Gen Speed

Ghostul Member Posts: 42

I feel like gen speed really needs to be fixed and the wake up bug really showed us this. Ive seen people play killer and gens pop in like less than a minute of gameplay and they think its the wake up bug giving them a boost but at scoreboard realize no one is running it.

Almost all killer mains agree that ruin or any gen slowing perks are a necessity or you will get gen rushed no matter how good you are.

Ive been playing killer recently and I am by no means bad but I fail every couple of matches horribly because I get a coordinated group of survivors who pop gens ridiculously fast. It makes me shy away from playing this role cause its just unfun.

As a surivior player as well i can see why gen speed decrease would be bad because as the only objective, it will get grueling and boring quickly if you have to spend 2 - 3 minutes completing a gen and do that 5 times.

I see why the devs have trouble with this controversial topic, what can they really do? Its hard to figure out, but something needs to change.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Couldn't agree more. Boy I hope the upcoming map reworks will be good.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2019

    Why are we in 2018/2019 just now complaining about generator speed when its been the same. Did this just go by unnoticed for however long? Or just finally decided to complain about it because we were lacking in things to complain about?

  • Ghostul
    Ghostul Member Posts: 42

    Just recently committed to killer.

    And as i stated in the original post, people mistaking normal repair speed for wake up bug abuse really smacked me in the face with just how fast gens are.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Well said, I just can't understand why this wasn't clear to the devs to begin with.

    Some maps are so unbalanced that it's disgusting to see

  • Ghostul
    Ghostul Member Posts: 42

    You are so right. Ive noticed on smaller maps like The Game, i do much better opposed to maps like the godforsaken Yamoaka.

    I hope that the future reworks will be exactly what you said.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    It's great that they realize it's an issue, but 2 maps per year means this issue will realistically never be addressed in full.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Well, see from what that dev stream showed awhile back. Is that the loop changes are its own fix. Then the rework is essentially remastering all the tiles and how the layout is. Almost like remaking the maps. We have already seen major improvements in some maps totem placements/conceal attempts. So it might be an all in one change with loops. Which will benefit slower killers. Then we might overtime see more reworks and maps with this in mind. So we would be fixing older maps not fixing all maps.

  • Ravemonster69
    Ravemonster69 Member Posts: 2

    Honestly why do killers want to make the game easier for y’all. If y’all want to fix the gen speed then I think the killer should should get a penalty for camping and patrolling. Oh wait, they won’t do that because the devs encourage that... hmmm 🤔🤔🤔

  • Tenshi0108
    Tenshi0108 Member Posts: 13

    You have said it man. A couple of matches not all them that means in those game the survivor knows what they are doing and they most sure got your style match out.

    Me too have some games that have been gen rush but i dont get angry because if the survivor know what theyare doing and man i dont chase loop and people who take off the gen i always am beside the gen and always try to keep 3 gen side by side for that not to happen.Some yo will lose and others well the survivors will outrace you.

    I just said that they need to add another objective for the survivor to do in other to change the pace of the game.

    It might work ,it might not.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Less safe loops for sure, but map size doesn't need re-worked, in my opinion. What does need re-worked is the amount of available generators and the distance between their spawn points. Large spaces should make it harder to find gens and travel between them quickly. It would also make better use of perks like corrupt intervention. Totems also need to be spawned more carefully, and, in my personal opinion, more of them. Instead of five, make it 8, and actually HIDE them better. Whether it's making them darker, or smaller, or whatever. Just my thoughts.

  • PotEtU
    PotEtU Member Posts: 44

    They are fixing the safe loops, starting with the Preschool map which will come with the Freddy rework during the mid chapter patch. The maps that will get changed after the preschool map are unknown to me, but they eventually plan on changing the safe loops so it will be more skills based then just running the same circle

  • Stuart1995
    Stuart1995 Member Posts: 24

    You’re not going to win every game, you’re not going to prevent every gen being done. Why try and make this game easy for you but harder for the survivors, I’m tired and sick of killer mains moaning for help because they can’t 4k every game. Suck it up buttercup gens take as much time as it does you patrolling the map twice.

  • Stuart1995
    Stuart1995 Member Posts: 24

    So you want more chance of the killers getting 4K every game but less chance of survivors escaping, what logic is that, if they keep playing and learning plus adapting to the new map and patrol gens a lot more, then their wouldn’t be a problem. Stop asking for help if your trash.

  • DenimChicken
    DenimChicken Member Posts: 114

    Whenever I notice gens are being rushed I try to 3 Gen strat. I've gotten rushed down to the last Gen and destroyed groups.

    PGTW with Overcharge Surveillance or Discordance works nice to slow the game down. I prefer it over Ruin

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I want to comment on the map size issue as it's not all about the size of the map. I want you to stop and look at the following source I'm using for what I'm about to say. Specifically the chart at the bottom.

    Done? Did you notice something?

    If you paid attention, you'll notice that a map almost nobody lists as "Survivor biased" is tied for SECOND LARGEST MAP IN GAME.

    Sheltered Woods is considered by almost nobody to be Survivor Biased. While larger maps do have some impact on slower killers, they can created in such a way that the chases are shorter and more favorable for the killers.

    They have been addressing the loops on the older maps, little by little. They do have a long way to go - but let's not go around demonizing map sizes too much as they are not the largest contributer to imbalances in a map. No, that honor belongs to poorly designed landmarks such as the Cowshed in Fractored Cowshed, the Cow Tree, and so-forth.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833


    Shelter Woods is one of the maps with the fewest windows, and even with recent buffs to pallets there it still is below average on the number of pallets on the map. It's a very odd case where survivors basically have very few places to run to with large dead zones. Even then, it's still not that killer sided because of how freaking big it is and how many trees they've added recently.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    But my point still stands - a larger map can be made balanced

  • Ghostul
    Ghostul Member Posts: 42

    Its not that. I can dominate a survivor in chase but it does not matter cause the gens get done too fast. Thats the problem.

    I dont mind losing when its deserved, which happens, but when they win just cause i couldnt stop gens no matter how optimal i played its messed up.

    My games usually end with everyone remaining dead on hook but i just didnt have enough time to get the last ones.

    Note: I dont have ruin.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    fix map design and survivors will actually have to be good in order to run you for extended periods of time rather than the map just winning the game for them (see: Ormond)

    reduce map size so that less mobile killers don't get screwed over disproportionately

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @FrenziedRoach I usually agree with you but not on this. It's the large maps that make playing slower killers frustrating.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Simply put all killers should be 115% change their power to reflect changes.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @Ravemonster69 They take away points and emblem score from proxy camping and created swivel hooks so you at least can grab someone. They also got BT. Finally, camping and tunneling is a result of gen speed and ######### map size.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @FrenziedRoach Have you played Trapper, Plague, Leatherface, Huntress or Micheal on a big map like the Swamps or Macmillian and said, "Wow. The chases are pretty balanced". No. You go off because of how far you have to go out of your way to chase someone just so they can BARELY reach another pallet 20 times or having to go across the map for a trap, hatchet or a fountain because chasing continuously would just be suicidal and if someone is hiding, good luck on finding someone in those maps. You waste so much time wandering around from A-C that it takes almost 80% of a gen to get there just for them to hide again. With Billy, these maps are alright. Even Hag struggles because of her low speed and unless someone is being chased, a survivor isn't going to trigger your trap on accident at high ranks once they know you're the Hag.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    That doesn't make any sense.

    Less safe loops is definitely going to hurt less skilled survivors.

    There is nothing you can change on a map that doesn't affect all survivors lol.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @jeyers And that's how you balance for new players. This is why the game is ######### up as it currently is. That mindset right there. Players will get better instead of holding their hands at all steps.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    By making new players have absolutely no chance as there are zero safe loops for them ?

    That is not how you balance anything.

    Anything you do to hurt skilled survivors will affect less skilled survivors more. Cmon this should be simple logic.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2019

    At purple/red ranks, the gen rush is absolutely insane right now. I'm not sure if the event is causing Survivors to gen rush more often, but it definitely wasn't this bad before. I was able to consistently make it to the red ranks before and there was nowhere near as much gen rushing as there is now. Now, if I make even one mistake, then there's a good chance that two gens will pop and it makes Killer games unfun. I've been considering deranking to the green ranks because the Survivors there aren't as sweaty.

    I'm glad we're getting map and loop reworks, but we're also probably going to need a mandatory secondary objective to help slow the game down. We shouldn't have to bring Ruin or a gen protector build just to have fun at high ranks. I'm kind of surprised that the devs haven't said anything about making a mandatory secondary objective (totems are not mandatory, you can still loop a NOED Killer, it's just harder).

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    Actually this game is getting surv sided when you hit rank 10 or sth.

    When you play a normal chase based killers it's not a rarity that the second gen pops when you hook the first survivor after a 30 second chase...

    So let's say you don't tunnel or anything. You needed a minute (what is pretty fast) to finish 1/12 so sth like 8, 25% of your objectives as a killer. Meanwhile the survs finished about 35% of their objectives...

    This can be even a third gen if you have bnp with you. So you are at round about 50% of your objectives. Even if you have an ebony mori you only have 1/8 so about 12,5% of your objectives...

    This doesn't sound pretty balanced.

    So yes the gen speed is insane. Th time you need to travel through the map as a killer is about 20-30 seconds. When you do a gon with two survs you can do a gen up to 50% or sth.... This is pretty fast...

    So you can see this is an issue. Some killers only have very few options in this case. For example doctor is a killer with this problem. He isn't fast and bad in chasing. So you can only decide to contest 1 side of the map... Let the gens on the other side just pop and contest your side. This just gives you the chance to patrol the 3 or 4 gens left and get some map control...

    This is not a cool playstyle and not a lot of fun... This is why also the devs talk about an additional objective for the survs. But the problem is mostly the mapsize I think and this 8s also y Billy/nurse/spirit are so strong compared to the rest...