Behavior, The Community Agrees Ghostface Is Fine

HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

So Peanits had that Poll with overwhelming votes that everyone loves Ghostface.

You browse the forums and you see people saying he's fine, others saying he needs a buff. But Behavior's response is ''NAH MAN YOU DON'T just don't get it bruh. HE'S TOO GOOD!!!''

Please don't release the Hotfix <3 I am in love this new Killer, I feel powerful, I am enjoying the game again after a 3 month hiatus because I was burned out and Plague just didn't cut it. Ghostface is awesome and once I learn how to lean properly I'll be even better. Please, how about you listen to your fans and let Ghostface shine in his pit of darkness, let his luminescent shroud cover us all so we may bask in his whooshy glory.

Why even have a poll if you won't listen?

Why have a PTB if you won't listen?

Why celebrate the fans if you don't listen?

Why have Fog Whisperers if you don't listen?

We are happy, why would do you want to take that away?

Also, as a Survivor he is just as fun to go against as Pig and Pig is my favorite Killer to go against because she adds more to the game, she's scary and while Ghostface isn't scary he can be damn lethal and that's fun. Keywords being ''lethal'' and ''fun''.



  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275
    edited June 2019

    cant take that poll serious

    new popular franchise killer = many people play him and everyone who play him knows hes too strong and needs adjusting + will obviously vote to keep him broken strong like he is now

    GF will still be strong just not as OP as now

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    that sounds like you have to practice hiding better if you keep getting broken out of a very very very small radius to break stealth

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    The change is miniscule and only really affects him when he's trying to stalk while chasing behind someone. It adds consistency to how his power works and helps controller users to better handle him. The community doesn't agree, a small, loud portion who thinks every minor tweak is world ending agrees.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Again, they're not nerfing him due to him being too strong, just that he's inconsistent. If this is a game changer for you then it doesn't sound like you have much credibility as a killer anyway. These really are minor things that overall aren't going to impact GF much at all. Also acting like a nerf to a killer or a perk is a victory over the other side is a garbage outlook to have. Nerfs and buffs are applied to try to increase the overall health of the game. No it's not flawless and no it's not perfectly balanced but acting like it's an us vs them situation really only hurts the cause.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Well you're welcome to believe what you like. I'm sure the numbers aren't gonna change much after the hot fix though.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124
    edited June 2019

    I fined everything except the pallet stun power reset is fine.

    New map reworks=more pallets= more killer stuns= gf more power resets = decrease skill cap because there is less chances to mindgame.

  • WildDovami
    WildDovami Member Posts: 56

    Look at all the down votes lol busted them! All they did was undersell how good GF was so they wouldn't make him less than OP.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I agree with the fact that his numbers will hardly change once this hotfix comes in. I only want the detection to be more consistent. I've faced him a lot over the last few days and I've literally been touching him without knocking him out of his ability.

    Stalking the survivor to remain exposed I don't mind if they fix this. I think this change is really to stop tunnellers trying to keep a survivor exposed for basically the whole game.

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2020

    Been playing for 3 years, and I thought Michael was op in good hands, but still loved the challenge. GF makes Michael look like a baby killer. The stalk is too fast. 2 seconds and you are exposed. Not to mention I do look directly at him and I still get exposed. Another thing that's crap is you can be hiding unseen, and GF walks by, and if you look at him it breaks his shroud...but gives away your BS. I have been found many times because of this and it don't make sense. He should not get a alert on who and where...I don't get one when he is stalking me...after being exposed, most gamers literally get a 8 second run in exposure unless it's a bad killer or a lucky random who had the right paths and moves to make to run longer to keep from getting down. I think only the person being stalked should be able to break it and it should take longer for exposure. Like Michael for instance, His bad azz will stalk you as you run. It's all about strategy not power. Being too op is boring. Everyone will play GF all the time. Obviously he is the best killer in the game as of now. Adjustment is needed desperately. Now bring cosmetics for license killers and survivors. Please baby Jesus do! Plus I tbh am excited about the Freddie buff. Ooo wee bring it on!

    Post edited by IcallBS on
  • BloopBloopBloop
    BloopBloopBloop Member Posts: 12

    GF is awful to go against. But why do I even care? This game is garbage now lmaooo

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @ClogWench I use a controller and if console users are complaining it's hard to aim, they're lying. I can run straight and look backwards at the same time because I play the game.

    Also, I don't feel that my ability to kill after the hotfix is going to go down, I still need to practice my leans of course. I am complaining about people tweaking something that doesn't need fixing. You watch King of The Hill? There was an episode where Bobby's dad was butting in on his rose competition and insisted that his rose needed a tweak in order to be great but Bobby said no, it wasn't necessary. Hank did it anyway and Bobby lost for that exact same reason. Yes, it was a fictional show and went the way it was supposed to be written but it's a reflection of actual events we all have in life. Just like the devs tweaking something that is fine, it doesn't make things worse for Killers it's an unnecessary tweak that lessens the Killer's ability to be good. A current tweak that was unnecessary was Legion's Cooldown time, it was awful in the PTB but on release they INCREASED it, even though everyone said they wanted and needed the opposite. Anyone who says that cooldown tweak was justified is an absolute idiot, I don't care who you are.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    From a survivor standpoint, I agree with breaking him out. Also a console user. Wondering if maybe latency is making that bug worse for us? Like I'm breaking him and he ducks behind a wall but I still get it on him even when he isn't in the sweet spot (and I had a huge delay there)? And I mean that's pretty ######### and feels dirty. I've also had the standing out in the open and looking at him but he doesn't break thing and been insta-downed. Like he would be so much fun to play against if he just worked right on both sides. Aiming is easy, it's just that it doesn't register right consistently.

    I'm not sure how I feel about the hotfix, but it has been giving me legion ptsd. I think the numbers should always be re-evaluated after seeing how it plays out in practice. The FOV thing isn't necessary if they fixed the consistency issue. I forget the other details.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    You also lose the ability to stalk your marked survivor

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    I haven't played him. Can someone tell me their experience concerning this part of his ability?

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    It is a great boon being able to keep track of a marked survivor as they start to believe they are safe stalking does this perfectly but they want to remove the ability to stalk that survivor because as it is it keeps the survivor exposed, im ok with them removing the ability to keep survs exposed but don't take away my ability to track them with my stalk

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I don’t like going against Ghostface but he doesn’t need to be changed in any way. He is in a good place.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Pike_Trickfoot Latency, I didn't even think about that. Yeah that's a huge issue I always have with Dead Hard it did look like it was a delayed break out as well when I was playing Ghostface, that's probably what it is then because as a Survivor I can't break him out like that so it makes sense.

    And yeah, a lot of times I get Exposed before I break him out, it happens to a lot of Survivors I hunt as well. Expanding the detection area would help with it but I just think it'll be just like the PTB where it was too easy to break him out again. I mean I would be okay with the change IF they decreased the distance Survivors have to break you out because 32 meters is too far.

  • Frayjais
    Frayjais Member Posts: 5

    My problem with ghostface is that his power is an awful design choice. Either its WAY too easy for survivors to counter, which feels awful to play as. Or its way too inconsistent to counter, making it awful to play against. The punishment is too big for something that can be activated so frequently. Like myers tier 3 works because it actually takes awhile to charge up. Ghost face doesn't need a nerf, he already needs a rework.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    No what he needs is players to main him and become nurse level (btw i prefer the far stalk strategy to get to 99% then pop right in their face, no counter yet other than gen rushing into my protected gens)

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    @HatCreature I would love if the devs looked at console separately if it is something like latency. It's made Nurse more of a joke on console and near impossible for some to play, so I wouldn't mind if they tweaked her just on console to account for that fact. If the same is happening for Ghostface, then rip him if they don't wise up that the PC experience isn't the same for us console users.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    I wonder if they could make a way for you to track without continuing to expose them? Since they wanted to merge Killer Instinct into his design, this should be plausible.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    Every killer is awful to go against. Trapper can control loops with traps, which cause micro hearth attack for you if you didn`t expect it.

    Wraith can sneak upon you and even bodyblock you for free hit (yeeew, unfun and frustrating)

    Hillbilly can bodyblock you and oneshot.

    Nurse. Good nurse.

    Shape. Scary and stalks even when you look at him and keeps his EW3 at 99 to suddenly oneshot you. (yeeeew, frustrating..)

    Hag. Impossible to dodge traps in chase and always camps something

    Doctor. Annoying and blocks you from skillful generator repairing M1 process.

    Huntress. She can hit you from huge range, when you can`t hear he (toxic,yeew)

    Freddy. He`s invisible, that is unfair.

    Pig. Removing traps is boring and unfun.

    Clown is awful as you can`t run from him for too long.

    Spirit is unbalanced because mindgames and jumpscares.

    Legion is freehit&mending simulator, boring, unfun and frustrating.

    Plague is range and always forces you to cleanse or she has NOED (UNFUN AND AWFUL TO PLAY AGAINST)

    GF is sneaking and scaring you&puts noed everytime and oneshots, that`s unfun, breaking him out of his shroud with camera is too difficult.

    That`s how you sound. Learn to play, survivors are much easier than killers.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @JAWS_BDSM Not everybody is gonna like going against certain killers you know. I personally don’t like going against Ghostface, just a preference.

    I’ll go against a Myers or Plague any day and be entertained but I’m BORED out of my mind going against Hillbilly and Trapper. Don’t even get me started on Legion.

    He doesn’t like going against Ghostface, what is the issue with that?

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    He should speak for himself. I personally enjoy facing ghostface, even though I usually die to him.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Guys, upvote this guy, we need devs to see high upvote count to prove we want Ghostface to stay the way he is!

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    Frankly speaking he is not even close to be broken. He doesn't need adjusting obviously... maybe a slight buff, not nerf...

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • ProFortniteDancer
    ProFortniteDancer Member Posts: 14

    So in this overall situation, people complain more about having troubles to detect him. Troubles directly linked to issues within the game in itself, not about GF. They are nerfing him because they can't handle their own detection system.

    If GF was being detected whenever he has to be, everyone would be happy. He should stay like this, he is not op, neither broken, maybe strong.

    But hey, strong killer can exist as well as for Nurse and Billy.

    The Killer is fine, he just need bug corrections, not nerfs like pallet revealing, wider detection range, being unable to keep stalking a marked survivor.

  • MasonMyers69
    MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246

    The community knows the game better than they do, we play it and know most things about it. Behaviour need to stop balancing around skewed data or what they "feel" is best, they should listen to the community, if 88% of the community on the poll say he's fine, then he's fine. That's like asking 100 people what they want from Mcdonalds, 90 people say a cheeseburger and 10 say hamburger, and they you buy all 100 a hamburger come on behaviour. Don't nerf ghostface he's fine, you saw what happened with freddy. @Peanits

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Please don't nerf, Ghostface is finally a killer that is almost equal tier to Spirit! More strong killers means more fun chases! We don't need anymore generic m1 killers.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2019

    I gotta be meee!!

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218

    After nerf Ghostface will be the worst M1 Killer in game. wd behaviour.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    1. makes no sense for him to remain stealthed after a stun
    2. they already stated that stalking an already marked survivor was never intended
    3. do you guys even play survivor? Have you ever seen a high level streamer playing against him? Revealing him is jank af. It's SUPER bugged. Like bugged beyond belief. It NEEDS adjusting.

    I was skeptical at first about the changes, but honestly, they're barely gonna touch his viability. You guys should wait to see how things play out before you #########. But it's too much to ask from these forums, I know.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol that streamer must be [bad word] at finding the center of his screen because I've never once had problems breaking ghost out of stealth, as for stalking the marked surv, im fine with it not extending the exposed status but I'll be [bad word] if they remove my ability to track that surv with my stalk, Michael can do it so should ghost, as for pallet stuns knocking me out of stealth fine ill deal with that just don't take away his one good tracking tool

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Fine, every single high level streamer is bad at revealing him but you're a god. Congrats. Back to the real world now where it's bugged and needs adjustments.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited June 2019

    Pointing out how hard it is to reveal and how easy it is to abuse the buffer to keep stalk level while canceling the reveal in this will just get you mass voted down; this forum is basically just 2 echo chambers; one for salty killers, and one for salty survivors, and a small number of people in the middle ground who want to see it actually be a fun game with COUNTERPLAY for both sides.

    Also @TrueKn1ghtmar3 the 'center' of the screen for revealing GF isn't even the center; it's the bottom-middle, which is one of the reasons why it's so inconsistent. Because of this, there are plenty of cases where he can stalk you, but you can't reveal; him because he's crouching right next to you in tall grass. This isn't just the odd edge case, either - it's common and becoming increasingly moreso with each passing day as more players realise they can do this.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    @SunderMun it sure seems center to me, same exact spot i hit survs with my freddy power but i guess i just dont know anything. 💁💁💁

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    I have to wonder if people opposing the hotfix have played survivor against Ghostface at all this patch. You can be looking directly at him and not break him out, the hotfix is fixing that.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    @Alphaphalt I've played against him plenty of times im opposed to quite a few things in the hotfix, also I've never had a problem breaking him out, did so nearly 20 times in one game once, play freddy or huntress for a while (maybe even plague) then you will have 0 problem breaking him.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    From what I’ve seen, I doubt widening the detection area will fix the problem when the issue is that it doesn’t detect correctly. I don’t think it’s one in the same.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol here we go again with detecting correctly, it doesn't seem to be an issue on ps4 I detect him easily, actually beyond easily, it has never been a problem the closer you are the harder it is because any slight movement by ghost could move his detection out of sight but from mid to long range he has little defense other than stepping behind something and we all know how that tends to work i can't tell you how many times a surv detected me when i was behind a wall.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited June 2019

    Here the thing people werent arguing gf was op but that his weakness wasnt working properly. The problem is making a killer weakness that he can have his power switched off dosent work when you look at dbd in its current state. Behaviour created and enviroment where only chase brute force killer can triumph. Stealth dosent work.

    Maps are to big, games go too fast to be messing around with stalking or taking awkward routes or approaches to get a potentially strong stalk. Every single stealth killer is smack bang in mid tier not a single one of them is top tier. Why?

    Survivours perks make it so if even you did make a strong stealth killer perks like spine chill, object of obssesion and alert will make these killers weak. Survivours camera is too wide to allow the killer the oppurtunity to sneak up on a survivour. Too many open maps that give an inherent advantage to survivours seeing the killer coming. Corn maps for example block stalk effects blodd lodge makes any attempt at protecting middle gens with stealth stalk approach impossible.

    Big maps make reduced movement speed while crouching incredibly time consuming contributing further to additional gen time. Survivour mains made it clear with the last batch of gf nerfs that they have no idea how to create a top tier killer without nerfing him to a point where he gets slotted back into mid tier as long as player continue to push the break gf stealth mechanic the more liiely they will see the same killers in red ranks. Gf is a dead purchase for competitive killer players. Don't buy into the con.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    You getting seen behind the wall is a detection issue. It's a latency issue on the detection mechanic. Not being broken out in the open is a detection issue. These are all things people have been reporting. It isn't because of the range of detection and you are suppose to have a bit of a buffer in case he twitches right out of the spot but it's inconsistent.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Like I've said, on ps4, any survivor who has ever played a ranged killer or any killer requiring a knowledge of the center of your screen all agree they have an easy time breaking him, so why do the survs who tend to main surv have such a problem? Right they don't have that skill and the survs that have learned that skill agree with the aforementioned killers, Is it a detection issue? I can't say for PC or Xbox but it definitely is not the issue on PS4 if you have the issue on ps4/then you lack the skills required and deserve to be exposed, simple

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269

    As if upvotes count for more than the PTB feedback forms.