TIER LIST (3.0.1)

This is pretty accurate except Ghostface should be in low C, He's so bad after the devs gutted him.
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The devs tweaked him slightly to be more consistent, don't be a drama queen.
Anyway this is pretty accurate. I'd put Hag in A tier just based on her ability to control a large portion of a map and counter loops
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S and A tiers are the viable Killers.
B tier is almost viable
C and below is non-viable.
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OPs tierlist is much more accurate.
GF should be down little bit, myers up, legion F tier better than freddy.
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Red is viable against good survivors (lethality + mobility/map control).
Orange is not quite there yet (have lethality, but lack mobility/map control).
Yellow...yikes. Let's just say they each have a lot of problems.
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Major buff / rework status should apply only to legion and freddy. Both of them are in absolutely garbage position. Rest should get some tweaks Like doc giving exposed status to tier 3, trapper little moving speed.
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When you want major buffs and reworks I hope you don't mean, give garbage killer players the tools to win easily. It should be a challenge for both sides.
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Swap plague with leatherface and you have a deal
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I don't speak for everyone of course. But whenever I say needs major buffs/reworks I mean to bring them in line with Killers like Spirit and Hag.
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As a 2k hours killer main, i mostly agree with you.
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Major buffs would be something like Spirit/Ghostface treatment. These two Killers had a lot of problems and received numerous changes that made them much better. For specific power level, I would like for yellow tier Killers to be in the somewhere between Billy and Myers (wishful thinking of course, but one can dream).
If anything, I would probably lower Leatherface's placement next tier list. But yeah, our tier lists are mostly similar.
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I know I’m in the minority here, but I personally think Hag is the second best killer in the game behind Nurse and Legion/Freddy are mildly underrated. This list is based at high ranks.
S- Nurse, Hag, Spirit
Nurse needs no explanation at 1.
Hags pressure on gens and map are incredible. The trap placement that you can control makes it so you have downs in 10/15 seconds or sometimes less. The injuries you cause so often slows the game down. Bigger maps don’t screw her, that’s a myth. You can always work around that. Flashlights also don’t hinder her as much as you would think (you can easily place traps further away from the hook if that’s what you’re worried about. I personally always do that’s anyways. It makes the survivor have to crouch and waste valuable time or they’ve trip the trap, which gives you even more pressure.)
Spirits pressure in all phases are above average and some are greater.
A- Billy
For the simple fact he can be looped, I can’t quite put him at S.
B- Huntress, Ghostface, Myers
All 3 can get downs super fast. All 3 also don’t have much map pressure. Huntress is slightly above GF since she can control her downs and GFs power is up to the survivor (not that simple, but you know what I mean). GF is stronger than Myers for the fact that he has accessibility to his power from the start.
C- Clown, Doctor, Pig, Wraith, Plague, Legion
Clown is great at anti looping, but poor everywhere else.
Doctor does everything at a slight below average rate.
Pig slows the game down at a decent rate. Unfortunately that’s not enough to put her any higher since she struggles with downing.
Wraith is essentially a worse Clown.
Plague struggles from survivors not cleansing, giving her not much to build off on.
Legion provides underrated pressure while slowing the game down. They struggle with downing.
D- Freddy, Trapper
Freddy is one of the best at slowing the game down. Unfortunately, he’s not great at anything else.
Trapper is basically “high Risk low reward”. His traps don’t guarantee you anything besides an injured survivor.
F- Leatherface
Leatherface has nothing to offer as a positive other than a one hit down you rarely get a chance at.
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Only change I'd make to OP's list is to put Freddy in C tier. S and A tier can dictate the game. B tier can force mistakes and generally make things happen, but also have glaring weaknesses. C tier and lower is almost completely reliant on survivors making mistakes aka noob stompers. OP's tier list is why so many say red ranks aren't fun in a nutshell. You'll only get consistent results out of Nurse, Spirit, and Billy.