Killer & Survivor Concepts (Banshee & Riley Sullivan)

Psylent Member Posts: 38
edited September 2019 in Creations

Just a quick google image search. This image originates from a card in Magic the Gathering called "Midnight Banshee". I think this would be a great look for the Banshee killer.

Wailing Banshee: Default movement speed of 115%. Terror Radius is 32 meters.

Weapon- Swipes at survivors with both hands that have sharp, overgrown nails. On successful hits, she either shakes the blood off or wipes it on her face. Not sure which is more appropriate or how wiping the face would look. These are just suggestions anyway.

Power- Shrieks, causing survivors within her terror radius to panic. This makes them breathe heavier and their hearts race faster for 60 seconds. Survivors affected by this breathe 25% louder (both injured and uninjured). During these 60 seconds, the banshee has tracking similar to that of Legion during Feral Frenzy. The difference being that it works at all times (healthy, injured, & maybe downed too?), but the survivor must be within 16(?) meters of the banshee for her to hear their heartbeat. Needs to be properly balanced to avoid being a stronger version of the Whispers perk but still viable. Note that a survivor could be 31 meters away at the edge of the terror radius and their hearts will race but they will not be tracked unless they come within the specified range.

*Shrieking should have a 3 second charge time simply to avoid triggering it accidentally and wasting it. No movement speed penalty while charging. Maybe one while shrieking? Would require testing for use during chases. Shrieking has a cooldown of 150 seconds (2.5 minutes).

*This power is useful for finding survivors to initiate a chase. To make it more useful during a chase, survivors within 16 meters during the shriek become hindered and deafened (Look up Hag's Disfigured Ear add-on for an example of the deafened debuff). This effect would last 4 seconds with hindered doing -5% movement speed. The survivor would also have the other previously mentioned effects.

Cons- Visually impaired due to an eternity of grieving. Think visual effects of Nurse or Legion when they are fatigued by their power, only this would be permanent. The idea is that this killer hunts using sound. Players could use Shadowborn to counter this if they really want to.

Idea for her lore: This wandering banshee roamed into a dark twisted forest where the Entity was dwelling. She had sensed so many deaths there, such painful endless death. The banshee was so overcome with grief that she began shrieking in agony. This is when the Entity surrounded her with it's twisting tendrils and pulled her into it's realm. She became corrupted by the Entity. Instead of warning those of death, she now seeks to spread death.

Banshee perk ideas:

  • Infectious Grief- Survivors within your terror radius are overcome with grief. They perform most actions (8%/12%/16%) slower. This affects repairing, healing, sabotaging, and cleansing totems. *If too strong, then perhaps restrict the AoE to 24 meters instead of the terror radius.*
  • Mournful Gaze- Looking at a survivor causes their vision to go dark for (8/12/16) seconds. During this time, affected survivors cannot see your red stain and the edges of the screen are darkened. Must have line of sight to trigger it. This ability can only be triggered once every 30 seconds. If possible, make it affect all survivors in sight when triggered. *I realize this perk would likely cause issues when used by Clown or Plague, or just be super obnoxious to play against. I suggest giving this perk priority for on-screen effects if possible. So that the darkened edges are over top the sick and intoxicated effects. Or something like that anyway.*
  • Encroaching Death- (10/15/20)% faster entity progression for hooked survivors when they are all alone. (No killer or survivors within 24 meters.)

Alternative killer perks:

  • Shadowy Presence- Your footsteps are silent, and terror radius is decreased by (4/6/8) meters while not in a chase.
  • A Curse and A Blessing- Lose the ability to see scratch marks, but also lose your Red Stain.
  • Sacrifice- Every time a survivor dies, all unfinished generators immediately regress by (10%/15%/20%). *Not sure how strong this should be to make it worth using.*

Add-on ideas:


  • Azalea Petals- Survivors affected by your shrieking breathe slightly louder (5%). *Stacks*
  • Diseased Lung- Reduces cooldown by 10 seconds. *Stacks*
  • Daffodil Petals- Increases panic duration by 10 seconds. *Stacks*
  • Sewn Lips- Muffles your shrieks so that they only affect those within 16 meters of you. Points received for shrieking increased by 100%. (Would be neat if the shrieks sounded different with this add-on, like quieter but still terrifying.)


  • Withered Azalea- Survivors affected by your shrieking breathe moderately louder (10%). *Stacks*
  • Dessicated Lung- Reduces cooldown by 20 seconds. *Stacks*
  • Withered Daffodil- Increases panic duration by 15 seconds. *Stacks*
  • Baby's Pacifier- Survivors affected by your shrieking receive the blindness status effect for 20 seconds. *Does not stack* <It is thought that some banshees are women who died during childbirth. These items represent the child she never got to see. And so they hinder survivors in a similar way. >
  • Withered Rose- The hindered/deafened debuff lasts 2 seconds longer. (Stacks)


  • Burnt Azalea- Survivors affected by your shrieking breathe considerably louder (15%). *Stacks*
  • Bloodied Lung- Reduces cooldown by 30 seconds. *Stacks*
  • Burnt Daffodil- Increases panic duration by 20 seconds. *Stacks*
  • Infant's Rattle- Survivors affected by your shrieking receive the blindness status effect for 40 seconds. *Does not stack*
  • Black Rose- Survivors that are hindered by your shrieking are an additional 2% slower. (Total debuff being -7% speed) *Stacks*

Very Rare:

  • Bleeding Rose- Survivors that are hindered by your shrieking are an additional 3% slower. (Total debuff being -8% speed) *Stacks*
  • Lover's Locket- Injured survivors affected by your shrieking suffer from the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds. <This memento causes her so much agony that her screams cause bones to fracture. >
  • Newborn Clothing- Survivors affected by your shrieking receive the blindness status effect for 60 seconds. *Does not stack*
  • Withered Hemlock- Survivors affected by your shrieking are 20% more likely to receive skill checks. Skill checks triggered this way have no bonus zones. (No great skill checks)

Ultra Rare:

  • Burnt Rose- The hindered/deafened debuff now applies to your entire terror radius when you shriek and lasts 6 seconds longer. (Stacks)
  • Iridescent Heart- Survivors in your terror radius scream when you shriek, giving away their position. Heartbeat tracking is extended by 16 meters.

*I chose flowers for her add-ons since banshees are known to mourn those who have died or even those about to die. People in mourning often leave flowers on graves. That being said, I chose these specific flowers for their poisonous tendencies when ingested. Well except roses, they're not poisonous at all. I just like roses.

Survivor- Riley Sullivan

Can be male or female since Riley can be used for guys and girls. They have to be a redhead with freckles. This is not a suggestion. It must be done. The idea is they are a mechanic who happens to be lucky. Sorry for the stereotype, but it helped with the perk ideas.

  • Karma- Gain a stack of +4% luck every time you perform an altruistic action up to a maximum of 4 stacks. Also Gain (50%/75%/100%) more Altruism points.
  • Mechanical Gusto- Hitting a great skill check while repairing a generator now awards (2/3/4)% progression. When repairing within the killer's terror radius, gain a stack of gusto every 5 seconds up to a max of 3 stacks. Each stack grants +5% chance to receive a skill check and their bonus zones (Greats) are slightly bigger. With 3 stacks, bonus zones are about half the skill check. Leaving the generator removes all stacks.
  • Treasure Finder- (50/60/70)% chance to find a Rainbow Map when searching chests. Maps last twice as long.

Please leave any critiques or suggestions you might have. All feedback is appreciated.

Post edited by Psylent on


  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Yes please! Even if they have to rework the powers or perks or anything, the concept is really cool and I love stuff like that.

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38

    Thanks! I'm glad you like it. I just got done adding a Survivor concept as well, along with alternative perk ideas in case some aren't well-received.

  • fuzzyhobo
    fuzzyhobo Member Posts: 48

    Pretty nice, though I'm not a fan that her power is only for tracking.

    It'd be much nicer to change the power by adding a bit of your perk idea "Mournful gaze" so she has an ability to use it to help in chases, but should probably be a bit more skill based than just having survivors in the field of view. If I may...

    Power: The Banshee shrieks, causing survivors in a cone in front of her to Panic for up to 60 seconds.


    • Increase Panic duration
    • Reduce Panic diminish factor
    • Longer shriek range
    • Wider shriek angle
    • Rare: When hit with Panic afflicted no longer hear the terror radius for 8 seconds

    Panic: Survivors affected by Panic breathe louder and their heartbeat can be heard by the killer within 8m. Running while in Panic causes tunnel vision and limits the survivor's visibility. Skill checks are much more likely to occur and are much harder when Healing, Repairing or Sabotaging. Being completely still (No interactions) outside the killer's terror radius calms oneself and causes the Panic to diminish faster (The longer being still the faster it diminishes)

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38

    Actually, there's a section mentioning how the shriek can be used during chases:

    "*This power is useful for finding survivors to initiate a chase. To make it more useful during a chase, survivors within 16 meters during the shriek become hindered and deafened (Look up Hag's Disfigured Ear add-on for an example of the deafened debuff). This effect would last 4 seconds with hindered doing -5% movement speed. The survivor would also have the other previously mentioned effects."

    I also suggested add-ons that buff this specific affect.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Wait, if this is NSFW, how are the devs supposed to read it?

    Kidding. I read the killer power and it sounds kinda neat.

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2019

    I really hope at least some of these perks are eventually put in the game. I think they'd make great additions and are pretty balanced as is.

    Post edited by Psylent on
  • Michael__Myers
    Michael__Myers Member Posts: 9

    Sounds fun, I likes it! I'm a big fan of the banshee myth & always hoped it would find it's way into the game.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Good job! I really like it. 😀

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    This is really cool! I really hope some of those perks get to be in the game!

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38

    *Recently made a lot of changes and put more detail into the survivor concept part. I've been going through my posts to fine tune and organize them.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Okay, I get that her power is to hear better and stuff, but if you are going against a sneaky boi jake that literally does nothing, maybe another power to add to it?

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2019

    If you're referring to Iron Will and Calm Spirit, sure they counter her to a degree but not entirely. They don't affect the heartbeat tracking or the hindered/deafened effects when survivors are close by. Iron Will is a hard counter to the louder breathing for sure but not everyone runs it. Imagine running the add-ons Withered Azalea and Burnt Azalea with Stridor for easy audio tracking. That's +100% louder injured moans and +50% louder normal breathing when healthy (Effects from add-ons only apply to survivors that are panicked). Meaning survivors with Iron Will are at normal injured volume while those without are twice as loud. Might actually be too loud lol. But that's with a build made specifically for hearing survivors that can only happen with this killer so I think it's pretty fair.