Does this game hate me?

Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

I think I am going to sound like one of those obnoxious whiners, but I think my luck has now died out in this game, especially as survivor. I am getting true tunnelers every game, dying first at only 4000 points (or less) in every game. One game Michael Myers kept on going for only me, even with other injured survivors nearby and having his tier 3 on, he would just go for me. When exit gates were on, he made sure I couldn't get unhooked easily, and when I was, even though he hit the other survivors defending the unhooking, he only came for me. Another game, I was playing with a sibling who hasn't played in weeks, which it was a Ghostface. I spawned far away from the other 3 survivors who were together, and revealed Ghostface before he got to me. But then, he kept on prioritizing chasing me and butt danced on me, making sure I died on second hook. Other two survivors died trying to save each other, sibling escaped almost cleanly. And next game, a Pig kept on going for me again, first hooking me when I took hits for another survivor, then hooking me again when she kept on following me while I tried to get the trap off. Last hook, I gave up wiggling after she somehow found only me in the basement generator of the Preschool map. Besides me, there was only one survivor that was hooked once.

I have only had one successful game in the past WEEK, which was a slug sparing Spirit that had such a laggy game, I saw flying Claudettes and all actions were delayed by 3 seconds. It was fun though.

Does this game hate me for never being toxic, or is it just bad luck or am I playing wrong somehow? :(

At this point, should I just switch to full on killer main if I keep on getting hit listed first as survivor?
