Does this game hate me?

I think I am going to sound like one of those obnoxious whiners, but I think my luck has now died out in this game, especially as survivor. I am getting true tunnelers every game, dying first at only 4000 points (or less) in every game. One game Michael Myers kept on going for only me, even with other injured survivors nearby and having his tier 3 on, he would just go for me. When exit gates were on, he made sure I couldn't get unhooked easily, and when I was, even though he hit the other survivors defending the unhooking, he only came for me. Another game, I was playing with a sibling who hasn't played in weeks, which it was a Ghostface. I spawned far away from the other 3 survivors who were together, and revealed Ghostface before he got to me. But then, he kept on prioritizing chasing me and butt danced on me, making sure I died on second hook. Other two survivors died trying to save each other, sibling escaped almost cleanly. And next game, a Pig kept on going for me again, first hooking me when I took hits for another survivor, then hooking me again when she kept on following me while I tried to get the trap off. Last hook, I gave up wiggling after she somehow found only me in the basement generator of the Preschool map. Besides me, there was only one survivor that was hooked once.
I have only had one successful game in the past WEEK, which was a slug sparing Spirit that had such a laggy game, I saw flying Claudettes and all actions were delayed by 3 seconds. It was fun though.
Does this game hate me for never being toxic, or is it just bad luck or am I playing wrong somehow? :(
At this point, should I just switch to full on killer main if I keep on getting hit listed first as survivor?
Just play killer. It's - BY FAR - easier right now than solo survivor.
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I can tell, it seems to have gotten worse now. :(
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I haven't had much problems as solo survivor
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If it makes you feel any better I was playing with a friend last night and both of us were glitched. I couldn't recover or wiggle and progress bars were at zero the whole time. I wouldn't have a problem with the recovering thing....if I wasn't running Unbreakable and flip flop. I just wanted to run a "don't slug me" build. :(
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That's it. This game truly hates me. Just played two of the worst matches ever. Played a match with clown where I had to help parents with their work, and got hooked. Got farmed unluckily by running into the clown who I didn't coming. Next game, Doctor in Game, got ruthlessly tunneled and hooked. Truly, because there were other injured survivors, but went for me out of all the choices. Only one other survivor been hooked while I got hooked all three times. Playing one more game, if I get another loss in a RANK 13 match, I will quit survivor for a while.
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Are you on ps4 by chance, I tend to notice a lot of the above at lower ranks there. I've recently got into purple again and it strangely seems a little more chill on the camp/tunnel front. Definitely helps to at least have one friend to help out, most solos will leave you for dead because they are playing solo and want a safe escape for the bp, can't blame them but it does suck to see teammates hiding in gates or when you get a second SWF pair and they don't touch gens, try to be toxic and the killer demolishes them in 2s chases (funny to witness but detrimental to the "team").
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Saw it in Reddit for "Rage Wednesday" but this is Steam. Thankfully, got one neutral match and one (finally) great match where everyone escaped because I sabotaged hooks and 2 people had flashlights. Killer was chill and congratulated us :)
Though I am still scared of more tunneling, so I may just focus on killer (slug sparing like always).
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Solo survivor sucks right now crappy teamates that can only get 1 gen done in 5 minutes of looping.
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Good to hear you're getting a break, usually after those long bad sessions either they take a turn and things get better (or you can have a good session that gets progressively worse). Most times I just stop playing if it's getting too much but more often than not things start to improve again after 2 or so matches.
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I don't know, since i started to play dbd again generators pop up way too fast, at least games as killer are pretty short.🤨
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Experiences can greatly differ. I have 4k'd about 30 games in a row now (recorded every single one of them but haven't watched the videos myself as most chases are not even exciting) but as a solo survivor I rarely ever survive no matter how good (or bad) I play since most of the time random team mates are not dependable in the slightest.
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I tend to practise stealth as a solo survivor, doesn't get me alot of points but tends to even out the spread of wins/losses.
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i feel this too when i play solo survirvor....
i dont want to play a game who hates me.
I just leave and i play something else.
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I feel like the game hates me when i play killer as i'm always matched with toxic swf groups that run for the infinite loop points
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Probably the game hates us or the Entity is trying to take our hope away by nerfing Ghostface and never giving survivors shirtless Myers XD
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Depends on your rank.
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I don't know. Pipping as a surv feels easier. Remember it's a win, if you pip.
And as a killer the emblem system is pretty bad. Partly I had 3k and depipped.
As a surv you get your pip with 2 gens and an unhook....
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You probably bad at the game that s why killer prioritize you. If you get tunneled you should try to juke him not loop him
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It's not easier than solo survivor. It's just different than playing survivor because you aren't being hunted. Killer is far more stressful once you start ranking up and by default killer emblem scoring is stricter than survivor. The only easy thing about killer is bp gain per game. You still going to sit in giant queues and if your having as bad a time as the OP is with survivor switching to killer is not going to be a good time. You're gonna be up against unlimited sweat works survivors. That is what happens when you're having bad weeks and you switch.
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I can juke, but bad at finding pallets. Still on hiatus with survivor XD
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Did you just copy and paste what I said earlier? confused face*
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You should grab Windows of opportunity my friend.
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I consider it a high tier perk myself XD
I can be decent in chases, but only if I can tell when to do my 180 juke and find pallet loops or jungle gyms, since I play without mouse. Highest rank so far is 10, so I am decent but suck comparing to hardcore players.
Post edited by Ember_Hunter on0 -
As ######### as it is to get tunneled/camped to death, the real problem here is that it actually works way more than it should. Your team, for some reason.. even at red ranks, is allergic to doing generators. If they just did them and left, it'd sting a lot less dying either way. It sucks dangling on the hook for the entirety of your experience, but honestly, there is a bit of hope if your team is packing the right perks (killer pending).
I'm on my survivor rotation at the moment, and one thing I'll say for sure is that the quality of survivor has dropped lately. I'm not even claiming to be a great survivor, but god damn if this week hasn't been a sign that I'm definitely not the worst.
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Depends who your character is; A character that is unlocked by high level players? "I'm gonna kill you first". It's all on whoever the killer thinks is the most valuable in a situation.
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My mains are Meg, Nea, Feng Min, David, and Claudette (Which is an insane amount, I know) I would think it would be Claudette to be tunneled, but it is actually when I play Meg, Nea, or David. Feng Min and Claudette have been perfectly fine, strangely.
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Maybe you can try a stealth build. What perks are you using? I hope you're not running around with neon clothing on. Also depending on the character you select, like Meg, Claudette or Nea for example, I've noticed they seem to get targeted early in the game.
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Nope, no bought clothing. All my characters have steathy clothes, except Feng. The 3 shirts I have are all bright XD
I only play stealth with Nea and Claudette, but I get targeted most as Nea, Meg, or David.
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I've felt as you do, believe me. Take a break from survivor for a bit. Don't give up on it though, even though it's tough to get good matches sometimes I still like the teamwork of survivor and helping others try to escape.
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Yep, only one successful teamwork I mentioned up there, already on week two on survivor break. May try again tonight >:) *Dies by Face camping Leatherface later*