Pros and Cons of DBD

So I had a friend recently ask me if I'd recommend he try dead by daylight. It got me thinking of listing out the pros and cons of this game, which I want to do.
- Wide variety of different play styles among the killers.
- Surviving is scary and intense when you are new.
- Cool customizations for characters
- Lots of events throughout the year
- Movie icon killers and survivors
- New content throughout the year
- Balance becomes an obvious issue once you become more experienced in the game.
- More than half the killer roster aren't viable in high ranks.
- Devs don't understand their own game nor listen to community feedback a lot of the time.
- Game is balanced around casual play, so if you are a competitive gamer, this is NOT the game for you.
- Ranking system is awful.
- Cosmetics are absurdly expensive.
- New content tends to be a disappointment.
- Extremely toxic community
- Lots of bugs and technical issues; no patch seems to ever NOT break the game.
- Events are usually the same recycled thing every year.
- For being a horror game, the horror is primarily playing killer once you gain experience. As a survivor, the horror is there when you first start the game. It goes away fast however.
- Meta always seems to stay the same. Ruin is STILL required at red ranks.
I could probably go on with the cons lol. Fact is, there are more negative things about this game than positive. And don't get me wrong, Im not saying it is a bad game. Im just saying it still has lots of issues that continue to get ignored. It of course has lots more potential to get better. My friend is a competitive gamer (mostly fighting games) and after my analysis, he decided to just skip DBD.
For being a horror game, the horror is primarily playing killer once you gain experience.
Oof. This speaks to me. I literally can feel my heart start rapidly thumping in my chest whenever I click that "play as killer" button and start waiting for survivors. Experience tells me I am bound to have a reeeaaaaaally fuuuuuuun tiiiiime ahead of me..
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I mean..
im not surprised that theres more negatives than positives.
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I wouldn't ever recommend Dead By Daylight to a friend to many problems with the current game maybe in a few
years decades it will be better and I could recommend it to people.6 -
To be fair most of your cons come under the balance part.
Skins being expensive well they are not needed and a side way to earn money so who really cares?
There are only really two things that matter to myself.
Do I enjoy the game or not.
I do right now so I keep playing, If at times I don't I just play something else for a while.
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I understand the making money aspect but $10 for one outfit??? I bet they’d make more $ selling a little cheaper
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The devs have said they don't care about the meta and don't make content with it in mind.
Only what sounds fun to them is created.
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Yeah and as a competitive gamer myself, that’s unfortunate to hear.
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Well that's speculation as players like myself who never buy skins wouldn't no matter the price and need to be taken into account and if they didn't sell well as is they wouldn't pay employees make to them as it's not viable.
The skins are priced the same as other games and tbh most of the complaints about the price is from those that just really want something flashy that has no impact on gameplay. If that's the case those people are probably on the verge of parting with money and why skins are priced as they are as eventually they can take the bait.
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Overall pretty dang accurate lol
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Hey I like your posts. I always wondered if you’re one of the dudes that did swf with ochido? Reason I ask is because I used to watch true talent and I remember a guy named blueberry in that group lol
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I actually watched the videos you're talking about and that is a different guy, not me. I play almost strictly solo.
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As a survivor, the horror is there when you first start the game. It goes away fast however.
The same as watching a horror movie
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I'm not a fan of how DbD is managed, but for me, the fun factor of the game outweighs the cons.
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That's the problem, they don't want to get out of their comfort zone and make a few changes to shake the meta.
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Just thought I would ask. Even if you happened to be him, I wouldn't have judged lol. Im sure even that guy has become aware of the issues hurting this game (hopefully)
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That's fair. I have 1300 hours so the games pretty stale to me. I've become sick of using the top tier killers like nurse to stand a chance. I really was hoping ghostface was going to be red rank viable so I could continue my fun streak with this game but nope =(
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I've played against you many times and judging off your playstyle and mannerisms, you're not helping to make it any better.
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Pros: It's kinda fun
Cons: Makes you more susceptible to migraines and depression
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What’s ur GT?
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Give it a month then it will be fun again for a bit