I Enjoy Having A Game Last Less Than 4 Minutes By Gen Rush.

That's without toolboxes at Rank 1. Thank you. My favorite part? Getting ######### talked like it took skill to spawn on my Ruin and then running to a pallet every 15 seconds and never having to loop more than twice before the match was over. Just balanced stuff, you know.
Didn't have NOED because then it would be unfair to the survivors, you know? Nor Blood Warden because that just isn't fun for survivors. Add a second objective so they can ignore that too so the games go past in less time than it takes to microwave a bag of popcorn WHILE chasing someone to about 20-30 pallets with long stretches of land in-between because we love that.
Who wants small maps? Not killers. We love being #########. All these band-aid fixes for ######### design is just SOOO much fun, I can barely contain my enthusiasm. 4 slots vs 16 slots. BALANCED. DS, DEAD HARD, INSTA-HEALS, BT, ADRENALINE, TOOLBOXES, PROVE THYSELF and more. BALANCED.
It's hard work going around a pallet twice and running to another with only 30 pallets in a map with gens too hard to do skillchecks that give you even MORE progress for a great. 80 second gens.. lets see.. 3 people doing them.. 30 pallet minimum.. 15 seconds at each pallet.. That's 450 seconds for 5 gens if you are doing them one at a time.. x3 so.. 160 seconds at all times to finish all gens. Lets add 20 seconds for gates.. 180 seconds.. Lets add another 20 seconds for going to different gens.. 200 seconds. 3 minutes and 20 seconds.
That's without toolboxes or great skill checks. You got more than double that in pallet time. That's not even including perks that increase the speed. So a game will last 3 minutes and 20 seconds total if you just do gens without any bonuses. There is enough pallets to safely loop for up to 450 seconds or 7 and half minutes of pallet looping. THIS IS BALANCED, GUYS. BALANCED. Gen rush isn't a thing.
Killers just suck. Get Gud, right? Oh, chase someone off of a gen after hooking? 3 gens are done so now I got my hook, 2 gens left with 3 people left. I'm chasing a second person while a 3rd person unhooks and heals in less than 20 seconds and now goes back, 10 seconds to reach and now back on gens while the last guy was already doing a gen just for some more pallet looping.
Once the other guy finishes the gen, the first 2 are together and complete the final gen at the same time because you get almost double the gen time. BALANCED. The fact that a killer manages to kill 4 people with those type of time constraints is just wow. And people want nerfs to killers still? Let me know how this is balanced? I didn't mention totems like ruin and thanatophobia since the survivor perks and toolboxes easily outclass them. @Peanits Let me know how this is balanced, Man? I really want to know.
(Edit: I forgot to mention how you get called a camper after the game is over and the gates are open if you do manage to get someone because getting 1 kill is so OP.)
Git gud baby killer, nah im kidding this is why most killers only stick with nurse,spirit.billy,hag nowadays because they are actually viable killers the genrush is just too horrible to handle sometimes.
22 -
@KillermainBTWm8 Bro, sometimes, I feel like just walking away from this game and uninstalling when I see another nerf. It's getting to the point that if you're Rank 1, you just get ######### on. You do good, you get ######### on. You do bad, you get ######### on. You medium (2 hooks), you get ######### on by the Entity and sometimes by survivors. When I think about 4 toolboxes with socket swivels and rags, I just see a 2 and half minute game of "fun" for the survivors with miles of pallets to smack me in the face with still.
10 -
They weren't gen rushing. they were doing their main objective. You said they didn't have tool boxes, so they were all just working on gens normally. They ran to pallets, yeah, but that's what they're supposed to do if they don't want to get downed. they happened to spawn near ruin, they got rid of it, its random luck. they were focusing on doing what they needed to go get out. By the sounds of it, you didn't down or hook anyone, so it's not like they could do something else instead of doing gens. It's not gen rushing, because they didn't have anything else to do. They got rid of ruin and did gens, it's all they had to do. They didn't even bring toolboxes. They just went in, did what they needed to do to leave, and then left. I don't want to blame it on you, but... if you didn't down or catch anyone before they finished doing their main objective, it's your fault. DS is fine as is it, don't tunnel and you won't go against it. Wait a minute, and it deactivates. Borrowed Time? Its to prevent tunneling, don't tunnel the person who was unhooked and let the timer run out. Go for the survivor that saved the hooked survivor. Instant Heals? They're rare. I rarely get games where people use instant heals. And I rarely get games where survivors that have instant heals, use them on other survivors to save those downed survivors. Adrenaline is literally endgame. it literally only activates after the last gen is done... It is perfectly fine as it is, lol. Why are you talking about toolboxes when you said they didn't bring any? an extra 10% speed on a generator with Prove Thyself? it literally is only really good when there are 3 survivors on 1 gen. by the sounds of it, if your game ended in less than 4 minutes, they were all on separate gens doing them all at the same time. If they were all together and they had Prove Thyself, you should have been able to find them all, right? Because they would have all been at the same gen, right? and you still didn't down a single one? Killers don't suck, because there are some killers that are super strong. Its called teamwork, survivors work together to do what they need to. like... seriously, what else are they supposed to do? let you kill them? They are doing what they need to do, if you can't catch them, it's your fault. I hate to say it, but get good. If you are spending most of your time chasing 1 survivor who is mind gaming you and looping you, stop chasing them. Go back to the gens and defend them, go after the survivors working on gens. Don't let the survivors working on gens, finish working on those gens. If killers can still 4k in that amount of time and you cant? it shows that you're the problem, not the game. It is not gen rushing, it is survivors doing their main objective. Survivors have other objectives yes, but they don't need to do them. ruin? find the totem, cleanse it, the objective of finding the important totem, DONE. They don't need to do dull totems unless they think the killer has NOED. no hooked survivors? keep working on gens. no injured survivors near you? keep working on gens. No killer near you? work on gens. It's all they can do. like.. seriously... it isn't gen rushing. Gen rushing would be when survivors prioritize doing gens instead of unhooking a hooked survivor. gen rushing would be not healing an injured survivor right next to you when they clearly want to be healed, but you would rather do a gen instead. like.. seriously, stop calling it gen rushing, when it isn't.
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@MdsTheGriffin It is gen rushing. I will only say this one last time. If you think you can hook 12 times in 3 minutes, you would have to catch everyone in 30 seconds each. That's without insta-down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqcxaDBeb-8 I didn't tunnel. I still ate DS at the end because its anti-tunnel, right? I 4k'd. How? They got greedy. Not because I did amazing. This is how the game is balanced. You can't see that, you are part of the problem. I have nothing else to say to your "logic" of chase people off of gens. Tell me how I could do better. I would LOVE to hear this. Stop chasing after 10 seconds, I'm guessing?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BILKMTUvYzg I tunneled in this match and I would have easily 4k'd but one DC'd on purpose to give the other hatch since it was a SWFs group. This made the match MUCH easier. I did what everyone tells me NOT to do and guess what? They didn't get all the gens done, that's for sure.
11 -
Just watched the video. The 5th gen popped just after 11 minutes. How is that gen rush?
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@Yamaoka That wasn't the game. Also, ruin was active the entire time. Without that, it would have been over much sooner. My point of the video was, you can't stop everything. If survivors aren't greedy and they just do the gens, it's over in 3 minutes and 20 seconds without ruin. You could end the match quickly and it happens a lot at Rank 1. You're just screwed without any real way to stop it. The previous match had me tilted. The fact that it is even POSSIBLE to end a match that quickly is just stupid. If you don't tunnel, you lose. That was my point. That was without toolboxes or perks that benefit it. (Edit: Read my reply to DudeDelicious. I added more context and didn't want to double copy and paste it but it explains in more detail of why the game was extended to 11 minutes)
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@DudeDelicious That video was with Billy. He easily got across the map AND Ruin was active all match. Those 2 things. Ruin stayed up and he had the luxury of speed. Only other person could do that would be Nurse. Spirit has a 30 second timer every time she uses her power and she walks slower than most other killers. That game would have been over in 4 minutes with her and without Ruin. The amount of pallets broken and they just took 10 steps to another was just irritating. A huge map but 30 pallets that can easily be gotten to.
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Gen rushing is not a thing. like, it seriously isnt. its their only objective when they dont have totems, or hooked/injured survivors in the way. Like... what else are they supposed to do? run around and find you so you can chase them? it isnt gen rushing if they all get on a gen (like they are supposed to) and get them done... Its your job to try and slow that down. they get ruin, that is bad luck, keep them off gens. if you are chasing a survivor for too long while the others get gens done and you absolutely cant down the survivor you are chasing, go after another survivor. Like, their only objectives are to do gens, if they do them and you arent interfering, and they are getting them done, it is your fault. it is not gen rushing. its literally not. are they supposed to sit around NOT working on gens until you find them? are they supposed to NOT do gens and just let you chase and kill them? what else are they supposed to do if they dont have anything else they need to do? if they have ruin, yeah they should get it before they really start working on gens, but if you said they found it right away and cleansed it, they have nothing else to do but work on gens, like they are supposed to do. if you arent doing stuff to stop them from working on gens, and they are getting them done, you cant call it gen rushing. they have nothing else to do! like seriously.
Related to that video... That wasn't gen rushing, and if you think that is, you are wrong. Of course you got DS at the end, DS lasts for at least 40 seconds... what did you expect? You said that game was unbalanced, it wasn't. You were doing good at the beginning but then something chased and the survivors changed it up and started doing gens while you were being looped by someone who was good at looping. You were losing BL every time you broke a pallet, which probably didn't help. You pipped, that should be considered a win. None of the stuff that happened in that game, was OP or broken. You just want the game to favor killers, and you want the game to be easy for killers and bad for survivors. you want it to be easy, and it isn't. what fun is a game that isn't easy. You could have easily insta downed them a lot in that video. how can survivors get greedy and not do gens, when they have nothing else to do? like... you said: " If survivors aren't greedy and they just do the gens, it's over in 3 minutes and 20 seconds". if no other survivor is being hooked, what else are they going to do if you dont have ruin? They're going to do gens, because its all they can do. if they arent being chased, what are they supposed to do? go find you and the person you are chasing and join in? no, they are supposed to do gens. What can they be greedy about if there is nothing to cleanse or unhook? that game you had in that video, literally wasn't bad or unbalanced. You literally just like to complain, because the game doesn't favor killers the way you want it to. Not tunneling doesn't get you #########. tunneling is an easy and no skill way of "winning". Any good killer can win even without tunneling. Not tunneling makes the game more challenging for killers, and probably more fun, if you didn't have the mentality of "I want the game to be easy for killers" which, is literally the mentality you are giving off with "Gen rushing! DS and BT are not balanced! Dead Hard and Adrenaline are so not balanced! Killers get ######### over in this game!". If survivors didnt have those perks, you would probably complain about something else until everything is balanced to killers can easily just go in and wreck survivors.
Gen rushing is not a thing. and that is that. you obviously cant hook 12 times in 3 minutes, but if your games last 3 minutes because survivors are efficient at getting gens done, you are doing something WRONG. I dont know what you are doing wrong, cause I am not playing with you, or seeing how you play, but like, seriously? TRY SOMETHING NEW instead of saying you are getting gen rushed because survivors are doing one of their only objectives and you are doing the same thing you have always done to stop it. it literally isn't gen rushing. like, I seriously do not know what to say, because there is nothing else to say, it isn't gen rushing. they are doing one of their only objectives(when there is no other objective they need to do), and you cant say they are gen rushing because of it.
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What would you call it if not gen rushing? Yes, it's the only objective for survivors but they still complete them too quick. It's not toxic but it is pretty frustrating .
Also, op said that the video was not the game he was initially talking about. Rather, an example of how tunneling can be effective despite how much it is despised.
Gens can be completed in less than 5 mins even with good attempts at map pressure. Especially if the top 4 killers aren't being used. Only one survivor can be chased at a time while the others work on gens. This is especially true with swf. Even only two man swf.
My take on this is that it gets boring playing the same killer over and over. Plus, console nurse is generally not used either so they have even less to choose from. "Gen rush" can happen even if you're using the best killers. I love the Wraith but am reluctant to play him as I prefer having a fair chance at the game
5 -
Genrushing is real.
7 -
@MdsTheGriffin To be fair "tunneling" isn't a thing either. You're complaining that "genrush" is not a thing, but tunneling is literally making the smarter choice. You're not gonna let someone unhook right in front of you and ignore the person they unhooked. That's stupid because you're gonna hit the other one and they're gonna run off with their speed boost to the nearest pallet. Borrowed Time is just a perk that makes this fact untrue and makes it where both choices are equally bad.
The only time I consider something like that bad is if they have TUNNEL VISION, where they only go for one person no matter the circumstance. You can't blame the killer for making the smarter choice if you unhook someone in his face. They'd be a BAD killer not to. Their goal is to put you on the hook. If you got "tunneled", it's either your fault, or the fault of the person who unhooked you because they didn't make sure he was far enough away for you to get to safety. In this scenario, the killer wasn't the bad one, the survivors were.
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I've literally been saying this for months now. Stop following these nonsense "fair play" rules and just play as efficently as possibly. The sooner killers start playing efficiently and setting aside these nonsense rules your consistency goes way up. Even then though when gens are popping fast and every survivor is playing optimally you're still more than likely losing or black pipping.
4 -
So do I. I ######### love seeing a Gateau or some other 100% BP offering get burnt only to have the gens fly by. So much fun!
With how big of an issue this is, I'm surprised the devs haven't tried to directly address it. Are they just going to try to shove dull totems and perks in our faces as band-aids instead of actually trying to end the gen rush problem? We need a mandatory second objective that can do at least a decent job at slowing the game down. The Gatekeeper Emblem seems to support this. It might as well be called "bring Ruin or you're ######### lol". The previous version of it was better.
5 -
Lol @ "it's not genrushing" people.
It indeed is "just doing your objective".
That doesn't mean it's not genrush though.
And no Killer should mind if you just want to do your objective.
No, all blame for this rush that's unhealthy for the game should be directed to the devs for simply not doing enough about it.
Look at how long it took to remove hatch stand-offs.
13 -
So mayby in next 3 years survs got somthing to do before gens no ruin only
And totems and chest dont count as secod objective.
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If you get gen rushed you are at fault i think.
A good killer would almost never have a "lost" 4 minute game - they usually win by 4 minutes rather.
Maybe you have to make a different playstyle to fit the meta, make some perk chenges to your build.
1 -
Use NOED, if they do all the gens and destroy all the totems, take the loss. At least try to hook one of them in the basement at the end and camp it ;-)
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First of all, pls dont missunderstand me, i feel u absolutly, and the last thing i want is to criticize. Just a few ideas from me:
Watched the videos, perks and addons r fine, but wanna say, most survivors are aware, that a high amount of Billy´s r runnig Enduring/Spirit Fury, and r dropping pallys a lil bit earlier than usual. If its a SWF, after the first used Spirit Fury, the combination ends up as two wasted perks, since Enduring doesnt affect anything other than pallet stuns since the last patch.
At 0:48, after the first hook, u chainsawed to the gen with the two survivors. Just wanna mention, u r going straight for the gen. As i m tellin all my mates, every killer uses BBQ, i m sure, these two survivors are also aware of of being BBQ´ed. As there is actually one survivor hooked, one u dont see (must be within 40 meters), these two r the main threat. U know, and they know it too. So, if they hear a chainsaw, they can be sure, u r coming for them. Billy moves with about 9 m/sec, they r more than 40 meters away (we know cause of BBQ), so they have approx. 4-5 seconds to move. Means, they can be at least about 16 meters away from the gen, if they react if they react quick. So, heading directly for the gen is not the optimal direction. Because its the annoying Thompson House, with the funny unmindgameable safe loops at the corners of the house, i would´ve suggested the survivors heading this direction. Maybe a slight chance to intercept them and catch them offguard, even if the term "offguard" next to the Thompson house sounds stupid.
U finally arrived there and saw the Feng, at about 0:56. Instead of chasing her u decided to kick the gen. Please dont do this. The regression is 0.25 charges per second, so it will need 320 seconds tp regress a fully repaired gen (if this would be possible). To shorten it, it´s quite useless, cause we saw 2 survivors via BBQ. U r able to chase one, so the other will head back to the gen, and at least tap it to stop the regressing. Kicking a gen costs u 2 seconds, means the survivor can get 8 meters distance, based upon the standard speed without using a sprintburst.
U found the Feng again, and chased her around the hay bales. Maybe, at the second round u were running, approx. 1:13, u could try to feather the chainsaw, in order to force the pallet drop.
At least at 1:17, maybe u should´ve tried to go for the chainsaw, and curve. The regular chainsaw needs 2.5 seconds, so with ur addoaddons it should at least be possible, cause u hit her with M1 at 1:19.
Jungle gym chase, pally gone, great. One pally less.
At 1:47 u chased her around the hay bales again. U pushed her counterclockwise. This ends up with u in the dead zone, and her heading directly to the damn strong loop. Maybe - no one knows - it would be better to chase her clockwise, so she ends up standing right to the wall, and force her to make the decision, if she´ll go again to the pallet-free jungle gym, or evade to the right.
Finally, she safed the pally, went for the house. U broke the pally using spirit fury, thanks god one of the strongest pallets is gone. No matter, if u chased her clockwise or not, next strong, unmindgameable pallet is directly next to this one. Not enough safe pallets at Thompson House, i guess, hoping this changes with the pallet rework.
At 2:20 u saw another Feng, working at the gen in the field. U decided to chase her, which is absolutly ok. A downed survivor is as good as a hooked one, in waisting time of the other teammates. U cancelled the chase, as soon as u saw, she was going for the jungle gym. And u kicked the gen. Just wanna mention, the survivors r holding a "safety distance" to u, let´s just say 20 meters, to give it a number. When u stay at the gen, she´ll feel safe crouching in the field, and as soon as u leave for the downed Feng, u can be sure, she´s back at the gen, within this mentioned safety distance. As said before, the regress isnt worth the time u r waisting.
At 3:09 u could have chainsawed her.
U left the chase, and went for the gen. Gladly, David was there and u downed him.
At 3:27 u left David, went for a chase, cause the Feng was still there, aborted the chase and went back for David. Leaving him downed, as said before, is absolutly ok, when u r able to chase and down another survivor. Picking him up and hooking him is also ok. But the way u did it, it waisted 20 seconds of our time, means 1/4th of a gen is done in this time.
And 4:20 u forced the Feng the direction i mentioned before, when u chased her at 1:47, ended up with her running around rocks and being forced to use a jungle gym without a pally, and downed her even before she was able to reach the gym.
Downed her, hooked her, chased the next Feng, downed her. Great job. Kicking the gen was subopitmal, as u have seen the two other survivors healing next to the hook, so, just saying, u gave them time to heal or evade. .
Didnt got it why u wanted to chainsaw the injured Feng? Just M1 her, obvisiously she had BT, cause of the rank u r playing. I would suggest, even i u would have downed her, she had a DS ready.
At 5:20 u saw the unhooked Feng, instead of chasing her and down her, u wasted 20 seconds lokking for a phantom.
After the unhook, u decided to chase the Feng to ur right, next to a pally. The other Feng ran to a T-L-wall, next to the jungle gym with the broken pally. Than u cancelled the chase, leaving the survivors without pressure. U decided to search for another chase, and ended up a the location u could have gone before, when u would´ve continued to chase the Feng.
In fact, u didnt apply pressure from 6:09 to 6:32, which ended in the loss of hex ruin.
Regarding the mindgame at 6:41, try to insta-turn, without doing a step.
Nothing to say to the tree, u already mentioned it.
Maybe u could have tried to curve at 7:11, direction left entrance of the pallet hallway, to force her away from the pally, or at least to make her use dead hard.
Same at 7:49, it´s a T-L-wall, try to curve, or at least feather and fake the chainsaw, to force her away from the window. Than u broke the chase.
Maybe, just maybe, u were able to hit the first survivor jumpin through the window, by charging a second earlier.
The rest was obvious. I guess, everyone got it that u were pissed off at least 2/3th of the match.
And i absolutly got the point, it´s annoying as hell not having the powerrole as killer. Most times our games rely to the faults survivors do. Annoying maps, bad RNG with pallys (had last week a "funny" one, jungle gym with 2 pallys into cow tree into the next jungle gym with 2 pallys, tons of fun), optimal playing survivors. After the double BP event, most survivors i encounter r running syringes or BNP´s, annoying as hell. But it´s good to see even big streamers as Scott, Zubat or True struggle from time to time when playing killer.
U r emotional, playing this game, which means u enjoy being competitive, u care bout ur playstyle and so on. It´s great to have such killers, forcing themself getting better. Just try not to be too emotional during the match, as u mentioned during the video, u r so pissed, u didnt even hit with the chainsaw. U r doing agood job as killer, keep on going with it.
6 -
The reason I mentioned the window in the first video was because survivors keep saying, "Oh, the windows are still broken!! You can still be hit through them!!" I just wanted to make an example that if I'm not close enough, I don't get "magical" hits through the window. I knew I would miss but I just wanted to show that the hit detection is fine at windows for survivors. Just sick of them saying something is broken to get a "fix" that actually DOES break it for the killers that bitches at us for saying its broken. I wanted to show a lot of points in that video. Ruin was up almost all match. Billy has unlimited power and speed to get across the map. It still ended in 11 minutes. Any other killer but Nurse and without Ruin, efficiency always beats skill. I did my loops optimally. I broke safe pallets as quick as possible. I tried kicking as much as possible. It all came to be for naught. I'm not calling them out for it. The devs created this monster. They need to do something about it. No one likes playing like this. Constantly feeling like they aren't doing well and having to get rid of someone immediately so they don't get steamrolled. I should have played Spirit without Ruin. Also, big maps REALLY hurt. Finally, having pallets 10-15 steps a part is some of the dumbest design choices I have ever seen. Spirit Fury + Enduring means NOTHING if they can STILL reach a pallet after.
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@MarksmanSpecal Thank you for the info and actually giving good points. I'll keep this in mind. I'm usually calm but the game before this had me SO tilted and once I saw this game going to #########, I just lost it, Man. I always farmed during events because I want both sides to feel good and not shafted, Bro.
A lot of people know my name either, because I did great or because I pissed them off. Usually both. I love this game. On PS4 alone, I have busted my ass for years on this game. I bought a PC JUST FOR THIS GAME, because I loved it so much. Sometimes, I let my passion get in the way of my decision making.
I wanted to make points in the video. I kicked the gen and immediately talked about how it was useless. I'm ADHD so I enjoy talking to myself while playing. I like to pretend that I'm in the game. I also describe what I'm doing a lot and why. Not as much as a survivor but when people watch, I want them to learn something during. I want to be entertaining but also educational for new killers.
I post games whether I get steamrolled or not. I don't want people thinking, I'm some DBD God. Just some guy who loves this game. Thank you for giving me info on my mistakes and also some tips. I can learn from that. There are some videos where I just get wrecked by stupid choices and I point that out in older videos. I'm not too prideful to admit when I ######### up. I don't blame the killer when I lose for doing something stupid, and I expect the same from other people.
2 -
U r welcome, i know this games, when u wanna smash the keyboard into the monitor, and than through both out of the window. I feel ya :)
It´s obvious u enjoy this game, and yes, u r entertaining, keep on going, u r doing well.
2 -
@MarksmanSpecal Much love, Bro. Feel free to comment on any post that I do. I don't really care if someone insults me as LONG as they got a point. I do cuss a lot in my gameplay. Again, I like to pretend like I'm the actual killer and this is how I would talk to them XD Get off my gen, you little #########! XD I just started doing videos again once I switched from PS4 because of the keyboard clicks was so loud, it was hard to hear me or the gameplay. I finally got a better condenser mic and an elgato. I don't monetize. I just do videos for people to enjoy and maybe learn to be a better killer. I'll be doing more and more videos now. I see some crazy ######### sometimes in my games XD
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I feel you and as I always say until looping is addressed severely we shall be trapped in this situation.
We need to be able to end chases fast, get survivors out of gens being chased and forcing them to do saves.
Until we address this problem everything else is just a bandaid
1 -
@DBDbuildsYT I don't like tunneling. I shouldn't have to just to stand a chance against an optimized group. It's a shame. Doing different chases is just suicide at high ranks. If survivors just do gens, you lose. Taking 1 person out, whether it "hurts" their experience or not, is the most effective way to win as killer at high rank.
0 -
Yes because survivors are way stronger than killers due to looping.
You are left in a situation where you MUST take one out because otherwise you'll lose and even if you are tunnelling if you can't end a chase fast you will still lose.
Looping and gen rushing aren't fun for killers, while camping and tunnelling aren't fun for survivors.
The game must change to remove looping, gen rushing, camping and tunnelling so we can all have fun
1 -
@DBDbuildsYT I don't mind looping but if they make a mistake, they shouldn't be rewarded with 2 more pallets 10 steps away to fix that mistake. That's what tilts me. Less pallets in a map, reduce the map size to medium only and make more unsafe pallets and shorter loops. The amount of pallets should force you to use window loops to not use them all up too quickly instead of just going to a pallet every 10 steps and going around twice for 15 seconds and throwing it down, knowing there are 29 more to go in the map. That just doesn't make any sense at all.
1 -
Yes that's also an option and one that is probably more feasible than mine :)
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@DBDbuildsYT I'm not asking for much but I shouldn't be at the mercy of 30 pallets on a large scale map that is created so a pallet or 2 are always 10 steps away. That's just ludicrous. What skill is that?
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According to survivors exploiting smaller hit boxes to pursue a more optimal route to nullify the killer's speed equals skill haha chasing people from pallet to pallet with gens popping left and right is so frustrating
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@DBDbuildsYT That's something that needs changing. In general, the game is still really unbalanced.
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Looping takes more skill than you think also you need to learn when to drop chase as killer.
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I am curious, if most of your matches are like how you described in this post, how did you reach rank 1 with the current ranking system?
If you are rank 1, that means you have been demolishing survivors match after match (because again, this is what it takes to reach and maintain rank 1 killer at the moment).
If you are complaining about a few matches that went wrong and forgot all the other matches where you dominated and won (because again this is what it takes to reach rank 1), then I really have nothing to say.
6 -
@Zertix If you are saying how I 3k to 4k, I tunnel immediately then rush. It's the most efficient way and then I depend on survivors getting greedy also. If 4 survivors REALLY wanted to just destroy a killer, you would ALWAYS lose without getting more than 1 person. You ever see the depip squad? Yeah. That was a real thing.
That's what happens when survivors are decent but do the objective without worrying about totems and anything else. They just do the objective and leave. It was a ######### storm. Nothing ever really came out of it. They released more band-aid fixes in terms of perks without any meaningful adjustment to the game. I'm a very competitive person. If it's 1 vs 4, the 1 should ALWAYS have the upperhand, otherwise, that would just be stupid. Oh, the 4 guys get guns but you sir.. YOU, you get a knife. Good luck. Doesn't sound very fair, does it?
The Depip Squad was there to show how many pallets and how useless a killer could be against the amount in each map and the loops that could be formed. ALL with RUIN active. All matches were over in less than 5 minutes, doors, unhooks and all. Just because a lot of survivors don't play the game efficiently at purple ranks, doesn't mean red ranks don't and WILL when they want to destroy you.
That's the problem. At red rank, you should have to prove your mettle. Not have 30 pallets in a match that can just be thrown down in 10 seconds or less and still have plenty of time to get to another. That's just stupid and bad game design. Ruin was a band-aid fix. Bamboozle was a band-aid fix for safe loops. If a good team wants you to lose, YOU LOSE.
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@Zertix Oh, another thing. Some more fun info. You know how you HATE Nurse sooo much at Rank 1? Get use to it if you think the current system is FAIR. Nurse is the only legit killer who can do great at Rank 1 consistently. No one wants to get steam rolled by good survivors who rush the objective. Nurse is the only one who truly can do something about that.
You don't like Nurse but she is FAIR against a good team. You want other killers to be played at this rank? Reduce the amount of pallets, the map size and the gen time (or an ACTUAL second objective that lasts longer than 2 minutes flat), otherwise, buckle up and enjoy them Nurses because that's all you'll mostly see at this rank.
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@Zertix I play both sides. I don't get up in my feelings as a survivor if I get tunneled because I know the killer is already struggling. I have plenty of screenshots of being face camped just because I ran a killer until 1 gen was left at Rank 1. Have a great day. (Edit: I remove a line of text that was updated)
Post edited by AStupidMonkeyy on2 -
don't worry you'll get a group like mine who suicides into the hook for WGLF stacks until we all die within a minute soon enough
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Looping is an exploit, and it doesn't take that amount of skill that you are lying to yourself in the effort of believing it.
Smaller hit boxes, terrible map design,that's it.
If you study 5 oh tofu videos you will learn how to loop decently enough to waste two gens of the killer's time.
I started to watch tofu prior to the blood hunt, and started to play survivor consistently at the blood hunt because killer was too slow. I am currently a rank 6 survivor and I can waste a lot of a killer's time just with 15 days of practice.
This isn't about skill this is about how wrong is the balance of dbd.
1/4 cannot and must not equal 1, this is the real problem and the source of all unbalance of dbd.
Learn what asymmetric is
As for your final remark about abandoning a chase, you are simply digging your own hole because you are admitting that there are areas where 1/4 of a team of 4 is SUPERIOR to the 1 person of the team of 1.
How is that balanced?
It is a total madness that you are forced to drop a chase because you are losing a chase vs 1 person of the numbers role.
The game needs to be balanced in the sense of 1 person (power role) must be equivalent of 4/4 of the number role.
This doesn’t happen in DBD due to looping and this is the nail in the coffin about looping which is the biggest unbalance I have ever seen in a game.
Nobody is capable to deny what I am saying here because it is the truth
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First of all, I literally posted my comment and went to sleep immediately and just woke up now. I didn't downvote you or anything. We are having a discussion, we are not enemies. Moreover, your opinion is not a fact, it is just ... an opinion.
Secondly, we are here to discuss your post, not my post from 2 months ago so let us focus on the topic.
In my opinion, the depip squad is an extreme example. I agree that 4 very good organized and efficient survivors are better than 1 very good killer (unless it is nurse). However, balancing the game around cases like this (which represent a very small portion of the playerbase) would only push solo survivors away from the game.
I am not gonna tell you git gud because I have seen your clips and you are very gud. Since you are rank 1 killer, that means you are winning most of your matches. I also admit that the gen rush is real when the survivors are decent. However, it is very rare to get decent teammates when playing solo (which according to the stats released by the devs represent most of the playerbase).
Killer queue times are already long enough. This is because there are more killers than survivors and this is not something that the matchmaking system could fix. If you keep pushing the devs to nerf solo survivors (which is already a frustrating and not so fun experience) more and more, you guys would sit in lobby simulators for hours without anybody joining.
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I mean, I've played rank 1 games where 3 generators are done in under two minutes.
Large maps make the game pretty much unbearable.
Even playing as Nurse, downing people every 40 seconds after spotting them and entering a chase... Running Ruin, PGTW, BBQ, and Stridor.
I shudder to think how utterly just wiped those matches would be if I was using Wraith, Trapper, or Leatherface.
You just can't keep up. Survivors develop a good sense of where generators are and when to latch onto a generator.
You just can't manage the time well enough unless you play Nurse, or use Hilllbilly on a map that's not full of debris.
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This speaks directly to my soul...
Further more you'll never see a Dev comment on anything of this material. I feel they're afraid of feeling the asymmetrical 4:1 ratio in their wallets if they even so much as talk about fundamental balance or game changes.
Gens have the potential to go way too quick. Most Killer kits and powers cant do anything about it at red ranks.
Yeah you'll have games where they don't from time to time, but when they do its like inserting needles into your eye sockets. Sadly, the Devs cant control how fast the Gens go other than repair speed, if they nerf Gen time its going to make the game really hard for new people and so on, so the only logical solution is secondary objectives, that maybe don't involve holding left click and occasionally pressing space for X seconds.
It doesn't help either that this game is not actively balanced. The Devs seem to do what appears to be "Balance Passes" So the game will go on in w.e state is stable regardless of balance and 6 months later some generic data will be pulled to attest to what should be balanced. Most games that are competitive or have gameplay that rests on a knifes edge like this game will usually see balance adjustments monthly until a good medium is achieved before adding more potentially busted ingredients into the mix, i.e. when MoM first released. Just thrown into and already unstable mix of game balance to just muck it up some more.
Ntm, alot of man power is going into cosmetics and all the new features, but they only have like 3 people working on map adjustments, and were not expected to see those for several more months.
I am personally excited for that stuff too, but I would greatly like to actually enjoy 75% of my matches up from 30% with what we currently have, then to get another Jane Romero skin every 2 weeks.
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All I wel in your final remark is “how dare I think as killer when survivor is clearly better than me”
I guess that I just need to watch one Ohtofu video to learn billy and nurse?
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@Zertix I will say this. They also played 50 games with perks, without perks, without perks AND without comms. They still steamrolled when they just did the objective and used the abysmal amount of pallets on maps.
The large size of it will also benefit the survivors since killers (have supposedly faster speed) are BARELY faster than survivors, contributing to dead hard, lithe and SB that gives them farther distance but killers, (fun fact) vault MUCH slower than a survivor that if there wasn't an entity blocker and they had enough distance, they could loop 2 windows for up to 5 times before you got even close enough to touch them. Vault a window in a chase and see how much distance a survivor gets. You get a slow vault speed while they get fast.
It doesn't take a scientist to realize that that just doesn't make any sense to slow a killer down and with the absurd amount of pallets, it's a lose/lose. It did show me that if you tunnel a weak link immediately (almost always a weak link somewhere), you can effectively take them out, retake them out (since they are the weak link) and effectively cripple the team to the point that you can kill 2 with 1 gen left, take the 3rd person and hook by the last gen pops and either camp the hook or look for the last guy.
(3 kills is a pip to me so I really don't care if I catch the last person) Compare this with super big maps, easy to reach pallets, jungle gyms, slow vault speed, SB and such, nerfed BL and other things, (not including perks or toolboxes) in a true competitive match, unless Nurse, YOU CAN NEVER WIN unless you tunnel and play viciously and even THEN, you may still lose horribly and get berated because you suck (when its really the imbalance) because survivors got big pp and killers got small pp.
That's how most of my end chats happen when I DON'T CAMP OR TUNNEL. When I do, almost no one says anything. Ironic, right? I will remove my dislikes and take your word for it that you didn't dislike my posts just to be spiteful. I just dislike people who do that.
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I love
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But yet the majority of survivor players are Rank 15 potatos who can't hit skillchecks and don't understand the basics of looping or pallets, so apparently its unfair to balance around players who know what they are doing.
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@TRB124 The reason there are so many excess pallets is because this game was about using them to escape and hide. Not loop 2-3 times then run to the next one. The game itself evolved and changed but the amount of pallets are pretty much the same. It needs to go. If you want to loop then fine but make only 15-18 pallets in the map for balance.
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Im starting to see that you don't know how to counter looping as killer so you just come here to call it an exploit over and over again.
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@KillermainBTWm8 Looping was never meant to be a thing but I wouldn't call it an exploit. I would call it evolving.
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True, but calling looping an exploit would be like calling the moonwalk strat an exploit as well.
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@KillermainBTWm8 That was never an exploit, though? Walking backwards to do mind games was a thing before legion. Not his fault that it worked well in a chase with his power?