Jaws Is The Next Killer.
It could hsppen? :D
Wish I'd thought of it :-(
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So Jaws is Identity V's gamekeeper?
I like it. :)
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Nah, plankton is the new killer.
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Wait, is it a former human? Since all killers have to be human at some point...
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i don't know but i like his shark bra :)
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How do you know it's a he? xD
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Because this guy is a he @Pike_Trickfoot :P
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He won't be able to moonwalk (because he's a shark)
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I imagine he will be like this:
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This would be epic, maybe a little bit less "heavy", and his hability could be to hook and hold survivors, misa like it
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@Peanits (Fix bugs and balance first though)
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You dunnit now.
If we did that, the game would need to be rated arr.
What has eight arms, eight legs, and eight eyes? Eight pirates.
What's orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot.
What are the ten letters of the pirate alphabet? I, I, R, and the seven Cs.
Why do pirates have such a hard time learning the alphabet? Because they spend years at C.
How much do pirates pay for corn? A buccaneer.
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*Slowly oofs by puns*
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I wish to see something demonic, unhuman looking (for now only Nurse & Spirit are something you dont see in real life)
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Wait - what? you don't ever see nurses in real life? o.O LOL
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I thought they said the killer needs a humanoid form for programming reasons, not that the killer has to literally be a human at one point
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Mushwin ily but going by this picture I'm not convinced you've actually watched Jaws.
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Incorrect all killers we see were originally human entity can take survivors and killers from any point in time and from any universe so there could be alien killers but we never saw them
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@ASpazNamedSteve Jaws is one of my fave movies >.< but i cant see how jaws could work without the legs and arms lol adapat improvise overcome! lol and aw shucks ily2 :) but i imagine jaws be like this without no arms...lol
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If you're interested there's an asymmetrical game kinda like DbD but with sharks (https://store.steampowered.com/app/274940/Depth/)