Killer's And Survivor's, Which role is harder in your opinion



  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218

    4 lives is 3 more than 1 life (math is REALLY hard it seems)

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    What are you saying? You're not giving me enough info on what you are trying to say

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    It depends. Either one can be easy or difficult depending on] different factors. How skilled are your teammates, how skilled is the killer, does the killer have an ebony mori, what's the map, ect...

    Sometimes playing killer can be very difficult, sometimes super easy (so easy that I don't even pip up.)

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Generally, like others said, solo<killer<SWF. But a lot depends on what killer you play/are up against, is there a mori or a key, map, items, addons... There is a number of challenge perks and addons (Speed Limiter, No Mither, The Beast, etc), also, you can play perkless or perk roulette... And not all SWF use Discord either, so it's not a given that they always have a huge advantage.

    But on a general average, yea, SWF have it the easiest, and solo survivors the hardest.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Killer above all else.

    Solo survivor is hard but hard to survive and not hard to win. Winning as survivor isn't hard unless I mess up badly.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Pre-EGC -- killer, solo, swf

    Post-EGC -- solo, killer, swf

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384

    I'd say that solo is harder than killer. As killer, if you don't hook somebody within a minute, then you've lost the game. You can start mindgaming better or use your killer's ability to it's utmost potential, but the time you lost is almost always never redeemable. There's also the addition of flashlight/pallet stuns, DS, and exhaustion perks that make killer that much more stressful. One mistake and you instantly can lose the whole match. At that point you're just playing like an A.I. because there is no margin for error against SWF or even just regular survivors, because they will bully you the moment you let you're guard down.

    Solo survivor is different. How well you do is dependent on your teammates. As solo, it's impossible to gauge how useful they are unless you see a Blendette. At some point of the game, the killer is going to be transferring people on hooks as fast as you're saving and that's the moment you've lost. There's nothing you can do to survive at that point unless the killer makes a lot of bad reads while chasing. The only thing they can do to survive at that point is wait for the hatch. I think that's why people were so allured by old DS: it gave them some sort of power over that situation.

    I don't think solo is hard, just frustrating because there's nothing you can do to win in most cases. You've got perks to prolong the inevitable, but that's it most times.The killer has more options to win though, like a lucky Haunted Grounds, Dying Light, or even just a basement situation.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 700

    Both can be hard in my opinion, as a survivor i have a hard time dealing with bad random team mates, a really hard system for earning bloodpoints and a large number of killers that are happy to just camp 1 survivor.

    As a killer i have to worry survivor toxicity, exploits being used and games that last 5 minutes.

    Before people gang up on me i know both sides use exploits i just see it way more on one side, like 95% to 5% split. I still see people who attempt sprint burst off of high places to try land on objects they're not meant to get on.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    For me, it’s survivor. Let me explain.

    I’ve said this over a dozen of times, but survivor is stressful for me due to my mediocre skill level despite about 455 hours. I don’t have as much stress when I play killer though; it’s weird for me. I prefer survivor due to the fact I have more fun as them, but when I play killer it’s a relatively less stressful experience for me since I just play to play.

    I think a huge part of it really reflects on how you handle stress as a person. I get overloaded very easily, so killer is a role I rarely play due to how I have to micromanage various things, when survivor is just one objective, one thing to worry about(well, not really, but you get the idea) and other junk.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    It depends on so much.

    No one has it harder than the day-one, rank 20, level 1 solo-survivor who doesn't know it's a bad idea to attempt getting themselves off the hook, that skill-checks have a sound-prompt warning, that their pathing around level-geometry is smaller than a killer's, what each killer can do and that the premade they are with is going to bully them as well as the killer and the killer will probably take it out on them.

    These are the only survivors I have any empathy for.

    As a killer, the role itself is not what is difficult. It's the fact that a low skill-ceiling on most of them means I have very little control over the match and I'm reliant on reacting to survivors.

    Survivors are able to take more risks and are incentivised to do so because it's one of the few ways they can have fun when the game isn't after it stopped being challenging.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807


    While yes Survivors do have the advantage over Killers. In general they also have the higher skill cap.

    Or in other words it's like asking if Nurse is easier than Leatherface, she isn't but if you get good at her you will have better results compared to Leatherface who is easier but doesn't have as good results.

    Survivor vs Killer is a bit like that. You can't be braindead as Survivor or else you will get crushed, that's what happens every time I try to play Survivor myself. But mastering Killer (unless Nurse or Spirit) won't get you very far even if getting to that point in the first place.

    That's why Killer's do so much better in low ranks, a bad Killer can beat a bad Survivor even though a great Killer can't usually beat a great Survivor.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    Survivors don't have higher skill caps, not even saying that as a killer main. saying that from common since

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938


    While I agree solo is hard, it doesn't take too much to be able to black pip at minimum. You can be sacrificed and still pip.

    Killer... It takes a lot just to safety pip.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2019

    Difficulty Levels: Solo > Killer > SWF

    Like it has always been.

    Solo is hardest because it is too dependent on everyone else. It's the most tilting because you are subject to everyone's toxicity.

    Killer is in the middle difficulty because it is mostly dependent on how you play. Toxicity and sweaty squads are there, but you can prepare or ignore them at least.

    SWF is easiest because you are safeguarded and cushioned by your teammates. Not only if they are good, but also if you have someone there to support you, you don't get tilted as easily.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    Definetly killer, especially when going against organized (SWF) teams that know exactly what they're doing.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019


    Solo is like 75% of the time equal to killer. 25% of the time it is easier:

    Generally speaking, you are screwed over by your teammates. I generally secure this by bringing a key or getting one from a chest. I quite frankly get Dull Keys handed to me multiple times per match. So I get out of hatch most games that go south. Other times nobody but me is on gens or I sustain a chase over 2 minutes long and nothing gets done.

    Killer at high ranks: Longer than 5 minutes to start a lobby for a game that last 5 minutes or less. Unless I play top tier killers ofc.

    Killer at other ranks: This game seems fair and balanced.







    SWF: BHVR I would like to order a free win please. Yes, I would like one almost every game.

  • Kotentopf
    Kotentopf Member Posts: 276

    Hard to ez:

    4 Solo > 2 solo and a 2 swf > killer vs 4 swf > killer vs 3 swf > solo and 3 swf > killer vs 2 swf > 4 swf > killer vs solo only

    Some extra fries and a coke? Costs only 0,99$ each!

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    I have played solo survivor around 80% of my time in Dead by Daylight, and despite it being pretty annoying that survivors sometimes make unoptimal movements it's definetly incorrect to say survivor is harder than killer. Unless you have played with nurse or spirit for decent amount of hours, but even then it's still challenging.

  • Camophlo
    Camophlo Member Posts: 104

    Both Solo and Killer are equally as stressful and hard imo. Both have their own problems and even if they have ways to fix them (using info perks on Surv or better killers) they will always be present.

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61

    Playing as the Killer vs SWF is the hardest role. Then I'd say it's almost a toss up between solo survivor and killer but if probably still have to edge on the side of the killer being slightly harder. Then solo survivor, then swf.

    The only reason I think killer is slightly harder than solo survivor is because every survivor is fundamentally the same where each killer is unique in how they kill. It's all subjective though. Some people are going to simply have an easier time playing killer and vice versa