Looping, Teabagging, Camping and Tunneling. How to solve a problem that shouldn't be a problem.

Okay this post is in response to my 500+ hours of gameplay, being a rank 1 killer AND a rank 1 survivor at some point, and my personal experience with trolls and bullies. This is gonna be a longer post but I promise if you read it it'll make sense.


We're gonna start with the killer's side of things.


For killer I've honestly probably only logged about 100 hours, and this is for multiple reasons. 1) it is EXTREMELY hard to find a killer lobby at lower ranks. Once i got to rank 1 killer I stopped playing killer for a while and due to rank reset I went all the way down to rank 18. 2) survivors get extremely toxic and rude and it makes for a frustrating game that I end up DCing from and 3) I personally enjoy survivor more than killer due to how hard it is to play killer.

When I played killer there were two things I absolutely could not stand.

1) Looping. It would get extremely frustrating to have to chase a survivor for 2 minutes straight and every time I went to swing they would circle around me. This is, I believed, caused by the 3rd person POV that survivors have, which makes this easy to do.

2) Teabagging. Granted, this is more of a bully and troll mechanic but it still was frustrating. Once, I DCed a game where all 4 survivors were teabagging me at the exit gate.


1) For looping, I believe the easiest solution would be to refix just how tightly a survivor can turn corners. Another solution could be to just simply make survivors move slower when turning, which is what many other games do, such as COD or Fortnite.

2) For teabagging, i think there should be a limit in how much you can spam the crouch control. But for the exit gate teabagging I believe the introduction of a perk would fix that.

RUFFIAN - When a survivor is standing within the exit gate for 20/15/10 seconds, they are striked by the entity and put into the dying state.

I think this perk would help to stop teabagging and just waiting in the exit gate in general.



Now survivor I have logged over 400+ hours and I was rank 1 twice, now I stay between Ranks 8-13 because I tend to find that those ranks are not terrible.

As as survivor, the two biggest, and I think the most frustrating things are what many survivors experience.

1) Camping. Most of you will say "Well most of the time the survivor deserves it, for looping or teabagging, or just being toxic." I am very honest and when I know I was being toxic to a killer I won't be upset if they camp me. But the problem lies in when the survivor played a fair game and a killer decides they want a kill or they just want to be toxic.

2) Tunneling. Again, most will say survivors deserve it for what they do, but again, the problem is when survivors are just playing the game AS INTENDED and still get tunneled.

The reason these are such big problems is due to the fact that the survivor who is now hooked quite literally cannot do anything. If they are rescued, they will just be downed again quickly and rehooked. This does ruin gameplay experience because a survivor cannot play the game at all.


1) For camping, this is a tricky one. From what I can gather, mettle of man and borrowed time are your best defenses against this, but not every survivor has mettle of man or borrowed time. I think the best solution would be if the killer is within 8 meters of the survivor they lose 1000 bp for every 5 seconds they are within that range, and it should appear on the side of their screen.

Alternatively, there could be a perk where if a killer is within 8 meters of the survivor, the entity progression will moderately/considerably/tremendously slow down (or completely stop) until the killer moves out of range.

2) For tunneling, I believe this also could be solved with partially the same concepts as camping. When a survivor is unhooked, and they are in a chase with the killer within 15 seconds of being unhooked, the survivor will lose 1000 bp for every 5 seconds they are within a chase with that survivor.

Alternatively, there could be a perk where if within 15 seconds of being unhooked, if the survivor is in a chase with the killer, they gain the haste effect until they are out of a chase with the killer, and the effect persist for 15 seconds (in case the killer loses the chase and regains it on purpose. Balance)

I believe these changes could tremendously help the game improve and make things better. Please let me know in the comments your thoughts.


  • MissyD
    MissyD Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2019

    @Mr_Qwayzar mind taking a read?

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108


    1. Looping - it's essential to survive in a chase, however this change could make the game better and less reliant on godly places such as Killer shack
    2. Teabagging - you can't escape it, unfortunately. You can only force them out or give a hard slap in the back with surprise Blood Warden


    1. Camping - the same as with teabagging; there's always someone doing it. Just utilise the time (120 seconds) to do generators
    2. Tunneling - use DS

    There's already a sort of solution to each problem listed, maybe they're not perfect but I think it's the point of balance: soft counters prevent games from being stall and boring, not shutting anything else down too easily

  • kakakaka
    kakakaka Member Posts: 18

    1) you already have bloodlust, which directly counters looping, you're saying that they loop you for 2 minutes straight, yeah right, bloodlust stacks 3 times each 15 seconds you're behind someone, and you're sitting there telling me survivors should be slower when they turn? killers are already faster than survivors by default, on top of that they get bloodlust to directly counter looping, ON TOP OF THAT looping is an actual core mechanic of the game, wasting the killer's time is a valuable objective to ensure the rest of the team can get the objective done.

    2) no, teabagging is fine, what you can do is take that as a lesson to improve yourself and learn to ignore/giving too much thought to useless petty stuff, also slowing down the crouch could be a nerf to survivors.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1. Bloodlust! Also i think looping is considered a "mechanic" now sorry.
    2. I know teabagging can be annoying but because a) EGC exists and b) they could just stand at the exit corner you would waste a perk slot


    1. Again punishing a killer is way worse (also 8 meters aint that far) than rewarding them. Give them bonus points or something for going for a diffrent survivor instead.
    2. DS exists. Again rewarding is better than punishing.
  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    "every time I went to swing they circled around me" I am assuming you are talking about 360/180s if you are still falling for those you don't have enough killer experience imo. Putting a limit on how many times you can crouch in a certain time period would be stupid for killers like Huntress, Myers, Ghostface. Map design will help with the looping problem as they said they are making less safe pallets making looping not an option would kill the game because that's what makes survivors able to last in a chase. Decreasing a killers blood point gain because they are near the hook is stupid because it could easily be abused to BM the killer and if you don't see anyone but the one who just got off the hook ofc your gonna for the unhooked you shouldn't be punished for that.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    I like your killer issues... not the solutions.. but the 360'ing and tbagging. :)

    I still don't understand players who get mad about someone tbagging in the match. So nerf it!... LULS


    I don't think you should punish players for playing the match by losing Bloodpoints. You can use Bloodpoints to help shape gameplay, but I wouldn't punish players by taking them away. Just don't reward them as much.

    The emblems guide how the player should play based on what the Developers prefers as "good" playstyles. Problem is there is no real reward for following the emblems. If those translated into bloodpoint rewards players might respond better. IMO

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    This guy here has a much better answer to these... "problems":