If you had a choice, what killer would you wanna see buffed?

Spotsy Member Posts: 39

excluding Freddy and Wraith, what killer would you like to see buffed? i personally would like to see the hag see some love. Shes nice and all but i feel she doesn't hold up to some of the other killers, and i enjoy playing Hag


  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    Trapper needs the buffs man.

  • TheButcher12
    TheButcher12 Member Posts: 19

    The Hag, She needs a movement speed buff up to 115% and her traps need to be triggered when the couching survivor is too near the hag Trap.

  • MeowLux
    MeowLux Member Posts: 80

    As a former Trapper main, I seriously want a Trapper buff. Having a prestige 3 Trapper just not to play him is pretty sad to see for me. He can have great games every now and then, but most of the time he is a pretty meh killer compared to others. Him setting his traps takes too long compared to disable time.

    Buff Ideas

    • I feel like he should start off with 3 traps (he can't pick up 3 traps and hold all of them, he only starts with 3) and can place them super quickly (like 1 second) and they can't be saboed. After he has placed his first 3 starting traps he becomes the current Trapper.
    • Disarm time increased to the same time as totem cleansing with skill checks, failing a skill check would make the trap go off and get you injured.
    • The traps should be a lot harder to see, maybe use Tar add-on as the base one. (Would be an indirect buff to Small Game)
    • More add-ons that cause status effects; Exhaustion, Mangled, Blindness, etc.
    • Let there be more traps per map (spawning in key locations, shack, map monument, etc). This would let him cover the map with traps a lot faster and easier. If traps spawned at the shack, he wouldn't have to walk a mile to get another trap to return to put a trap there.
    • Make the trap hitboxes bigger. Why did they go and nerf the hitboxes smaller, you can't trap hallway anymore. A survivor can run by past it, but you can't.
    • Make the trap outline actually show how you're gonna place the trap instead of just showing where it's gonna be placed at.
    • Rescuing trapped survivors should take longer and should award more altruistic points.
    • The "bag" add-ons should increase carrying capacity and increase starting traps.
    • His setting tools should be merged with the fastening tools. He sets them a lot faster, but they also take longer to disarm.

    Those are a few buffs that would make Trapper a lot more better than he currently is and could possibly make him viable enough. He needs map coverage and his add-ons need to be stronger too. The time you put into placing a trap is completely trumped by the disarm trap. Why does setting up the trap take longer than disarming the trap... >_<

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    Would love a trapper buff, but I think Freddy needs one more than any other killer. Freddy is always compared to Michael or Jason. Jason isn't in the game, so his measuring stick is Michael, and Michael is so far ahead of Freddy that it's not even fair lol. Buff Freddy :)

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    Its honestly interesting people say buff trapper . like are you crazy , do you wanna break the game , unless you are swf facing trapper is actually already annoying AF . the fact that you can disable infinite and basic attack the freak out of survivors . my opinion is hag since we have so many ideas on how to buff her and I actually made a discussion about it . 
  • kinglion
    kinglion Member Posts: 15

    I think the Hag needs a buff not to herself, but to her add-ons. It really needs revisiting.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Its honestly interesting people say buff trapper . like are you crazy , do you wanna break the game , unless you are swf facing trapper is actually already annoying AF . the fact that you can disable infinite and basic attack the freak out of survivors . my opinion is hag since we have so many ideas on how to buff her and I actually made a discussion about it . 
    Trapper is not annoying at all imo. I know where the good trap spots are so I check those spots for traps thus making his power useless. Heck even during some chases you have enough time to disarm a trap. Depending on their placement you can run right by them whiletrapper himself will get stuck in it. I mean even in solo games I hear more traps get disarmed than I hear actually catching someone. Most of the games I play the trapper doesn’t catch anyone in a trap. His power is extremely dependent on the survivors which is pretty bad
  • TheAngryPickle
    TheAngryPickle Member Posts: 73

    Trapper is the only killer in the game whose power you can literally destroy. This is ridiculous.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    Trapper is the only killer in the game whose power you can literally destroy. This is ridiculous.

    Yea like I see trapper being the worst killer in the future if he doesn’t get buffed
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i would like to see the nurse get buffed.... just so ppl would be happier to see my hillbilly....

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i would like to see the nurse get buffed.... just so ppl would be happier to see my hillbilly....

    Nurse will now have the ability to mori the survivors without needing an offering or perk.

    Balanced Killer.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i would like to see the nurse get buffed.... just so ppl would be happier to see my hillbilly....

    Nurse will now have the ability to mori the survivors without needing an offering or perk.

    Balanced Killer.

    in the lobby before the match starts.... :D

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335


    Every other killer I feel is working as intended. I think Freddy's nerf brought him to a place that allows those with skill to win, but man is it frustrating.

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2018

    Trapper, please, I love it when survivors step into my traps but it's soooo rare, most games it never happens.
    My buff ideas:

    • Make him start the trial with 5 or at least 3 of his traps. Having to hunt down his only unique power is stupid
    • Injured survivors instantly get downed
    • Traps can't be sabotaged
    • Trapped survivors shouldn't be so easily rescued and traps shouldn't be so easily disarmed. At least one or two tremendously difficult skillchecks, if the survivor fails those skillchecks, he gets injured
    • If devs are still gonna make him have to waste time chasing his traps, make them start all armed and not in far corners of the map
    • Increase trap hitbox
    • You don't get trapped when you step into your traps

    @Azgard12 said:

    Every other killer I feel is working as intended. I think Freddy's nerf brought him to a place that allows those with skill to win, but man is it frustrating.

    Only 2 killers are (almost) working as intended.

  • [Deleted User]

    The OG Trapper Boy. Evan needs some love.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    hillbilly /s
    for real tho leatherface

  • Rjain
    Rjain Member Posts: 7

    I feel Hag is in major need of a movement speed buff; however, to keep it balanced, teleporting to a trap reverts her to her current movement speed and she would accelerate over 2-3 seconds.

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    ThePloopz said:
    Its honestly interesting people say buff trapper . like are you crazy , do you wanna break the game , unless you are swf facing trapper is actually already annoying AF . the fact that you can disable infinite and basic attack the freak out of survivors . my opinion is hag since we have so many ideas on how to buff her and I actually made a discussion about it . 
    Trapper is not annoying at all imo. I know where the good trap spots are so I check those spots for traps thus making his power useless. Heck even during some chases you have enough time to disarm a trap. Depending on their placement you can run right by them whiletrapper himself will get stuck in it. I mean even in solo games I hear more traps get disarmed than I hear actually catching someone. Most of the games I play the trapper doesn’t catch anyone in a trap. His power is extremely dependent on the survivors which is pretty bad
    Most likely you don't necessarily have to catch some1 in trap . if you go look for traps to disarm that mean your not doing gen so more time for trapper . if you attempt to disarm a trap in the chase that means a free hit for him due to normal movement speed . it's  mostly like hag that you disarm the loop for a free hit . its a tactical advantage you have . if survivors can't loop you around they are so dead . for disarming the trap I agree with you and I think it should have skill checks but more than that 1 wrong move will result in a broken game again .