The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Secondary Objective: Ethereal Totems

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

Gen-rush, we all experienced this before as either the survivor or the killer. It's not fun for the killer because they can't get their hooks within a strict time limit. It's also not fun for survivors because they have to deal with a boring M1 adventure for 90% of the game. This obviously plagues both sides, but how can we solve this?

Ethereal Totems Appearance

There will be a new type of totem, namely, Ethereal Totem. They are like regular totems, but they emit a green flame instead of a red one, and they have a black like appearance.

Ethereal Totem Mechanics

10 Ethereal Totems will spawn into the Trial, and they will spawn within 8 meters of a generator. Each generator will have their own unique Ethereal Totem, and they will start off as a Dull Ethereal Totem until a killer ignites them. Upon the killer igniting the Ethereal Totem, it will slowly cover a 24 meter diameter around itself.

Survivors that enter its range will suffer from:

  • They will be shrouded by darkness, they cannot see further than 16 meters around them.
  • They will have a green VFX covering the corners of their view.
  • They will gain an increasing action speed penalty (Repair/Healing/Sabotaging/Cleansing) that maxes out at 20% in 10 seconds, an increasing regression penalty for failed Skill Checks that maxes out at 20% in 10 seconds, and reduced Skill Check success that maxes out at 20% in 10 seconds.
  • They will have no Great Success Zones the moment they are affected by an Ethereal Totem.

These effects will dissipate after 10 seconds, when you're not within the Ethereal Totem's range.

Misconception: Hex Perks can only be linked to regular Totems, not Ethereal Totems. This is because regular Totems will be better hidden than Ethereal Totems.

Counterplay Mechanics

Survivors can cleanse a dull or active Ethereal Totem to prevent it from being used by the killer or to deactivate its effects. However, cleansed Ethereal Totems automatically repair themselves after 40 seconds, and they will return to their previous state (Dull/Active) before they were cleansed.

Perk Interactions (Perk Changes)

Hex (Thrill of The Hunt):

A Hex rooting its power on hope. The false hope of Survivors fills you with excitement and strengthens your totems. Survivors' cleansing speed is reduced by 20%/25%/30%, and you'll receive a notification when a survivor starts to cleanse a Hex Totem. Gain 10% more bloodpoints in the Hunting Category for each totem standing.

Notification doesn't work on Ethereal Totems.

Small Game:

You have the undeniable capability to sense danger. Get an auditory warning when you're within 8 meters of a Totem, and gain a 20%/25%/30% cleanse speed increase towards Ethereal Totems.

Auditory warning has a 5 second cool-down.

Hangman's Trick:

Your ingenious modifications to Hooks prevent tampering and permanent damage. Destroyed Hooks, Bear Traps, and Ethereal Totems repair themselves automatically after 35/30/25 seconds. Gain a notification when someone starts sabotaging the Hooks.


Unlocks the ability to sabotage without a Toolbox at 50% the normal Sabotage speed.

Hooks, Bear Traps, and Ethereal Totems you destroy stay broken for an extra 10/20/30 seconds.

Overwhelming Presence:

Your map dominance instils great fear. Ethereal Totem effects are 90%/95%/100% more effective, and survivors' item consumption while affected by an Ethereal Totem is increased by 100%.


You look over your friends even in dire situations. You and your Allies within 8 metres of range recover from Exhaustion, Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered, and Blindness Status Effects 10%/15%/20% faster. Ethereal Totem effects towards you are 50% less effective.

Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

Please tell me your thoughts. It would be appreciated if they were constructive because I can't do anything with "Bad idea, bad post"


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    The reason why they automatically repair themselves is because survivors can deactivate them before the killer gets the chance to ignite them. Furthermore, it keeps the survivors on their toes because they don't know when the Ethereal Totem is going to come back.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2019

    I am not a fan of using totems for a couple of reasons.

    For less mobile killers the terror radious will be a big give away even if you don't see them and the stealth ones unless you are in the open it won't really matter as sound is more your friend at times

    Billy, Spirit and Nurse get a bigger buff than the others as they can get to gens faster and activate totems.

    Huntress you know she us coming but it could give her free hatchet hits.

    It buffs stronger killers more than the dealers ones.

    Then there is the 20% increase, you have to ask why someone would spend 14s Cleansing to save 16s? If they did cleanse it once it wouldnt be worth doing at all again for the benefit and if the gen was already 50% done before it activated it only adds 8 seconds so no point at all.

    SWF would also have a major advantage over solo as once in a chase they can advise the others its safe and let them know where they are at all times.

    I would much rather a second objective be one that makes survivors move around the map more as then they have more chance to be seen and chased, it naturally slows the game down without it being tedious or overly advatagous to SWF over solo players.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Cleansing a dull Ethereal Totem will prevent the killer from igniting it until after it gets repaired. When a Ethereal Totem is ignited, it will take a few seconds for it to expand to 24 meters, so the survivors will have time to react to them.


    Yes, killers and perks that already handle Gen-rushing will have to be changed to suit balance. That's something we cannot avoid, it's a must or else those things will get out of hand.

    About cleansing, it will take 12 seconds to cleanse the Ethereal Totem. After you cleanse them, you'll have 40 seconds to work on a generator without the Ethereal Totem interfering with you. If you want to power through the Ethereal Totem, you can but it will be difficult. This secondary objective gives survivors the choice to do whatever suits their comfort zone. Keep in mind that the killer has to waste time igniting them as well.

    Also, about SWF, it breaks the fundamentals of DBD anyways so there is not much we can do. Separate queues would solve this problem, and I think you already seen my thread about it.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2019


    Even at 12s it's still only 4 seconds off doing it without cleansing and the 20% size to skill checks wont make any competent player miss it just seems not worth it to cleanse once or twice for a gen imo.

    I honestly can't see swf being seperated with the players numers as is as only 2 man and 4 man in theory would work so they need to be included in every idea unfortunately. Yea it breaks the game and why they want to try and close the gap which again lends to them not looking at separating them.

    You also have to think about the tedium of it all, longer gens or more totems when we could have parts, tools, cables to fix etc scattered accross the map for more interactive play and more chances of bumping ino the killer prolonging the game instead of moving 8 meters to press m1 for 12s or sitting pressing it for 96s in the same spot.

    Personally I would rather be moving around evading and being stealthy and not just holding m1 for a longer period.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Yeah, your right, I completely see your PoV now. I was just thinking about Death Garden Blood Harvest, and how the drones work to slow down progression.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I love the idea, but totems should not be able to regenerate by default or have such a big penalty for missing skill checks.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    So you spend the time to cleanse the totem, get chased off the gen, totem repairs itself. You are back at square one and wasted time. Think about all the m1 time you are adding. You either live with the 20% penalty And not being able to see, or spend a bunch of time cleansing/ re-cleansing totems. This is way too much, makes no sense to spend the 14 sec to cleanse only to have it repair. This amount of extra time being given to killer is unnecessary and doesn’t add any excitement to survivor at all . Sorry just being honest. I don’t hate the concept of the killer being able to light a totem that effects generators, but the rest needs work. Definitely get rid of the regenerating.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    I'd rather the totems just stay busted, you proposed there's like 10 of them right? That's too many things to deal with potentially all of them auto repairing, that's like the drones in Deathgarden except in this game you aren't constantly moving around while doing the objective so they'd be more of a pain in the ass because you will have to stop doing the gen at least twice to get rid of it. Plus in DG you can just shoot the drones down in like 2 seconds

    I'd rather have something like getting gas for gens as a secondary objective as opposed to more sitting around holding m1

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,291

    Lit totems autorepairing and making you deal with them, even if you ALREADY took the time to deal with them once, seem kinda dumb. Id say if they autoo-repair, they should just revert back to dull. This way, a survivor doesnt have to keep negating the downsides unless the killer REAPPLYS them.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    And in exchange a Gen is reparied within 10seconds. Sorry but this is just another idea to make survivor need more time do do what they are supposed to do. Pls stop with this stupiLegacy of Gen rush. it doesnt exist.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    It's a nice concept, it might need tuning, but it looks fun!

  • Holijay
    Holijay Member Posts: 178

    I would like the killer when igniting an ethereal totem to have a progress bar with skill checks.

    If the killer hits all the great skill checks it removes great skill check ability in the area 100% until deactivated. If they only hit 50% it affects survivors 50%, 0% is 0% affect.

  • Holijay
    Holijay Member Posts: 178

    Also can flashlights stop ethereal activation?

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Eh... Sounds... Clunky... But, I'd rather... Do Generators, maybe new objectives could be in new Modes?

  • 12werr
    12werr Member Posts: 2


    Okay, I understand what you're trying to do with this idea. But this is doing a lot more than preventing gen-rush. This could consistently stop a game in it's tracks. If we are trying to stop gen-rush, it should be done by something that only affects gen-rush. If we take this idea, we could change it to affect only gen-rush. This might be done by getting rid of the totems area, and making it so that the totems only appear if a set number of gens are done. I think it would be a better idea to just have an anti rush mechanic, sort of like bloodlust, but for gens. I haven't fully thought it out, so I'm not going to try to convince anybody, but I would like to know if anybody thinks these are good ideas.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    Survivors cant gen rush on purpose. Its literally just what theyre supposed to do. They shouldnt be punished for doing what they should be doing.

  • 12werr
    12werr Member Posts: 2

    I'm not trying to say punish survivors, as of right now I feel that the game is generally balanced, as long as everyone knows what they are doing. I'm simply saying it would be nice to add a new layer into the game. I've played equal amounts of killer/survivor, and although this is definitely skewed towards killers, I think it could be changed to add another layer on top of what's going on. In my previous post I was saying that this idea doesn't seem geared toward gen rush, it's just meant to slow the whole game down.