If you had to pick one celebrity to appear in the game...

Who would you choose?
Killer or Survivor, it doesn't matter. Doesn't have to be horror, just one celebrity.
I would go for a killer: The Undertaker from WWE.
Smg from Buffy the vampire slayer
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Alexander Sidigg, actor who plays Julian on DS9. He'd make for an interesting survivor
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Alycia Debnam-Carey or Eliza Taylor from the 100.
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For killer: God
His power: To kill any survivors regardless of where they are whenever he wants and block the exit gates permanently. His secondary ability is to boobytrap the hatch so when survivors try to escape the hatch closes mid-escape and cuts them in half.
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Survivor: Terry Crews
No clue what he'll do, but I want him.
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I think I know who:
His perks will revolve being able to fly, prevent generators explosions with "Happy Accidents" and heal everyone including killers instantly, making everyone happy and non toxic. :D
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@TheGameZpro3 and @Ember_Hunter I was gonna choose both XD Terry Crews as Killer because he's tall and scary but really friendly but the Entity made him mean and Bob Ross because he can use his perk "Happy Little Accidents" to get out of traps, break them instantly, break hooks instantly and to fix broken pallets up to 10 times in a match. It was just a little mistake but we can just fix it by covering it just a little right here. XD
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Margot Robbie or Mads Mikkelsen. Mads I've seen in Hannibal, thought he was brilliant. He was very good in James bond and looks like he'll be really good in Death Stranding.
But Margot Robbie.. just please add her
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Taylor Swift.
But Kate Denson exist so... *shrugs*
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only if he gets his own emote where he flexes his tiddies. 😍
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Johnny Sins.
No explaination needed.
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@AStupidMonkeyy That idea is BRILLIANT although...Can you imagine switching the 2?
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@LordGlint Happy Little Accidents: Allows a hook to be repaired instantly while carrying a survivor, a survivor to stop for 2 steps after slipping in paint and to make anyone who gets sacrificed, wear a perm. XD Terry Crews perk would be "Pectoral Dance: Stuns the killer for 5 seconds after being shown his pec dance." XD
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@AStupidMonkeyy His power is his Art Pallet, which allows him to paint super realistic 3D images, such as Fake gens, that survivors dont realize are fake until they finish them and realize...nothing happened, or Fake doorways to cause Survivors to run into walls during a chase like Will E Coyote.
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@LordGlint I like that a lot. That should be a real thing.
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Survivor: Kim Kardashian
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@AStupidMonkeyy Terry Cruise would have a perk called "Old Spice" which covers areas hes been in with false positives to trick tracking perks. Any tracking perk such as whispers or aura reading will detect his location from 15 seconds previous instead of his CURRENT location.
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Survivor: Paris Hilton
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@LordGlint That would be pretty interesting but I would increase the timer on that.
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Elvira, but idk if I'd rather have her as a killer or survivor.
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@AStupidMonkeyy I feel like 15 seconds is more than enough to cause the killer to chase after your afterimage with BBQ
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Hannibal would be awesome! I prefer Mads Mikkelsen over Anthony Hopkins tho.
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@LordGlint I mean for Whispers. Sorry. I should have said Whispers.
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Bruce Campbell :-P
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(Already Done*) XD
Why not killer: Ricardo? :)
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The lead singer of Korn, Jonathan Davis as a skin for Freddy
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Sidney Prescott is a pretty obvious one.
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Already have laurie
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For Surv Matt Cote, with famous sentences in the lobby like Ash does: "pretty good job so far", "go play civ 4"...
as for killer @judith
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Chris Pratt. Anyone else is wrong. We need Star Lord in this game ASAP so I can make Groot jokes in the new wraith skin.
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"Shatner, I'd fight Shatner. Who would you pick?"
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I would love hayden panettiere's character from until dawn. I think that would be a really fun cross over!
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Killer:Mike Myers (Not Michael Myers)
Survivor: Betty White.
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Denzel Washington
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Emma Roberts obviously. And Nick Jonas cuz I love him.
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Tom Holland 😍
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Using Mathieu Cote would be hard mode: Every killer would go after you first and hit you on the hook repeatedly as they face camp you screaming "This is for legion!" "This is for Pig!"
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@RoKrueger not every killer though. I'd always give him the hatch for that infamous but spot on "Play Civ" sentence.
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Morgan Freeman, Aka Blendette MKII
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Honestly, most people will probably camp him for the feel that they hooked the maker of the game. Revenge for Pig, Legion, and Ghostface >:)
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Killer Keanu Reeves
Weapon - "A #########' Pencil"
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Will Smith - Dude plays a badass in some of my favorite movies including Men In Black and the more recent Suicide Squad.
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Any of the Vampire Slayers from the Van Helsing family bloodline.
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Walter White
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I never watched any of that but... Why would she be a killer? Wasnt she the hero of the story? Didn't she fight evil? She was a hero character in COD Zombies....
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Tiffany Pollard.
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Marshmello or Major Lazar, but Epic Games has hold of them for Fortnite. Maybe DeadMau5? It would be cool to have cosmetics of his different heads. But he'd be super obvious to killers which wouldnt be fun at all for anyone. Oh nah Beyonce. I don't know why. I just want Beyonce.