RIP GF even more
can we already remove this 4% reveal bs? its almost like the 360 snipe him out is back. this is unfun and insane if it stays!
I haven't gotten to play but I think they need to adjust the camera angle in which you can reveal ghostface since it is currently in an awkward angle. Then remove the extra 4% extended reveal range.
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It's a miniscule amount meant to help controller players, mostly.
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They compensate by removing the "wind" sound while night shrouded, chill.
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They fixed an issue that didn't need fixing. Range extension the only real problem was the angles you had to be to get it to proc.
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Are survivors still able to reveal him through walls? ("The player can see him, but the survivor is looking at a wall")
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thats whats happening really often right now yeah
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It's definitely not to help controller players.
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If you have a clip of that happening, I would love to take a look. Things like that shouldn't be possible though- if Ghost Face leans around a corner carefully, he cannot even be revealed since at least 20% of his body needs to be visible in order to start revealing him.
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I will try it out later to see if I can get a clip as I said before I haven't gotten to try the new patch. I am just thinking that is what they are complaining about. Theoretically in the case I am suggesting he would be 20% visible at least.
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Personally i just think his insta down should of been a one hit, with uh i don't know the mangled effect, other then that he seemed to be okay.
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It's not the point, the point is that the buff is not needed since he is already easy too pull out. No one wanted this change and we are all asking for it too not hit live. Please listen too the community and remove this change.
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I'm a ghostface main, and I'm extremely happy with the changes
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- Removed the proximity Sound that the Killer generated while in Night Shroud (only his clothes emit sound while he moves).
@Peanits Does this mean that that 8m radious sound he emmited is gone now ? If yes that's amazing, if no what does this mean.
Does anyone else have different understanding of this change, I want to be sure.
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I find the leather much harder to hear so for me that's big. Any kind of buff making him more stealth is welcomed. MM also breaths heavily but you can sneak on people who just don't notice.
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True, true but even there you find exceptions sometimes. Just gotta get a little but lucky. He's still not even remotely viable but he's at least much more fun to play.
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I play on PS4 and had no problem pulling him out stealth. I had killers tunnel me because of how much of an annoyance I was to them.
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Same. xD
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Im having a very easy time taking him out of stealth and so does every survivor when I play Ghost face. The people who are complaining don't even know that you have to put in the middle of your screen. But of course devs has stats to want to nerf him Already lol
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I would like to point out that the 4% change is QoL.
So long as it is small enough that you can't pull him out on accident the exact portion of the screen used to reveal him is not a balance concern.
This change will not create any situations where you can pull him out where you otherwise could have. Unlike the Killer's camera, the Survivor's camera can always be moved freely regardless of what action they are doing. This means that if you are good enough you can have GF be in the exact center of the screen at all times so long as there is nothing blocking LoS with him.
What this means is that you will never be in a situation where that 4% is required to reveal him. Meaning it's only effect is making the actual execution of revealing him slightly easier. You should expect this to only matter at low ranks, since at red ranks survivors are good enough to center the camera properly anyways.
The mark extension and stalk rate addons nerf's are far bigger and were what I had said needed something to counterbalance them. Luckily the sound removal qualifies for such a counterbalance.
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To be fair it was highly inconsistent and maybe that was the issue.
While I generally have no trouble there are times when I have been practically standing still screen centred in the open looking directly towards him and it doesnt work while other times I have gotten a glimpse through a window for a second while he was chasing someone and it worked when I could hardly see him.
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The 8% is literally nothing. It has never ever ruined a game for me.
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Honestly can we stop nerfing ghostface and actually just fix his problems first before making freddy jr because at high ranks its like using a trash can to chase survivors.