Is using ghostfaces marked stalking increase for points bannable if it's used at endgame on people

Inside the gate area no chance to win just stacking more points for the end
No it's fine a lot of the time survivors just tend to hang about.
So I typically just hit them with my power just to stack up points before they leave.
Most of them will take a lot of the passive powers for example non-damaging puke stalk, Shocks and bottles.
Some will allow you to hit them with offensive powers but they typically stand far enough so you'll knock them out of the exit if you try to down them. For example hatchets, ambush, blinks and chainsaws
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Points at insta down hatches and a window snipe spot * u was saying lol (actually did that once to a guy got a basement kill from it poor poor jake)
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Thanks was making sure me being cheeky and grabbing points was ok
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@Aari_Piggy66 I figured out that I could swing around and hit them sideways to flip them sideways, make them fall to the right.
Next update you couldn't do it anymore, which made me sad.
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Or like my personal fave 3 survivors tried all hatch jumping nailed the last one with a iridescent head and they backflipped out of the animation good times