Why is getting a pip at red ranks almost entirely dependent on Survivors?

Best Answers
Because emblem score isn't a measure of your personal skill. It is just a measure of how accommodating you can make the game for survivors while still being able to get kills. If you're only goal is the to get pips start playing the high end killers and hope you get survivors who won't die extremely fast.
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People kept saying that ranking up was too easy and that too many players were getting into Red Ranks. The emblem system is the latest form of what we call the victory cube. It actually used to make more sense as it lined up well with kills as the deciding factor. Though that was before the emblem system was established in full. Now we have scaling scoring that gets more restrictive the higher in rank you are. Survivors have it much easier as their scoring difficulty has been reduced. Killers have been made a tad more strigent a patch or two back.
Yeah totally agree. This emblem system sucks...
Yesterday I depiped with a 3 k...
You also have to take care that you don't depip, if one of them decides to leave the game....
I think it's disgusting how this changes. You should get pips depending on kills...
Really who thought this is a good idea? When you 4k with ts myers you can be happy if you don't depip...
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@Mänzel Same with Billy or Insta Huntess/Clown. Trapper also, when you trap a lot of people and don't hit them in the trap.
I had one game with Mirror Myers I blackpipped, because I could pull them off of everything and got only few hits and they killed themselves on the hook.
As with any other strong/funny build as Impossible Skill Checks Doc, Russian Roulette Spirit, Tombstone Myers etc.
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Once had a game as Nurse. I hunted down everyone so well, that 2 people got onehooked, and the other 2 twohooked. I didnt even slug. 4 kills + 5 gens + 3 minute game = easy depip.
The pipping system doesnt show how well you play, but how well everyone is at stalling the game.
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The key issue with current emblem systems is it dosent recognise use of power as awarding a hit for a variety of power based abilites. The plague corrupt purge awards zero chaser. This applies to trappers traps. Chainsaw/instadown killers are awarded points for a single hit as opposed to doubling the points value for downing with your power. Meaning using an instadown effect costs you chaser. Once these are sorted the chaser emblem should function normally.
Gatekeeper current point system is nti suited for trap early game set up killers and should instead operate off a deathgarden like victory condition. Killer gains gold gatekeeper for making games last X length of time and an iridescent if the game ends without all gens being completed.
Devout should grant iridescent if the killer kills 3 survivours this means killer no longer have to slug for the 4 k to pip as egc in its current state is a coin flip for survivour and killer. Whether or not the gates are far away or close or if the hatch spawns close to the survivour if it isnt in play.
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That's a big problem I think... Did you play a basement build so far? If you play it too good you will depip and this shouldn't be...
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Honestly that's terrible game designed to be punished for doing your job too well if you completely steamrolled survivors then you risk losing Pips.
Before it was too easy you can gain at least a Pip even if you didn't kill anybody
However they didn't make it more difficult they made it more reliant on the people you're going up against not being absolute potatoes.
I've had have to actively prolong some games because the survivors got steamrolled so quickly and I could lose out on emblem opportunities
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You supposed to let survivors have a good and fun time in order to rank up. Being too good and ending it fast, thus not letting anyone have any fun, results in punishment and deranking (or black pip).
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What does the Russian Roulette Spirit build look like? Out of curiosity.
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3 hexes plus haunted grounds
thrill of the hunt, Ruin, and a 3rd usually