Please Change Ghost Face

Eguzky Member Posts: 173
edited June 2019 in General Discussions


If it's not Survivors running AT me to break my power, then using one of five get-away perks, it's Survivors abusing game mechanics to break my stealth from behind a wall where I can't see them.

Why is the Killer who's supposed to be ADEPT AT STALKING getting out-stalked by Survivors?

Why can they see me from around walls they are 100% behind, and break my stealth through the corn on the farm, and only need to see 20% of my body, but if a tiny butterfly gets between me and my target, I can't fill that Stalk meter?

Ghostface is only fun for Survivors; he's easy to bully and shut down, and he looks so damn silly peeking around a corner while trying so very hard to be a big boy killer. :(

My fix: Remove Survivor's Ability to Break Ghost Face's Stealth! (That should be in bold, and this in italics, but the forums are closing the little window when I click 'B' & 'I' without applying it. But only on THIS line of text. #########?)

Instead, Survivors that see him cannot be stalked, but ONLY that Survivor cannot be stalked so long as they see him.


If you want to make a Cat & Mouse game style instead: You can make it so a Survivor that keeps seeing him DRAINS their personal stalk meter if Ghost Face is not actively trying to fill it. (If he's trying to fill it, it just fills much slower, or pauses. Whichever seems more balanced.)

But for the love of good game balance: Remove Survivor's Ability to Break Ghost Face's Stealth!

A Killer is not scary when the Survivors get to decide when and how he uses his power!


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Yeah I hate when people do that.

    Anyways, it's healthy for Killers to always have a reason NOT to use their powers (same for Survivors and active ability's when applicable) since it creates a layer of strategy that wouldn't exist if the Killer could just always be using their power without thinking hard about it.

    Having Survivors be able to break you out of Night Shroud is one such reason to not use your power, and right now it's practically the ONLY reason. If there were other reasons to not use Night Shroud then yes it would be BS for Survivors to knock you out, but there isn't so it's not.

    If you want to adjust how easy it is to knock him out, or replace it with a different mechanic that serves a similar purpose than that's fine.

    But don't just remove it entirely.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Btw, a reason to not use your power doesn't have to mean it has a downside.

    For example having it be on a cooldown and giving it a timer instead of letting you use it forever would qualify (even if it probably wouldn't be the best solution)

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173

    I made suggestions instead of removing it.

    I mean, removing their ability to break it makes it like The Pig and halves it's power STILL with my suggestions.

    You can't stop Meyer's Stalking. You can't MAKE The Pig stand up. You can't FORCE The Doctor to switch modes.

    Why did Ghost Face get a pass on being so easy to abuse and bully? It's not balance, or all those other characters would be OP to high hell.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You did remove it. If this goes through then why would Ghostface ever not be in stealth?

    Yes you can't stop Myers from stalking or whatever, but he does have a reason not to just hold M2 the whole game, same with Pig crouching, there is a reason for the Pig to not crouch and for the doctor to switch modes and for the Spirit to not phase and for the Huntress/Clown to not throw a hatchet/bottle ect.

    Every Killer has a reason to not use their power, sure some Killers still are using there power a lot of the time anyways such as Nurse and Billy, but even they have to be smart with their timing or else their power will do more harm than good, or at the very least less good than it otherwise could have.

    Night shroud's effects however are purely positive and can in theory be used forever. Right now this is the only power like that. Every other power has either a slowdown, opportunity cost or both.

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2019

    Except Night Shroud works EXACTLY like The Pig's stealth.

    His stalk is separate, but tied in (IE: He can't stalk without Shrouding).

    So what if he can night shroud forever? That won't break him, and will be LESS powerful if you alter his Stalk to compensate, which I suggested.

    The Pig can crouch forever, and has no reason not too.

    Meyer's and GF share the reasons to Stalk/Not Stalk, so nothing gained or lost there.

    The main problem is that he has 2 things, and He. Can't. Do. Them.

    I just wish the Devs would respond to these outcries of how utterly UP GF is. We see them reply to questions and bugs..but they seem to actively AVOID any thread about Killer balance. They never respond, and it feels like they just don't care that he's yet ANOTHER Killer neutered by Survivor-biased gameplay.

    Just once, I'd love to see 'Yeah, we could take another look at GF/<insert killer name here>' or the more important 'We've seen the complaints' followed by any reasons they have for why or why not changing things right now.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Pig ABSOLUTELY has a reason not to crouch forever.

    Specifically lower movement speed, pig can't move at full speed while crouching.

    Ghostface however can absolutely move at full speed while in stealth, it's what makes him special compared to other stealth Killers who either move at reduced speed (Pig and Myers) or can't attack in stealth (Wraith and Freddy)

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @Eguzky except it isn't like Pig stealth at all.

    First of all, you should never actually crouch as GF.

    Second, he has full movement speed when in Shroud mode. Pig is super slow while crouched.

    Thirdly, the fact you can just turn off your red stain for free means that you can easily mindgame around LoS blockers much more effectively than Pig could ever hope to achieve, mostly because you don't have a mega loud sound effect that gives away your attack.

    You really shouldnt be playing GF like any other stealth killer.

    He can do them. You just need to become a better GF player. Im running into several extremely effective GF players that make him seem better than Myers.

    You shouldn't always stalk with GF simply because your full speed while having no TR means you can easily get gen grabs, which will always be faster than stalking for a oneshot.

    If they revealed you, they clearly had a line of sight on you. Im just saying.

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    edited June 2019

    here's a gf pro tip: Git Gud

    You're welcome

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173

    If they reveal GF, it means their magic 3rd person camera that was never meant to counter Killer Powers had line of sight while they stayed safe 10000000% behind a wall without even the slightest shred of anything showing.

    Because of this camera, Ghost Face's power should NEVER have been made with a 'just look at him' counter in mind. This will ALWAYS benefit the players who have a floating 360 degree view.

    This is WHY Killers don't have a third-person camera; it's a handicap. It makes them harder to play.

    Which means this camera is a hard counter to any attempt to ever stealth as GF.

    Which means he should not be countered by just. bloody. looking. at. HIM!

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok sure. But if he isn't knocked out of stealth then why would he ever not be in stealth.

    Or in otherwords. If I can't be forced out of stealth, then why as ghostface would I ever willingly not be in stealth?

    For pig or myers it's because I need the speed. Wraith and Freddy it's because I need to actually attack them. What's Ghostfaces reason?

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Did you really just call Freddy a stealth killer? He can't touch you unless your asleep and you know when he's coming to put you to sleep because of the genius that decided to give him a terror radius that awake and asleep survivors can hear. You also can hear his footsteps.

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173

    Reduce his lunge range while in Stealth (so he has to be closer, thus play more sneaky to GET closer)

    Reduce his movespeed a bit while in stealth, but increase his vault action speed (and ONLY vault action.)

    So he can either move slower, but vault faster, or move normally but vault normally.

    Add a timer akin to The Doctor to switch between modes, to prevent rapid switching.

    And, as I said above; Allow people to stop his Stalking power by looking at him, but NOT stop his stealth. But they only stop it for THEMSELVES.

    IE: If Bill looks at him, Bill's Stalk meter will not go up, but Claudett, who is next to Bill but not looking at GF, will still be Stalked.

    As it is, it takes ONE person out of 4 people with magic out-of-body 360 cameras to prevent his power wholly. He's just too easily countered to be at all good.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Whether they have a 3rd person camera or not, you still can't see GF if he directly approaches you from an angle that blocks significant LoS. It takes nearly 2 seconds to break him out of stealth. That honestly should be plenty of time to get into cover, and if not, it means you were playing poorly and not in an area with good cover.

    I know what having a 3rd person camera means. But in order to get such an angle in the first place, your body needs to be exposed at least 20% from any given angle.

    If you aren't aware of all possible LoS angles people can get on you whole you are in Shroud, you shouldn't be surprised when you get knocked out of stealth.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Ghostface as a killer now... Lmao

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2019

     Significant LoS, man?

    Ghost Face: Must see 99.9999999999999999999993% of a Survivors body. If even one strand of hair is hidden by a snowflake or errant bug, he can't Stalk.

    Survivors: Only need to see 20% of Ghost Face to break his stealth. If they so much as see a SHOE, he loses stealth.

    Ghost Face's power is firmly in the 'Survivor's Control' part of the power gauge. They cranked it hard over and snapped off the handle.

  • BalmungUchiha
    BalmungUchiha Member Posts: 7

    A strategy that has been working very solid for me is sticking to the edges of the map, and if it's an open field/forest map, utilize the talk grass/cattail/corn stalks to my advantage while crouching when I do my patrolling. Ghostface seems to be most effective as a Single-Target Rushdown Stealth Killer. (Yes, I threw these together, I'm not a pro.) I've successfully made it to Rank 7 using mostly Ghostface and have had very few losses with him. I usually lose to a well coordinated team (and occasionally pallet looping and flashlight spamming until I figured out how to shut that down). Basically, when you start attacking someone, you don't let them get away without getting them hooked. He requires a lot more mind games and stealth than other killers, but when used right, is BRUTAL. He even has a perk that helps him in a chase (albeit specific) where you can see someone's aura when they decide to do a rushed action. It demotes people from vaulting their way to a hiding spot. There's also add-ons you can slap on Ghostface that make it so the survivor has to be practically up your ass to detect you, which by then is usually too late for them. The only buff Ghostface needs is some kinda add-on that'll help him destroy pallets faster. Getting Trapper's is kind of a pain for me. I can't stand playing Trapper.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    You don't need to play Trapper to level him up.

    Just dump BP into him without playing him.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    What I have noticed with GF he is pretty good if you play him like a stealth killer (don't crouch though) Sometimes it is better to sneak up and attack the survivor before they noticed you rather then just mindlessly mark everyone. Sometimes it's better just not to mark someone. And sometimes it's better to mark someone.

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173

    Nope. I always think that, if someone downvotes a post/thread without replying, they actually don't HAVE a reply.

    They are saying 'I don't like what you said, but you're not wrong'.

    Because anyone with a counter-argument would say that counter-argument.

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544

    I think you need to play him more stealthier, by that I mean move around the map through the outer side (touching the wall), take the long route to get to survivors, don't be afraid to lose a chase to conserve your stealth mode, wait for survivors to be out in the open instead of a jungle gym.

    Another good strategy is that you can stalk a survivor and when they are about to break you out of stealth just quickly crouch (kinda t-bag and stalk all together) that way you can stalk and keep your stealth long enough for you to mark them. Also, keep in mind that this strat wont work if there are other survivors in proximity (including hooked survivors).

  • s0cial_outc4st
    s0cial_outc4st Member Posts: 59

    I never have this problem because I play sneaky enough to hardly ever be revealed. I constantly get 4k as GF and that's not a brag just facts. GF is great the way he is and taking away the ability to reveal him will ruin games involving GF for survivors.

  • BalmungUchiha
    BalmungUchiha Member Posts: 7

    Thanks for that tip mate. I didn't know BP carried between all killers.

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173

    It carries between all killers and survivors.

    It's an account-wide BP bank. Whatever you earn can be spent on any Killer or Survivor you want, regardless of who earned it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Don't copy and paste stuff because for some reason, it automatically bolds stuff.

    Don't copy and paste stuff because for some reason, it automatically bolds stuff.

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2019

    Oh, I get that. The odd thing is that, if I highlight a line, and then click to bold/unbold/italic/unitalic; the box goes away but the changes never happen.

    But only on certain lines. It will work fine on line 2, but line 3 will not work, but line 4 & 5 will work fine with it, etc

    Like, in that post you replied too? I CAN NOT unbold the first line, but you can see I bolded 'because' perfectly fine.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    There has been some good advice here but something I'd like to add is that I like to partially stalk someone, scare them away then stalk someone else or sneaky stab them. This works well with surveillance as you can see when they get back on it then punish them for doing so.

  • mansfieldm8
    mansfieldm8 Member Posts: 6

    It seems you want gf without any downsides? So no skill is actually required? U want an op killer for your rank 20 gameplay? I find gf extremely well balanced atm, with gf i verse mostly getting a 4k, unless clearly they should be in rank 20, ccause it sounds as if u got no idea how to actually play dbd