What do y'all think of these ideas for perk buffs?

No Mither: Add the effect "Gain 50%/75%/100% more points in the survival category."
Autodidact: Remove the initial regression penalty and change to:
"For every successful Skill Check completed while healing a Survivor, you receive a Token for a maximum of 3/4/5 Tokens.
Each Token grants you a +10% bonus progression for a successful Skill Check while healing Survivors.
Great Skill Checks cannot be performed while using Autodidact.
Autodidact is not active when using a Med-Kit to heal."
This keeps the same maximum upside at Tier 3 but removes the part where this perk just screws you over in the early game.
Boil Over: Buff to 12/20/28 meters up from 10/12/14.
Distortion: Add the effect: "Each time a generator is completed, gain 1 token." Have the perk start with 2 tokens instead of 3.
Left Behind: Add the effect "If you are the last survivor remaining in the trial, the killer is unable to close the hatch."
Mettle of Man: Remove the aura reveal downside since it was nerfed so hard.
Fire Up: Buff to 3%/4%/5%.
Furtive Chase: Buff it so that you no longer lose tokens on the obsessions death. You just can't gain anymore.
Monstrous Shrine: Add the effect "Gain 50%/75%/100% more bloodpoints in the sacrifice category."
Thanataphobia: Buff to 3%/4%/5%.
Unrelenting: Buff to 30%/40%/50%.
This is mostly just me spitballing instead of actual suggestions. I want to know whether people think these would be balanced.
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For auto, I would actually like to just see skillchecks happen every x seconds guaranteed. and an aura similar to well make it to let your allies know you have it.
basically remove the randomness from the perk.
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For Furtive Chase i like that buff. For Left Behind very cool concept, but it might be hard to pull off, idk, maybe it's easy for devs to do that. For a lot of these i like the concepts of them. Monstrous Shrine needs more, i like the fact you get bloodpoints though. I always thought that the devs can combine Monstrous Shine and that Huntress perk for the basement. So the killer can know if someone goes down there and get the the Shrine's benefits.
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To be honest unrelenting needs to go back to its original state, 5%/10%/15% of reduced cooldown for attacks are fair numbers considering the machine gun build is no longer a thing and the rework for STBFL is pretty balanced
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I'd change Wake Up! as well (in addition to fixing it to not affect everything all game. Like bruh how does that even happen)
You open Exit Gates 30/40/50% faster (so at tier 3 it would take 10 seconds instead of 20, so technically reduces the time to open by 50% rather than increasing your speed by 50%). You can see exit gates within 128 meters, and while opening an Exit Gate your aura is revealed to other survivors within 128 meters. If you open a gate, all survivors can see the gate's aura in white within 128 meters. Any gates that are opened by other survivors are also revealed to you (only you) in white within 128 meters.
Currently 15% makes like 3 seconds of difference which is garbage. Yeah it could technically be the difference between escaping or not, but it's not worth a perk slot that does nothing all game and does almost nothing if you don't open a gate at the end. With buffing it to 30/40/50%, it can actually make a noticeable difference and be worth using. I changed the aura stuff a bit as well since although people can see you opening it, they don't actually know if it's opened once your aura goes away, and you don't know if other gates have been opened yet since they are always yellow. I know opening one triggers EGC which makes it easier to tell, but I think the white auras would be a nice addition anyways.
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As a killer main I can conferm we do
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For autodidact , Id rather have an higher chance of getting a healing skillcheck (like 15%) and leave perk as it currently is.
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Here are my reworks:
Monstrous Shrine: As long as a survivor is hooked in the basement, gain 2/3/4% movement speed
No One Left Behind: Perform altruistic actions 5/10/15% faster. Once the EGC is active, this bonus jumps to 50% and you can see the location of any medical kit left on the map.
Unrelenting: Missed attack cooldowns are improved by 15/20/25%. Successful attack cooldowns are improved by 10/12/15%
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Autodidact: it needs that early penalty though, because otherwise it would be way too strong and replace med kits entirely.
Fire Up: I like this idea, but then why would I bother running Brutal Strength?
Left Behind: The idea is nice, but without hatch grabs, it just becomes unfair for killers.
MoM: Fair enough, plus even when it was broken, did anyone actually use the aura downside?
Monstrous Shrine: The bloodpoints are nice, but i feel it should affect all hooks, because even with bloodpoints it's still a bad perk, look at Beast of Prey.
The rest of the idea's I like, It's good idea's too buff some of the weakest/nichest perks in the game. Keep it up!
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Love them.
For me I would make Autodidact simply increase the chance of you getting skillchecks when healing others (on top of what the perk currently is).