Opinions on the whole "Nerf Nurse" discussion?

Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 669
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

So I've been seeing a lot of topics about Nurse being 'unbalanced' or 'unfair for players', and that she needs a nerf. And I decided to create a master thread for a whole discussion about the topic to see what everybody really thinks in general.

For me, I have 5 reasons as to why Nurse is fine the way she is, and an example of how I would balance her if it were really needed;

1.) Nurse is only as good as the player who's using her.

Nurse isn't too powerful if the person who's playing as her doesn't know how to read survivors or maneuver her in a way that a higher-tier Nurse would. If you're a beginner at playing as a Nurse, it'll be noticed right off the bat, and survivors already have the upper-hand.

2.) You really need to think when it comes to playing as that killer.

When playing as good ol' Sally, you need to consider the amount of thinking that goes into playing her as well; between learning how most survivors move, how to handle range and get to areas quicker, learning how to control and apply pressure, handling your character if there's perks or add-ons applied, tracking wounded survivors, etc.

There's a lot that goes into this killer.

3.) She isn't actually as powerful as people think she is.

While good Nurse players can karate chop you as soon as they see you, and that it's hard to lose a good Nurse, she can only do so much with her blinks and movement. Blinks have a fatigue time for a reason, and there's certain areas in a map that she either can't reach, has a hard time blinking onto or constantly comes in contact with when blinking, or can easily lose LOS on a survivor on. She has a bunch of counterplays that people aren't aware of. Pallets are also good against the Nurse if you're able to read the killer as well. While looping isn't technically an option against a good Nurse, you're still able to put some distance between you and her while she's getting ready to blink.

She's also able to be juked. Quite a lot, actually.

You rarely see it with good Nurses because of how well they can perform, but even a "God-tier" Nurse can have a hard time with a survivor that knows how to break her non-existent ankles.

Also, pacing of the game is incredibly important when going against a Nurse. She can either be up to speed, or falling behind depending on how quickly objectives and totems are being done. Immersion in-game is also important if you know your maps. It's all in knowing your pressure and timing. The quicker you get things done, the slower the Nurse becomes.

4.) Most of the time, her add-ons aren't as useful.

This is a big one. Yes, some can help in a chase, and some can cater to another person's playstyle depending on the Nurse, but lets be honest here;

the only incredibly useful add-ons are the ones that assist with her blinks (lower fatigue time, increased range, time between blinks, and occasionally additional blinks themselves).

Depending on who you're playing against, her add-ons can actually be her downfall, so it's good to pay attention to what she might be using. Does she have multiple blinks? Is her range a lot longer than a normal Nurse? Is her fatigue time more quicker? Does she chain-blink quicker than usual?

These are questions you have to ask yourself when playing against a Nurse. Then, you have to learn to adapt to the add-ons depending on what she has. You can come up with a lot of chase plans that are efficient if you consider the playstyle. The same can go for perks too!

5.) Because of how hitboxes and map layouts are, she's not as accurate as she used to be.


How I would balance the Nurse if it were really necessary?

The only thing I could really think of when it comes to nerfing the Nurse, is to rework some of the add-ons she has. Extended range paired with the stopwatch can be a bit too much to work with, and either reducing or removing the ability to affect the charge time of a blink would help reduce some of the pressure she would apply in a chase depending on how its used. Also, adding a bit more counterplay to her would be suitable. Maybe something that could increased her fatigue time slightly or make her lose control of a blink would be interesting.

Though, these are the only ideas I have. I can't really think of much else due to how fine the Nurse already is.

If you have any comments, feel free to mention something below! This is an open topic, so I'm definitely listening to all sides!



  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Probably a rework to her functionality, so that her ability to proxy camp isn't so strong. Virtually every Nurse game I play faces two grim situations for survivors:

    The first person caught is hooked, and then watched from a distance by the Nurse with a blink ready to just go straight to the hook with Make Your Choice, or to tunnel the first hook. (Subsequently, the hooked person suicides or disconnects, usually.) Or...

    You can't really risk healing due to A Nurse's Calling virtually guaranteeing that she will land on top of you, and this is assuming you actually escaped her initially.

    Yes, she requires a decent baseline of skill from the player, but it's not that hard to roll with 3 blinks and reach a decent level of consistency. Due to her mechanics, she's also ungodly strong for slugging.

    The strongest part of her is having range. 3 blinks with extra range is absolutely crushing to play against, and to date, I've only faced a single Nurse running 5 blinks (to which we got steamrolled cause she was actually good; always managed to dodge 4, but never 5).

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Her base is fine, but if we add in range or extra blinks, it can get overwhelming.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    I dont Honestly think her base kit is a problem although i do think the problem is honestly her addons the fact is she really does not need them to win and her addons just super charge her power a good example is there is a perkless nurse player named DarkestHour dudes actually a really good nurse he plays perkless and addonless and he still smashes survivors but then i see other nurse players who run ruin omega blink noed like her addons just need changing badly.

  • lindenis
    lindenis Member Posts: 60

    2 blinks it's enought, more than that it is boring againts her..

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    we're going to make a new killer and they're going to be perfect

    g e n e t i c a l l y

  • 0assassin0k
    0assassin0k Member Posts: 9

    you could start with presenting at evidences or proofs just like @ArecBalrin did for his claims.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    you can say this as many times as you want, but if a nurse is any good at all, attempting to loop her (not just mindlessly running around her, i mean predicting her movements) results in her hitting you. if she had one blink, she'd be loopable in this way, but she has two chances to adjust herself at a loop, which means she hits you if she's any good

    and in no way am i suggesting that nurse should get one blink (if she did she'd need to at least have 110 ms if not 115), and i don't know what kinds of nurses you tend to play against, but trying to loop a good nurse is a death sentence. no amount of prediction really matters at that range

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Easy fix get rid of double stun on nurse

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    you seem like a really productive person to talk to

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i was talking about all loops, not just open car loops like on autohaven

    if you aren't running iron will running a nurse around even a high wall macmillan loop doesn't work

    i know what they were talking about, they're just wrong

    and in your case, all i'm seeing you do is strawman everyone's arguments into "nerf anything that is hard for survivors" because you're too lazy to respond to anything they are actually saying

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 669

    actually, there's a known glitch for all killers that sometimes they'll ignore pallet suns.

    it happened with me a few games ago while playing as wraith. while yes, it needs to be readjusted, it's also a known bug.

  • chunkycheese21
    chunkycheese21 Member Posts: 27

    So should we nerf the hell out of Hag too since she can pass through objects? Obviously not; The class requires skill after all.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    I'm pretty sure they patched the bug where you swing and the momentum is sucked into the dropped pallet.

    The "feature" I am referring to is the one where she keeps floating and is allowed to continue her blink or swing despite getting stunned and the survivor being awarded for the pallet stun event.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 669

    oh, that's not the bug i'm talking about. there's a pallet stun bug that even makes the "stun" drop sound as it hits the killer, but the killer doesn't receive the penalty for being hit.

    it commonly happens while picking up a survivor.

    that "feature" you're describing is also another bug. it's been there ever since nurse's rework.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2019

    The stun not affecting pick ups is not a bug, per se. It is meant to be timed precisely. The killer has to be able to move before they get stunned. Yes, the failed pick up stuns looks exactly like the Nurse "feature", but now that I think about it, they're probably tied to the same mechanic.

    Simply put, the Nurse is considered to be "in the middle of animation" when teleporting too long.

    A year ago, when they "reworked Nurse" there was a time when she was crippled because she could be stunned in the middle of her trajectory, and suffer both the pallet stun and the power stun. I'd like a reasonable middle ground, where she would be put into her power-stun if she lands under a pallet, just like how Spirit gets stunned when she phases under a pallet.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    I hope not I know the devs and this forum don’t give a ######### about console but nerfing her in anyway due to crybaby pc casuals that somehow made it to red ranks and can’t handle one of the few viable killers will make her even less useful on console. This dev team really need to start thinking about the differences between the platforms especially if they are even thinking about crossplay.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Nurse's major issue is that she takes a lot of practice to play well, but the payoff for playing her well is far beyond reasonable.

    Everyone always seems to be of the opinion that just because they play a lot of Nurse, that makes it ok that she's completely game-breaking. In a single player game, sure, but when you're up against other people, their skill level shouldn't be completely null and void just because of the character you picked.

    Mostly her add ons need to be seriously taken down a notch.