Can you adjust GF times after having "FIX" the power of GF, devs?

After having fixed the power of GF, I clearly observe that it is easier to reveal it, I pose some ideas to balance the killer, I do not know if these ideas devs have it in mind.
- Reduce the power recovery time from 30 to 20 seconds and adjust addons.
- Expand a bit the time in which the survivor begins to detect GF of 1.5 seconds (+0.3 buffering) to 2 seconds + 0.3 buffering.
That is all.
NOTE: And I'm going to put a very important notation and I do not know if the power is bugg, there are some occasions where you hide behind a tree or in a site and they reveal you very easy, it works very inconsistent, the power works very badly.
With that amount of time, GF would be able to cheese out of detection too easily and make it impossible to detect him prior to one shotting the survivor I think.
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Ghostface main here, I like his current state, please stop prodding the devs about him.
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Comrade, do you use your head? I do not want to offend you, but main GF? You're kidding?
The devs did a HOTFIX and right now the power sometimes feels like it's very easy to remove it, just now it can farming "Deviousness points" therefore, it needs other adjustments, since it is very easy to get out of its power, for What does not adjust the 30 seconds BASE has? And make it a bit harder to get it out with the 1.5 seconds that the survivors have to raise it to increase it 0.5 ... you need to use the head, nobody is main GF, it just came out 1 week ago, it has a 10/10 design but a 5/10 power just as is the state of play. A killer where you can nullify its power is useless, as simple as that. And you're talking to a main killer of almost 3000 hours.
Do you want a stronger example? Do you want a killer that is in a good place? MYERS is 1000 times better than GF. The survivors can not cancel the power, but they can use tools to hide and so Myers does not go up to level 3.
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Yeah played GF yesterday (PS4 here) and after this hot fix a Nea was hiding behind boxes ( I couldn't see or stalk her) revealed me no problem. It's a little too quick now. I play survivor and I play killer and I feel that its not in a balanced place at the moment from either side.
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Again, if you are focusing the stalk, you are playing GF incorrectly.
Of course Myers is better at stalking. GF stalking is really only secondary to his main ability.
Being able to turn off his TR and red stain midchase to confuse the Survivors. Stalking is just icing on the cake.
Focusing on stalking alone, you're gonna have a bad time. 3000 hours mean nothing on a fresh Killer with a new playstyle.
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You mean that the power of GF is not stalker? So is a killer just M1? and scare?
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Don't stalk too much, use the stealth to hit and grab them more
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In what rank are we talking about? It is fun to listen to "nonsense" of this type. Then how are points of deviousness earned?
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You can still get deviousness from stabbing while in stealth. You can stalk but sometimes it's not as effective to do so.
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What every survivor main says in a nutshell for every new killer :
"Insert killer name" main here, i like his current state, please don't buff him otherwise i cannot cheese the killer as a survivor.
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4 seconds to stalk, 2 seconds to reveal? So you want your power's exposed effect to be handed to you? It's already easy enough to cheese.
First suggestion is good - the power bar I feel could do with filling faster, and I feel this way about Legion, too.
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It's balancing numbers, I guess, right now in the patch, stalking is 5 seconds, not 4 and the revelation of GF is 1.5 + 0.3.
5 seconds of stalking and 2 seconds of revelation is in my humble opinion quite well.
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You seem to be underestimating the ability to turn off your TR and Red stain in the middle of a chase.
Why dont you give it a shot before you criticize my advice?
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I am not criticizing, the power is to stalk and make "mental" games with power but ... what grace is that they take away or disable the power of a killer, leaving it only to M1?
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Because you were punished for not playing effectively.
If GF had infinite 0 TR for as long as he wanted and no red stain as long as he wanted he'd be OP.
Im cool with making his cooldown only 20 seconds again, but then revealing thing isn't a problem if you're smart.
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I'm just asking that since it's so easy to get him out of power, why not balance numbers? For example CD time I only ask to adjust numbers I am not asking for more and he needs it.
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20 second cooldown on Night Shroud is fine. Ghostface's current cooldown for Night Shroud is more than 1/3rd of the time it takes to solo repair a generator, god forbid multiple survivors working on a generator.
That's just not acceptable.
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To be fair bringing them out of power was always inconsistent.
Before this update I've had times where out in the open I could practically stand still while he walked towards me and staring directly at him couldn't get him out of NS and others where a glimpse through a window where I didn't even know where he was took him out.
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If u crouch spam while stalking the game will register as stalking during the mid crouch animation over certain objectslike the trucks on auto wrecker. Sometimes if u spam u canreset the reveal time.