A true 2nd Chance Killer Perk Suggestion

bendermac Member Posts: 772
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

This will be a true 2nd chance perk and can only be used once, due being very strong. But hey, we can through around some ideas, right ;)

So here is mine

Perk Name: Denial

What does it do: After 6/5/4 successful hooks you can turn off a running generator once in the trial. So choose wisely when you deny the Survivors their escape attempt

You can deactivate a running gen as long the Survivors have at least 1 generator to finish. If all generators are done and you haven't used the perk, it'll deactivate regardless.

Animation: You approach the generator and summon the Entity and then lightning strikes a few times and then the generator will be turned off. The Survivors will be notified that a generator was shutdown by the Entity.

So what do you guys think? Also I'd love t hear from the devs about this idea. It certainly would slow the game down a little bit ;)

@not_Queen @Peanits

Post edited by bendermac on


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    To clarify: What do you mean by "the Survivors have at least 3 generators to finish"?

    a) The survivors have done 4 gens and there are 3 unfinished gens on the map.


    b) The survivors have done 2 gens. They still have to repair 3 gens.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    @NoShinyPony whoops, it was a typo. 1 gen left to go, so a)

    original was fixed.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    So a worse pop goes the weasel?

  • Fables
    Fables Member Posts: 4

    Killer main of course lol!!!

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    This would be good within the current meta but if ever the genrush issue get's fixed this would be OP. I hope they plan to fix genrushing though. But with current game I like this idea

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    I like it, its along the same lines as decisive, mom, and adrenaline, they would all be 1 time perks per match.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    The requirements are a bit forgiving so maybe I can offer a change to it

    Every time you hook a survivor for the first time receive a token up to 2/3/4 tokens. Once during a trial, you can kick an active generator to deactivate it and reduce its progress by 25% for each token the perk has. Denial deactivates when the exit gates become powered.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    I don't think it does honestly. Survivors have to repair 6 gens instead of 5 at the cost of a killer perk. The only thing about this perk that honestly concerns me is if the killer is already winning. I think there might need to be some kind of limitation that the perk deactivates if a survivor DC's or dies.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    Buff goes the Weasel.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It's sound like a cool idea but it would be meta as I can't see anyone not running.

    I can't see it affecting swf as much a solo though as they could just coordinate to make sure a couple of gens are near completion communicating to each other stopping it's use.

  • SaveUsY2K
    SaveUsY2K Member Posts: 43

    How about a perk where when survivors have 1 gen left to do, they can't. Like the game literally won't let them.

    Or a Servivor perk that lets them take 4 hooks? Sounds balanced to your perk idea.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    That is insanely bad. This would cause the lower rank (10-20) survivors to be slaughtered in larger droves than they already are. Furthermore, what about the idea that survivors quickly max out on their points for repairing gens. Now you want them to waste time to repair one they already repaired?

    This makes original DS look like kids play.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I like the idea, but it seems that it's just a better PGTW. Sure PGTW can be done multilpe times, but how many time's wil you need too kick a 99% gen? it just seems niche, but i like the concept.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The problem with this perk is that the killer can decide which generator to turn off. They could hook a survivor next to a strategicly important gen, put that gen back to 0% and camp, for example.

    Besides that: Doing gens is not exciting. This perk would basically mean that the survivors have to do one more gen. That's the same as just increasing gen repair time. It would work for balance reasons, but we are not talking about it because doing gens is not exciting.

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    Sure, if there is a down side possibility too. That's how it works for survivors...like exhaustions to perks we choose. Where as the killers have no down side to any of there perks. Not only do the killers have 4 perks, but there add ons and offerings are basically extra perks too. Our items deplete after use but the killers does not. I understand it's 1 vs 4, but to keep buffing the killers and nerfing survivors is getting to be too much. Exspecially with all the toxic killers in the game. Every time a perk comes out for survivors and killers complain, it's nerfed. They destroyed a lot of perks and made them useless or not worth playing. Look at this is not happening. End game killed it. End game also if one survivor left is also almost impossible to escape. Most killers down a survivor when 2 is left, leaving them slugged, then look for the hatch, carry the downed survivor as close as they can to it, hook them and shut the hatch if death hook, or parameter camp, and tunnel unhooked survivor. Then shuts the hatch. Most of the time, the doors are so close together. Killers just get close enough to see if the survivor started or is at one of the gates. If not they run back and forth in no time and you have no chance of getting the doors open. This game has become a pro killer game. So much so, that ik tons of people who just stopped playing because they don't want to play killer all the time cause it's much easier to get blood points and rank up. Playing killer is ez. Camp the gens...not that hard. That's what they do. It's camping tunneling killers and "toxic" survivors. All anyone hears is buffing killers and nerfing survivors. We can't fight the killer...only run and they keep taking away all the things we can use to survive. Killers are fast, where as the survivors are basically jogging for their life. Not running. It's getting old and yes I am already starting to play a different game and saying goodbye to this one just as most of my friends have. I bought a new multiplayer horror game today. So have fun killing, because the glitches like in head on, balanced landing, dead hard etc... Not working half the time, and the waiting on dedicated servers forever when this is their 3 year anniversary, and it should have been done forever ago. Having to start new lobby's over and over. Killers get dc xp and bp if a survivor dc but survivors only get some xp is just garbage. I tbh could go on and on with the flaws of this unbalanced game, but I can say this. At least in other games you can fight the killers and the devs actually listen to their fans on BOTH sides and keep it balanced. Peace πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸ™‹

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    No thanks, I already feel like doing generators isn't exactly exciting, and now to have to do a 6th generator, just feels like the match would drag.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Great idea! I love it!

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    that sounds terrible, like bad for the game terrible lol

  • Exa1ib3r
    Exa1ib3r Member Posts: 86
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    This is literally just PGTW.

    Think about it.

    Denial hook 4 survivors to get 100% gen regression when kicking a generator.

    PGTW is hook 1 survivor to get 25% gen regression when kicking a generator.

    Mathematically they are exactly as effective.

    The only differences are:

    A: PGTW is on generators you can see the aura of. Denial is on generators you can't see the aura of

    B: Denial gives you an extra generator to patrol after using it and has negative utility with Fire up

    C: PGTW is on a timer

    D: PGTW can be activated more than once

    Overall PGTW is the superior perk. Since you are very likely to get at least 5 hooks in a game and with PGTW that's 125% gen regression where this is only 100% generator regression.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    So would then gen start regressing down from 100% and slowly go to 0? Or would it just instantly go to 0?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Like seriously.

    Hex ruin is very likely to waste over 120 seconds

    PGTW wastes 20 seconds per hook

    Dying light wastes 100 seconds (and is considered terrible)

    This perk only wastes 80 seconds

    This would literally be the worst time wasting perk in the game besides Thanataphobia.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I like the idea, but it needs tweaking.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Mmmh while the idea is cool I think it would be too easy to use it to create a 3 gen stall even if survivors were wise enough to not let it happen, and on some killers it's a really strong strategy.

    I don't think I ever got less then a 4k with the Trapper when successfully pulling it, just for example. With that perk my Trapper would be borderline OP.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    @Warlock_2020 This is something of an issue for another thread, but they need to do something about the way survivors earn bloodpoints. Killers have it easy in this regard. They have one thing to do. Kill survivors. All 4 categories for killers are directly related to that goal. Survivors on the other hand have very distinctly different actions they need to perform to earn bloodpoints.

    For instance, one survivor might be stuck on gen jockey duty for a game. Through no fault of their own either. The other 3 survivors are constantly being downed and hooked. If someone wasn't working gens then no one would escape. But that player will very quickly cap out at 8000 on the objective points. Even if that survivor escaped, the survivor would barely earn more than 13,000 bloodpoints even though they performed a critical function for the team.

    Likewise, if a survivor just happens to be the first one found by the killer and the killer chases that survivor for half the match, then camps and tunnels the survivor, then that survivor doesn't exactly have much opportunity to work on gens or do altruistic actions. By keeping the killer preoccupied though, the other survivors were able to do gens and escape, but the survivor that kept the killer busy the whole game would barely earn over 8,000 bloodpoints if they died and 13,000 if they lived.

    What they really should do is make it so when a survivor hits the bloodpoint cap in one category that any future bloodpoints that would be earned in that category are added into a "general pool" that can be applied to any categories after the match that didn't hit the cap. This wouldn't take the survivor over the 32,000 bloodpoint hard cap though.

    So for example, if I was on gen jockey duty one game and earned 19,000 bloodpoints worth in the objective category then 8,000 of those points would go into objective bloodpoints and 5,500 would go into the general bloodpoint pool.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866
    edited June 2019

    @IcallBS First of all, welcome to the forums. Second, for the love of all that is holy please use paragraphs. This post hurts my eyes and brain.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    You clearly don't have a very firm understanding of the game. Being able to reset any finished generator back to 0 is a very powerful effect. Sure, it takes one survivor 80 seconds to complete a generator if undisturbed and even less with toolboxes or help. But if the killer can pick a generator that is near 2 other unfinished generators to reset then the killer can apply much more pressure on the survivors to keep them off the generators. In effect, this can buy far more time than just 80 seconds.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    which explains why so many people here are in love with it

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210
    edited June 2019

    Curious - where'd you get the numbers for Hex Ruin? And Dying Light? Does Dying Light assume you kill the survivor ASAP?

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    I love it! 😘

  • CodeLeo
    CodeLeo Member Posts: 12

    I think the idea is great but the effect is too easily abusable. I think a cool alternative(and even this is super iffy to me) would be something along the lines of, "after hooking a survivor for the nth time, one random completed generator deactivates, regresses 20/40/60% and begins regressing normally from there." Survivors and killers are notified of the effect but the Generator's aura is not shown to the killer or survivors. Generators furthest from uncompleted generators are prioritized. This perk deactivates when used or if the exit gates become powered."

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2020

    Thx for the welcome and I really don't care to paragraph or edit anything. So keep your opinion on my typing to urself cuz idc. Its words...read them. Not difficult. Maybe I will when the killers stop crying for 4ks and the devs stop kissing their butts and the game was balanced but its not. Killers have to get a 4k, everything is in there favor...hatch, gates, hitboxes, and if they don't do good they camp and tunnel and try to justify it...or they lag switch or hack for a win with these so called dedicated servers. This game has been destroyed by the community and the devs. I have gotten alot of people into this game and not 1 will play it anymore... They all say the same thing after 2 or 3 matches of that b.s. they are done. It's sad

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I agree on the point that chosing the gen would be way too strong.

    On the side note: Yes, doing gens is not exciting. But neither is running around in circles, till a survivor uses a second chance perk, and you run in circles some more. If thats the argument, some Survivor second chance perks should be changed.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480