ps4 nurse

i am hearing more about ps4 pro nurse being better than on "vanilla" ps4. this, due to framerate. i know nothing about what framerate is or how it works. anyone know if such information is credible or even worth regarding? i can level every killer to single digits except nurse. now that this game is on several other platforms, should i just give up on her ever being playable on ps4?
She is playable on PS4.
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It's not impossible to get good at nurse on PS4. My kid brother actually mains her at rank 1 on PS4.
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yeah, these complaints and observations are exclusive to me because....reasons.
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It's not impossible, it's just hard
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i have seen some so-greats but they generally tunnel. sorry, not impressed. i never have asked them if they play on ps4 pro.
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I had no troubles maining her before. Just put more time into it and you’ll get it. :)
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p3 with all perks cracked. p2 on a second account. she has never been consistent. i hate to see this devolve into a "get good" thread as this has not been my experience. either i'm really good at landing hits or missing by 3 feet every blink. this type of inconsistency denotes the problem is not on my end.
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I'm still wondering why keyboard and mouse support on consoles are so hard to impliment...
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i can't help but think there is actually something to the frame rate statments i keep hearing.
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I’m on PS4 and can play her. Like I said, keep playing her and you’ll be landing perfect blinks before you know it. :)
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I used to main nurse on ps4 and this how you made her acceptable:
1: ps4 pro with boost mode
2: use a split fish piranha which is a controller in your left hand and a mouse in your right hand (this one here
3: set the sensitivity of the piranha very high around 7/8 and also increase response time ( it is a function of the controller), it is all legal as it is an official ps4 controller
4: have a quick response gaming monitor, I like Dell monitors
that's how you may get closer to pc
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She is inconsistent, you know how to play her, but you get low fr, you probably gonna lose, you know how to play her, you get good fr, you probably gonna win..The thing is that You need to be more accurate and more reactive than you are on pc, because of the sensitivity.. i don't want to flex everytime but i played her more than any other killer on console, i needed so much time to get an high level... blink always on the corner, if the survivors are predictable, cut the way, run shadowborn, ruin, nurse's or whispers, bbq, enjoy learn her, she will not be rewarding as pc but still..
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I've come across a few decent nurses on PS4 and a lot if bad ones lol. Main problem with killer on on normal PS4 is random frames drops, sometimes the game will completely freeze for like 1 second if for example with Myers or GF using their power while somebody is spamming noise notifications.
Survivor is way smoother
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That would suck truly. Games like Rainbow Six suck on console because of KBM. I get it would be more convenient for some but the majority of people on console use controller and will be handicapped by a mouse user, this is why cross play is not wanted between PC and console
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@Jed_Olsen Then they should just start shipping every console with an official K&M.
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Controller's belong to console's in all honesty, from SNES to PS4 its always been controllers it wouldn't be a console without one IMO. K&M would kill console which is exactly what Microsoft are trying to do. Buy an XBox if you wanna own people using a controller
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She would be a lot more playable if the sensitivity was increased for controller.
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It's like for most games. If you practice on a character or whatever long enough. You are going to know all of the in and outs of it and know how to play them better. I, on the other hand, am lazy and only put in work on things i truly want to put practice on.
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I've been using the nurse quite often and the frame-rate isn't the only issue, it's the lack of sensitivity when turning.
On PC you can blink and turn quickly thus have a clear view of the survivor. On console you can't turn fast enough and it becomes a guessing game.
The video by stray wolf shows a great example of this down below. Skip to 1:54 if you can't be bothered to sit through it.
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Just play and practice and you'll be rewarded for it. People said Huntress was low tier on console, Hah what aload of rubbish. I mained Anna since early 2018, played with default sensitivity at first and eventually increased to full on all killers. Good Nurses like Scorpion are proof that Nurse is very playable on console if you practice and get good at her.
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I do fine with Nurse on PS4. Just less room for error is all.
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i have seen this a lot lately. i'm giving up. i've put many hours into her and i am either beast mode or garbo. enough already.
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thank you for posting that. i knew i wasn't regards to this at least.
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i am guessing people that can play her are on ps4 pro.
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I'm on a regular ps4, not even slim. I didn't know it made a difference.
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yeah, there is a diffence on ps4 pro. another case of skill trumping broken. happens all the time in chatland.
that video is great. i consider video evidence to be the greater truth, even in chatland. i just wish i had watched it before sinking 40 dollars in cosmetics onto the nurse.
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for what it is worth, i have been impressed by nurse gameplay on ps4, in game or on video, under ten times.
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i have played thousands of hours and since day one.
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There isn’t much of a difference to me. Standard vs. pro felt the same.
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I’m on a regular PS4.
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I've never heard of such a device. Thanks for posting that link.
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Nurse is definitely playable on PS4. From what I can tell there isn’t a noticeable difference from playing on a Pro vs slim/og though even with boost mode on. An actual pro patch for this game would be nice.
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the video in this thread shows what nurse plays like sans theory.