R.I.P ghost face.

It's official. They killed ghost face with the nerf. Now he's practically legion but can't run. Why was this needed??


  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Ok, has anyone on here actually played him since the hot fix or are you just Commenting for the hell of it? Your honestly telling me his ability isn't broke now? As soon as I go into stalk, someone sees me. I play on PS4 so I dunno if that has something to do with it, but it's ridiculous. I've hidden behind trees, fences, cars, and buildings and they can still spot me when I can't spot them. It should be the other way around. And I'm not stupid, it practically TELLS you where the survivor is that spots you. I'd rather play as Freddy. I main Freddy a lot anyway and he isn't too bad once you learn a few tricks.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Actually they got rid of the 8 meter thing.

    Survivor have no idea how close you are unless you are literally on top of them now.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Ummm I'm pretty damn stealthy w pig and Myers. GF is the only one I have issues with. I can EASILY sneak up on people with pig and I run M&A with myers. I'm running M&A with ghost face and it doesn't help. He's just to loud and too easy to spot as a stealth killer. I like playing stealth killers. That's my game. I play mind games and sneak around. Can't seem to ever do it with GF tho...

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Oh sweet, so all those points stand+you're now a lot quieter too. That's awesome

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    100% agree. I don't see anyone using his power for mind games, only for one shot kills.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    Tbh one of reasons I got GF was because I believed he would actually encourage stealth to one-shot gameplay. I'm likely just not able to play him 'as intended', however I do apologise if I think that he is actually trash for forcing an unnecessary skill floor in order to pick him up (like Nurse was easier for me to learn).

    In fact, for the same effect as I had hoped for when GF first came out, I started to play Huntress and used Iridescent Heads instead (loads more fun btw!). Who wants to play another M1 Killer anyways?

    Why should a Killer mechanic be left in the hands of the Survivors in order for it to pan out correctly?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    You already have a Killer that encourages stealth to oneshot.

    His name is Myers.

    You guys really need to stop treating GF in the same fashion, and stops using perks like M&A on him, when he can't even take advantage of a perk like that to the same degree Myers can.

    Myers already has a low TR. With Dead Rabbit, it's obvious M&A is great on him. GF doesn't have that potential. It's silly to run M&A on him.

    He isn't meant to stalk and then oneshot. You are meant to stealthily approach using Shroud, no TR, and no red stain.

    You use stalk as a means to punish Survivors for looping and not breaking LoS, or for people who aren't paying attention.

    You guys know you can stalk from 48 meters away right? If you are getting close to stalk, you are doing it 100% wrong.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    @weirdkid5 So you're telling me, that with your advice on how to play GF 'correctly', that we can performed consistently well (i.e. pip) by playing M1 Killer the entire trial.

    Why bother playing him at all? You've even just posted the amount of things you need to do in order to make him 'tick' but by the time you do that 2/3 Gens have already popped unless you're playing Potatoes (i.e. not Purple/Red ranks).

    If you can't use the one-shot then why is it even in his kit, it just seems very silly to have a feature that you can literally never use because 'you aren't supposed to do that'.

    Sorry if I still believe GF is absolute garbage, and so will stick to the usual Billy, Nurse, Spirit Huntress lineup as they are actually viable.

  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    I just got a 4k on Asylum with that being one of the wide open maps with GF and stalked everyone to Exposed each time. He is hardly dead you just have to play him with stealth in mind, hard cover use it and abuse it its your best friend with him.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Well for one, if you actually paid attention to what I first said, I CAN'T STAY in stealth w GF, so that's why I run M&A to get closer smart guy. I'm always spotted by someone so there goes my zero TR. And I don't run it w pig, I run it with Myers and sometimes Freddy. Why in the blue hell would I run it with pig? You just crouch, and even if your spotted, your TR doesn't activate. My gameplay is fine when not using broke killers. I main Freddy and Myers and manage to stay between red and purple rank. Of course my bests are Billy and spirit, but that gets boring. Nurse is a nightmare for me though on PS4. Just can't get the teleport hits down....

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Then your problem is that you aren't as good at being stealthy as you think. Pig and Myers only need to hide from one target really. Ghostface has to stay hidden from several, but has a lot of utility to make up for it.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited June 2019

    I don't recognize the nerf by itself as this massive change that has ultimately destroyed the character. Really what they've done is take a killer who's already not viable at all levels of play (primarily high level) and sprinkled a bit of salt on his grave. He would've been bad before these changes, and now he's even worse. I completely understand that the entire issue is mainly about the principle, though.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    While playing killer, if anybody expects to get a 4K every match then you're gonna be disappointed quite a lot. I'm content with having a fun game. This game won't please everybody 100% of the time.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    @BeanieBoyBob you do realize you can get an early hit before you even start the chase? That in itself already puts you at a major advanatge. Why waste time stalking, when you can instantly start any chase with the survivor injured and never even give them a chance to avoid that first hit?

    Again, you should use his Shroud for mindgames in the chase. Gens dont pop before you down someone if you end the chase super early by turning off your red stain and messing up the Survivor, potentially making them even waste a pallet.

    Wasting time by focusing oneshot is your own problem.

    Uh, if you can't stay in stealth, it's because you aren't being stealthy? Im not sure what you want me to say here. You are being broken out of Shroud because you are playing super obvious and not actually being stealthy. You seem to act like no one should see you just cause you're using Shroud.

    If you are being broken, it's because you being punished for not being stealthy. This isn't hard to comprehend.

    You don't have to use M&A on him at all if you use Shroud properly and stop getting broken. You keep blaming the game, and now you're insulting my intelligence by saying stuff like "smart guy."

    Just because you can play well with other Killers doesn't suddenly mean you know how to play GF well. That's not how things work.

    If you won't even bother trying to put the advice we are giving you into play, why even comment on the forums in the first place? One other player who had problems with GF is already finding much better success by taking some of the advice I've given him.

    You won't even try it, it seems, given your confrontational attitude to anyone that disagrees with your almighty knowledge of being a Red Rank Killer.

    You're playing GF poorly. That's all there is to it.

  • n2njauwu
    n2njauwu Member Posts: 275

    the fuq are you talking about , are you deaf or sth . he is still loud . if he was nerfed much in stalking he should be atleast in crouch mode totally silent , else he is dogshitt

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    How is he still loud? There is no noise that emits at 8 meters anymore.

    Further more, you can only hear his clothes when he's right in top of you, and only when he's actually moving. If he's standing still and stalking, he's completely silent.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Well I guess since your a DBD God and I'm trash, it's allll me right.? Question tho: Do or HAVE you played this on PS4? If your comparing PC play to what I'm talking about, then what's the point? Have you recently played GF on ps4, where everyone is in party chat pointing out where the killer is. That's why I'm instantly spotted. Pretty easy to spot GF when someone is telling you his location. How do you counter that? You don't even have a clue what's going on until it's already happened. That's the main reason I main Freddy because they can't see me, just hear me unless their asleep. I don't play on PC, personally I enjoy the comfort of my recliner in my living room. Console gaming is pretty powerful anyways unless the devs don't use it to its full optimization. *COUGH COUGH*

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    I never claim to be a DbD God. Calm down buddy, I'm not saying you're trash. Im just saying you're playing GF ineffectively. That's it. Relax lol

    And PC is arguably harder to play GF because the skill of Survivors is much higher than that on PS4, and yes, I play both versions.

    People use Discord and voice chat on PC too man. Voice comms destroy any stealth Killer, this is an inherent problem with SWF in general, not really GF. He just has it hard because of this.

    The way you need to play GF is by sticking to the outskirts and always approaching generators from off the beaten path, even it it takes longer. If you are being exposed, you arent being stealthy. You aren't invisible when playing GF.

    This means you need to actually keep yourself hidden through LoS blockers. Almost every good GF I play against doesn't actually Stalk, they use Shroud midchase to play mindgames, or if they do use it out of the chase, they only use it to quickly approach a gen to get a grab, which is always better than stalking for a oneshot.

    Keep in mind I'm telling you what I've seen be effective as a Survivor. Everytime I face a GF that focuses on Stalking, it's always an easy game because the GF player is a timid little Killer that cowers away like Boo whenever someone sees him, instead of bearing down by suddenly coming around corners with 0 warning.

    You have full movement speed when you are in Shroud. You should utilize it. I don't know how many times I need to reiterate it.

    If you are being revealed constantly, you are playing GF poorly. Survivors will never see a good GF coming because he doesn't approach from wide angles or open areas. You can literally stalk from 48 meters away dude.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    This discussion reminds me of people complaining that they get spotted from afar as Wraith while cloaked because they run around in open areas without consideration for LoS.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939
    edited June 2019

    To be fair, a lot of people, myself included, think that Wraith should have 100% full invisibility at distances further than 32m from an observing survivor while Wraith is in Cloak mode.

    It'd give Wraith a tiny bit more viability on maps that have mostly open areas like Shelter Woods, Farm Maps where Survivors perch on the tractor for a bird's eye view of their surroundings, Blood Lodge, etc.,

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    he is another m1 killer now

  • Jackikins
    Jackikins Member Posts: 66

    I dunno, I've been playing him and I feel like the removal of the proximity sound during Night Shroud has really helped out exposing people and getting surprise hits on them.

    Also, the only reason you now hear his footsteps when playing him is because they were previously shadowed by the "loud ass whoosh" (the proximity sounds that's now removed). Not every change is Armageddon. Not every adjustment is "the mother of all nerfs". Maybe spend some more time with him, if you change your mind, that's fine. If you still have the same opinion, that's also fine! Just, maybe tone it down when there are people out there who are doing objectively fine with him.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    What if when Ghostygoo has exposed you, your fov gets smaller until it expires?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Ghostface is mid-tier and that's great IMO. However, he's likely not rank 1 viable because he doesn't end chases that fast.

    The only problem I have with the Ghostface hotfix is the developers not giving us any reasoning on what they do. I would be more understanding if they told us why they are nerfing or buffing something because I can actually see why they're doing something - Even if it's a lame reason. That's why I didn't question the majority of GF changes because they were bugs, but what about the stalking and killer instinct add-ons? Why did you change them?