Please stop DCING!

I don't care if you are a survivor or killer but please stop quitting cos you are losing, I decided to come back as my sis had some good rounds (was gonna wait a week or so) we had 3 gateux in use and the nure ragequit as soon as 2nd gen was finished.

That was 3 wasted offerings FFS! If its not that its survivors dcing as soon as they get hit/downed and screwing every one else over as a result! JUST DONT DO IT!

Even in my worst rounds where I am constantly swearing and ranting cos of the bs going on, I don't dc cos its not fair on eve1 else!


  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Sorry, you can't control people like that. I wish people stop DCing, gives us survivors a 2000 bloodpoint bonus for each Disconnected survivor, deducted from the disconnected survivor. Rank punishment I feel is a privilege to people who wants to go to the low ranks to troll newer players, hence why new players will feel this community is too toxic. :|

  • tomikomPL
    tomikomPL Member Posts: 97

    If you can choose in looby do you want to play against some survivors or dodge, i as survivor can also choose do i want to play against some kind of killer or not, so i instantly DCing from 4 killers and i already stoped care about teams as solo survivor, the same with killer who camps or tunnel i will DC, cause i dont wanna waste more of my time on boring game.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    I don't mind losing of I had fun with it and not camed into the ground for example.

    But the low rank nurse that rage quit and we got no points (guess she dashboarded the app) with 3 gatuex wasted just cos 2 gens got done? I have had rounds where I got no one till the gens were done (pre EGC era) and got a 4k anyways as they all wanted to troll and look for item chests. I dont give in.

    The only time I have ever left a game vis DC was losing the internet and once due to an emergency phone call from my doc and I had to go into hospital so that was that. Otherwise I grit my teeth and play on even if mad.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @tomikomPL that's a patently *silly* thing to say. Seeing survivors in the lobby doesn't tell you anything about their perks, rank, plans, etc... even seeing their items gives you very limited info. While as soon as you see what killer you're facing, you immediately know their power.

    You're just too cowardly to face certain killers (I'm guessing Nurse).

    And what is worse, you brag about how ruining the game for FOUR other people is no issue for you. That is truly disgusting. Please rethink your attitude.

    Hope you'll get promptly banned, as soon as dedicated servers are live.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Nope, not me

  • gingerbeardman
    gingerbeardman Member Posts: 1

    I hope with dedicated servers released that the report system punishes dcers so they cant play for so many minutes so it completely stops unless they want to wait 24 hours to play then have at it.

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    And under what conditions is it alright for the killer to dc?

  • tomikomPL
    tomikomPL Member Posts: 97

    I am waiting for possibility to select which killers you dont want to play against (for example max 4 to select, the same with survivors and you cant swap character if you will be already in lobby) I stoped care about information i just press button to find lobby and i stay in it, i only leave from lobby if i have trash ping. I dont say i have to see what killer exactly i will play, but i want to deny these who i really hate to play against.

    "You're just too cowardly to face certain killers" - no i am not but after being on high ranks i am already tired of playing against nurse, billy, spirit. I just dont want to play another match with these killers, because i am just tired of them.

    "And what is worse, you brag about how ruining the game for FOUR other people is no issue for you"

    And now about campers and tunnelers. Why should i waste my time on this kind of match? I always say in lobby that i will DC if it will be something like this, the same with these 3 killers i told about earlier. If they accept it they stay, if not they leave. I will not reinforce camping and tunneling by feeding this killer with more BPs, because it is unfunny and annoying and it ruins entire gameplay.

    "Hope you'll get promptly banned, as soon as dedicated servers are live"

    Nah i will not be banned i dont DC as often as you think, at least for 2 months when i play on ranks 12-20. I cant wait for dedicated servers it will be finally fair gameplay without lag switchers or hits because of awful killer's internet.

    I can only say like in the beginning that i am waiting for option to select killers and survivors you dont want to play with or against (but not all for example max 4), for this time i will DC from matches which are boring and annoying for me, because i bought this game to have some entertainment not to be more angry or frustrated.

  • Jamez666
    Jamez666 Member Posts: 26

    Pro tip, remove the "leave match" feature. Let the killer waste their time killing a survivor that doesn't want to play that trial. Let the survivors just farm up or speed run gems and such to finish the game quicker. Or just like a real ranked game, cancel the game if someone D/Cs within the first minute or so of the game.