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This is the current state of mid to high ranks

Member Posts: 261

Notice how one person didn't have wake up. This is the literal proof that devs favor survivors. The Legion bug was said as bannable not long after it was discovered and devs don't give a ######### about this. Peanits just said that the bug was known and that they considered not banning the survivors who abuse this glitch. Remember guys, it's okay to abuse bugs as long as you're a survivor.

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  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Why not both? Unless you think it's a coincidence that a perk once considered useless is now ubiquitous.

  • Member Posts: 261

    I agree, they did warn for the Legion bugs. But why the ######### wouldn't they warn us now? Are they too afraid or something?

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    The developers won't punish anyone exploiting this perk. Even if they can tell that there were no one using the perk prior to the exploit was found. Killers on the other hand though..

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    @GrootDude it's only a hostage situation if the only way to leave the game is to DC. Not saying it's ok or defending it, just clarifying meaning. Ppl stuck with infinite mend have the option of stopping mend, and bleeding out. Hostage situations would be like if a killer body blocks you and then goes afk for 5 hours.

  • Member Posts: 259

    This is one of the saddest pity parties I've seen so far. You realise that there are broken killer perks and addons right now that also aren't being punished for, right? Dying Light, Thanataphobia + The legion double blades and more all are broken too.

  • Member Posts: 333

    i didn’t know about this bug but makes sense now why I’m seeing an influx of Quentin’s in the fog. And how it seems gens are being done faster than ruin getting cleansed.

  • Member Posts: 261

    Yeah ,let's punish them as well. Do you want them to cherry pick which exploits to punish?

  • Member Posts: 406

    use nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    I guess it’s time to level Quentin. My bf has been using Quentin on PC for months now and he used Wake Up because he felt it was decent for ECG. Now he is afraid to use it after this patch. I’ll tell him he will be okay then :P

  • Member Posts: 912

    sounds like nothing new to us.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    What is the Wake Up bug? I've never used the perk and I haven't played much recently. Did something get changed because i thought it just helped gate opening speed

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    You had a 3K.

    Why are you complaining again?

  • Member Posts: 261

    4 gens were done before I got anyone. I facecamped the guy I got and his dumbass teammates tried to save him. I'm complaining because it's a ######### exploit.

  • Member Posts: 3,919
  • Member Posts: 1,790

    They didn't ban for Tinkerer when just about every killer that could keep it at tier 2 used it. If it is that broken, they should temporarily disable the perk at least (not like one more useless perk in the inventory is going to make a difference) until they can fix it.

    Tinkerer and Wake-up does not destroy a game, your screenshot proves that, though it is detestable to use a bugged perk that gives an unfair advantage. The Legion add on combo would destroy a game - basically assured a win with original Legion.

    I think they should add some means to disable perks, add ons easily when they bug them so badly - then they don't have to deal with bans and increased rage to such a degree.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    Makes sense.

    Keep in mind that gens get done fast no matter what tho.

    And instead of Wake Up! they could have used another OP perk anyway.

  • Member Posts: 684
    edited June 2019

    I'm in rank 11 and many survivors are still using bug perk at least solo player

  • Member Posts: 19

    Everyone justifying using this exploit need to do as the perk name suggests. Yes there were other exploits in the past, just because there's now one on survivor instead of killer doesn't mean that you get to use it. All exploits are terrible and affects everyone's enjoyment of the game.

    The fact that I see people saying "oh well they didn't ban for this killer thing" or "oh its not that bad since you still got a 3k why are you complaining" is honestly sickening. An exploit is an exploit, both BHVR and this community need to step it up. We're better than this, and BHVR should be punishing exploits of any kind.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Oh I agree that wrongs in the past do not justify wrongs in the present, but banning is not the answer in any case. Disable or fix it immediately.

  • Member Posts: 261

    The only thing which allowed me to get any kills were the survivors' idiocy. As I said before, I had 0 hooks before 3 gens were done and I didn't even waste that much time chasing the guy. No more than a minute. It completely destroyed my game. I facecamped that guy and they decided to rush for the save.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    it took a while for them to ban for the legion mend bug. and their are current bugs for killer that they aren't banning for as well don't act like there is some bias

  • Member Posts: 192

    Meanwhile I've seen a singular survivor use it in red ranks, both as killer and survivor myself. Guess you're unlucky.

    And whoever honestly believes they will come out and say they'll ban killers using bugs and omit survivors - get your victim complexes in check or quit the game before it drains more of your emotional energy to be perpetually mad. They'll either warn EVERYONE or warn no one and fix it as soon as they can, if you honestly believe they'll do anything else I don't even know what more to tell you.

  • Member Posts: 261

    We're comparing it to an older bug which killers got banned for. If they don't ban for this one, then it's obviously going to be bias. And from the way things are looking, survivors aren't gonna get anything.

  • Member Posts: 192

    @Redcum I'm aware, I guess I'm just fed up with people that seem to genuinely, seriously, unironically think they will make an announcement saying "Killers using blade bug 2.0 or any other bugs will get banned! Survivors using Wake Up! will not be punished though" Obviously if they'll ban for either, they'll ban for both.

  • Member Posts: 36

    BTW play with your food is bugged too.

    We should ban these killers too =)

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited June 2019

    Yeh let's just ban everyone, because that works.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    3k and he's complaining? The Legion bug was a guaranteed win and locked players down for elongated times. Wake Up found a bit of use due to EGC, but also adds to other speeds due to bug. You obviously are not hosed by it as you seemed to fair just fine.

    I' e played about 20 killer matches this weekend and never felt WU was causing me to lose. Had a few rough matches, but still got 3 to 4k in each. Honestly, I don't think more than one ever got away in any one match, and I'm not that good a killer. I'm colorblind and can't see motionless survivors on most maps, especially The Game! Argh!

  • Member Posts: 1,796

    I'm more interested in why they are all using Vigil too. Two of them don't even have exhaustion perks. Could Vigil be bugged too? LOL

  • Member Posts: 407

    I guess you are the exploit using Ghostface, one of those many ^^

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    edited June 2019

    Pinky finger wasn't bannable and PWYF isn't bannable. They should be disabled, not banning people for it.

    The blade bug made the game literally unplayable for one side. This doesn't do that, although it should still be disabled rather than a bannable offense, but if they choose not to disable then it needs to be bannable along with PWYF until they fix them; right now, there are too many bugs with perks to be completely ignored.

    Also interestingly I've seen Wake Up! zero times since this bug came to be and before it used to be pretty common thanks to EGC. I'd say this was very bad luck.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @LordGlint but then you’re forced to die. With the Wake Up bug you have a chance.

  • Member Posts: 862

    even then only 1 escaped, i know that exploiting it is the worst but it also shows a bit of high ranks killer level and how even working with 15% extra speed most died lol

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