Minecraft is rising in popularity again!

Am I the only one who notices this? Most of my friends are playing minecraft currently and even I have been playing it recently. Just something interesting I have noticed. And also Minecraft is scarier than DBD change my mind.
Don't hate me for asking, but what is the appeal of Minecraft? I've just never understood it. It never seemed to be my kind of game, but I've also seen how popular it is.
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@Pike_Trickfoot The appeal of Minecraft is it is basically a Sandbox game like games like GTA V where you can do whatever you want whether in creative or survival good for having fun with friends. Or in my case shitting on the game for having 8-bit graphics and somehow being popular but still playing it cause it's fun to do whatever you want.
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Wasn't there a new update that came out not too long ago? Maybe that's why
Creepers has got my heart racing too many times. They have sneaked up on me more than Myers have.
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Maybe the only thing that surprises me is that the game still gets updates o.o
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Yaaay! :D
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Yay indeed I think it is on trending actually as well.
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One of the people I saw play it said that pewdiepie was the first to play it. Then everyone jumped on the band wagon
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Could be a reason a lot of youtubers are following him I have seen most likely because he prolly put Minecraft on trending on ytube.
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People want to live their childhood again. So everyones hopping back on. And I'm glad its becoming popular again, it deserves it :)
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Why did @Pike_Trickfoot get a downvote D:
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and yeah surprisingly minecraft is still a fun game it has aged well deserves to be popular good that people can still have fun with such an old and simple game.
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Never played it. I think i should fix this. 🤔
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I recommend you to try it pretty fun especially if you haven't played before.
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Hello? Someone has been down-voting innocuous posts I make without giving a reason.
@KillermainBTWm8 I don't think I'm quite liked here.
I played Portal Knights, is that close enough to Minecraft? Only played it one night before getting bored, this was with a friend too. I wanna be one of the popular kids who enjoy things like Minecraft. :/
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Join the Minecraft gang and you can live in a big house too! :D
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@GrootDude how long did that take you lol?
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@KillermainBTWm8 5 hours. :P
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Oh my god that 8-bit. xD
Seriously, that is talent.
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@GrootDude me and a friend built a giant nuke filled up from the inside and outside it reached up to the sky limit and was Really wide as well it was life draining to make though took 10 hours and we almost gave up multiple times during it.
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I’ve never built anything for that long. XD
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I won't lie, some of those mods look amazing with ray tracing.
But for the most part, I prefer Fallout 4 and Cities Skylines.
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Won't be a as popular as it was years ago. Now there's popular cash cows like Fortnite which is just an awful game.
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I've been playing it on mobile for a month now
I tried to get some wood with my axe....
And this happens! :o
Damn this game has changed a lot.
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It was already re gaining traction before that, I had multiple streamer that I follow starting to play it a couple week before pewdiepie did.
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Don't forget the explosion of Minecraft memes in Reddit :P
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Who put a creeper on reddit?
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@GrootDude r/dankmemes apparently :P
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Fortnite died out and they are crawling back to their overlord once again
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Finally they crawl back to the true king.
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That's cuz notch isn't the owner anymore. At least the new owners do something with that game.
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Played years ago when I was younger (was actually a Beta supporter) but haven't tried it in ages (I'm now old). My friend has a VR system and his kids have Minecraft for it. 1: VR Minecraft was a blast. 2: VR Creepers are a danger to anything valuable in the house that can be damaged from a thrown VR headset!
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I hope Ssundee gives try to a little bit of Mincecraft again since his break, I used to watch him all the time before he spammed Fortnite videos for money, I just wish he played different games, Call Me Carson got me real set in Minecraft.
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Me and a friend tried to build a "working" dbd match, we modeled the map after Lery's Memorial Institute. Getting the gameplay somewhat similar was difficult but we made it work.