss.
No. He was not even close to fine."
Yes they were.
"There was absolutely no counter for a super fast killer that could vault pallets and stab like crazy with no consequences."
Tell that to Billy, who is faster and has a instadown. Legion can get fast, sure, but their attacks don't actually hurt you as badly. Also run around outside (or inside) and swing a knife around, notice how you don't get a heart attack?
Also you have to wait for the full bar to recover now. Unnecessary as hell.
"And then when they were feeling really cheesy, could break line of sight to make your mend timer go down WHILE STILL CHASING YOU."
That is the player'sfault, not the killer. I agree, that is bull[Bad Word], but as you said, the fault of a player, not the character. It however, is the fault of the game for allowing it.
"So you either keep running and bleed out, or you stop to mend and get hit. Nothing was fine about that."
There were several ways to save yourself or have someone else save you. It wasn't okay, but it didn't mean your fate was set in stone.
"Legion is fine. Stop whining."
They are a basic killer now. Their power is a hindrance. They might be healthier for the game, but they aren't fun.
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I wish they fixed the exploit and didn't touch the power further, I had so much fun with old Legion, I just can't enjoy them now
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Legion isn't useless. They dont need buff, they need qol changes. Like when people wait right in front of you when you vault you just cant hit them cuz they neither have no lunge nor autolock. Faster vaults would be cool but i dont think they are necessary. Legion needs precision kinda like you have to one trick them to actually win.
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How did they rush and panic? Legion remained the unfun killer he was for almost 6 months. Legion is far from terrible. There are way worse killers than him atm so rather than focus on Legion that just got reworked, we should look at other killers and how they can be improved.
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@RakimSockem Considering the fact that you may actually not play Legion and consider him somehow good in his current state, id advise you to read my post on what’s currently wrong with the current Legion’s arsenal and ability. He isn’t ‘fine’, he isn’t fun, and he sure as hell DOES need a buff or rework.
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He is just a troll I bet and doesn't know it better Chaotic.
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@Chaotic_Riddle fun is subjective, I love playing new legion.
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Honestly, do you guys have any idea of how outplayed a decent killer needs to get to miss a hit?
Unless you're talking about console, you deserve to lose your power if you miss.
Legion is as strong as any other average M1 killer now. The problem is how weak M1 killers are, not with Legion specifically.
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But you miss the point that the Legion should not be a m1 killer.
Pre patch, his ability was good enough, to be not like that.
Besides, you think you hit everytime with a hit? Yes? How many would you bet on this?
I would take the bet and then let you play against a few lagging surivors :).
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Pre patch his ability was an abomination that removed all skill involved in the game if the Legion player so wished, so it's not a good model of how a killer should be designed.
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Well, I would have love to see you then, playing the Legion without the powerful purple addons.
You must be rank 1 immediately!
If you were not so biased for one site, you would maybe see, that the killer learning curve for every killer is pretty similar. That is good, imo, but don't come with this skill argument please.
Its hard for me to say it on the polite way, but hopefully I will be able to it:
A game with literally 2 abillitys and then behaving like a pro gamer - throwing words out like "they have no skill"... Well... That lets me chuckle a bit...
Many players have enjoy the pre patch Legion. Killers like survivors. That's what matters and not that crappy skill talk.
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i like legion to be quit fair , i like to play as him more then he was befor. have you try out the green add ons they are quit good, if you know how to play him. Legion is now a Quiet the normal killer, have the same moment speed terroradius, so not really mutch to complein there. understand for some the power is a problem, but i dont thinks so, it feel like it is a high rist and good reward. only thing i can say if they going to buff is the vaulting speed of his over pallet and windows, ( but i use bamboozel works great with him , try also add fire up=) ) but rest legion is on a solid 6-7 out of 10 killer, he is not really week in the right hand. or low rank players either
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You sure Susie is still girl?
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The big problem I have with Legion is how god awful the vault speed is now. You literally have no time to turn around and hit a survivor if they decide to go back through the window or pallet. Just feels so clunky, slow and boring to play.
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Fair point hahah she goes back being a girl after a pallet stun maybe she is on TRT?
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Well, there we have different opinions, but that is ok.
The todays Legion is nothing for me, but that doesn't mean, that other people can't be happy with them.
I for my part would only accept the new Legion, if she would provides me with the same old fun moments, as the pre patch Legion had did it (at least that).
Besides I had love to play something different as the usual m1 killer and it is a pity imo, that nobody anymore takes the Legion perks. The most Legions today use perks that support m1 playstyle and that is sad imo. It shows clearly for me, that the Legion is dead at the moment as I have understand the Legion.
I for my part like to see that Legion is something special. That she is different to other killers. To see how people that are still playing the game, are forced to play the Legion with m1 perks gives me a bitter taste.
But that are probally just thoughts of a pre patch Legion like me. Don't think that is something new Legions are worried about. Bet they are more annoyed by the feeled 1k drawbacks, the abilitys of the Legion have.
Imagine a hag, meyers, trapper, or billy with the same level of drawbacks. Wouldn't be a nice picture, imo.
Edit: @cbocbo
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- Slow vault speed
- His power is drained by one missed attack
- Slow FF movement speed
- His deep wounds is a joke
These are my problems with Legion, he may dominate in the green ranks but any higher and they get absolutely stomped on by survivors. I love playing against Legion as a survivor because every time they vault a pallet they go into slow motion and I find it pretty funny.
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I main Legion, but I hate:
-His missed attack consequence, a long stun AND draining the power. Survivors knows about this, so I have often gone in long loops or circle chases just to make sure I dont miss Feral Frenzy. Also hate the stun from pallets and normal attack consequence to the power gauge effect.
-Vault speeds. When I vault pallets and windows, I don't feel like I gain any distance advantage if survivors are still running away actively after fast vaulting.
-The slow speed in recharge. I hate how it takes so long to refill a power that doesn't help very much in loops with the stun consequence.
-The movement speed. I love his movement speed now, but in his power, I have been through too many scenarios where I barely just reached a survivor to reach the chain attack hit.
-No longer able to see blood in Feral Frenzy. It's a requirement to see blood if the power is about to end in order to keep track of marked survivors.
Suggested changes:
I agree with one of the above posts that Fsral Frenzy should be able to ignore exhaustion perks. I suggest to revert almost all the changes done to Legion except keep his movement speed and the Deep wound terror radius requirement. If survivors thinks this is too strong, decrease the movement speed just a tad bit.
I am not sure what to do with multi stabs in feral frenzy though. I was okay in both decreasing the meter and get a stun if hit a marked survivor, though stun and power gauge drain doesn't make sense. Thanks for reading this, I love Legion :)
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Hopefully that will one day happen. It would clearly shown that they care for their playerbase and not just for that vocal hater minority from before.
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Yep, make Legion powerful and not toxic! But let's see with Ghostface...
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Well. I wouldn't think to highly of Ghostface.
What has happened to the Legion can happen to every other killer also, until the devs make it clear that they not listen anymore to the hater minority.
When they have one day finally fix the Legion and undone the rework, I will maybe then take a look at Ghostface, if he is then not nerfed like the Legion before to that time.
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I've noticed alot of people saying he's "fine" are really just scared he'll be what he once was, yes he wasn't good for the health of the game. But ignoring the fact that he's needs improvements by saying he's fine does more harm than good.
I'm sure all of us unanimously agrees Legion is not fine. Just admit it, he doesn't have to be gamebreaking like he once was but he sure isn't in a good state now regarding fun and originality. We're not about to let him stay this way.
They gutted his unique powers and left him with something so bland, the add-ons are rushed and seem to be after thoughts. And people are saying he's fine....sorry but no he's not. In what world does an add-on of 60s broken status benefit you with Legion if you DW them twice and incur the stun?
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I guess this people just perfer m1 killers in general and there is the new Legion maybe a nice addition for them, or they had never feel the intoxication, how the chase with the pre patch Legion was.
1 day you drive with a nascar and over night they give you a Fiat Panda. That is not fine for me^^.
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Agreed, the LEgion just needed Exploit tweeks, not total power change that is a nerf basically.
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Yeah. He needed this:
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yea, they pretty much didn't want another Freddy, so they changed him into a garbage M1 killer. I enjoy playing Legion but prepare too get bullied if you are high rank with non optimal perks.
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Geuss you also like the nerf they did to doctor a long while back and pretty sure you also like the wraith nerf to windstorm and his base uncloak they did last year when they "reworked him"
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legion's vault speed should probably be increased. right now a survivor can run an LT wall on you normally even with you vaulting after them and your power will typically run out before you can hit them
other than that legion's fine where they are in my opinion
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All the people saying "he is fine now" obviously don't play him in the purple-red ranks where he gets ######### on hard. His power is almost more of a self-sabotage then an advantage.
Honestly, there are only slight changes needed and not a complete rework like some people imply. Here are the three that I believe would make him fun/viable again:
Shorten his cooldown - 3s sounds managable
Old vault speed back
Make DW bar go down while doing a gen - this is the biggest issue with DW right now as survivors just ignore it and do gens in your presence as you get looped by another one...
That covers the core mechanics, the pin add-ons should also be applied by 1 hit as 60s duration is already kinda short because you need to catch and hang them first to benefit from it.
Pray to BHVR
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I like it -->
Sincerely, the power has been something .. very useless, where we are getting "free hits" without any purpose. I read the post, and I like the idea, but I do not think the devs think the same, the devs should check the status of legion and introduce new mechanics with the power it has, because Free hits and "self relieve" is useless .
Actually, the old LEGION needed to be revised because it was out of the ordinary, I mean it did not make sense, but at the same time bhvr has had to update it so that his game is "healthy" but clearly ... his condition is very bad and it is very boring to play it, it has no purpose with its power or anything mechanically. And I think other worries of the survivors who say that the killer is "fine" I guess they do not want to live the old LEGION, and I would not like it either (I'm main killer) but he needs a GREAT REVISION from the devs and include new ones new mechanical features in your power that make it fun.
LEGION I think it has gone through much more than other killers I guess .. very close to Freddy, I would think about not abandoning it and working on it again thinking new ideas for him, just as this killer can not stay. And I hope that the devs listen to us, we are not 1, we are many who are asking you to help LEGION.
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My name is Legion: for we are many. Reminds me on a old action movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger :).
God knows, they don't making such great movies anymore.
I would be already happy if the devs adressing that there is an issue.
Developing needs time and the way to accept that you have acted wrong needs also sometimes its fair share of time.
So devs... Just give us a word^^.
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What people don't seem to realize is that NOTHING but the very top tiers is 'fine'.
This is not a design problem with Legion, it's a systemic problem with the game.
So stop acting like Legion is worse than the average killer in this game. They're not. The average killer in this game is just bad and that's the problem.
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Even with that point of view in mind, it would make no sense to not complain about the status of the Legion in the game, becaue even if we see it on this way, the Legion is a step that has to be gone.
On problem after another.
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Even as survivor his ability doesn’t scare me. Usually you get hit then he runs off and you just mend away. How is that something to fear as a survivor. His feral frenzy honestly feels like a knock off built in borrowed time
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I hope Legion is improved upon soon