Getting hit through windows still needs fixing.

the amount of times ive been hit through windows, and seen others be hit is ridiculous. theyre still so broken. You can visibly see the pause when spectating someone jumping through a window. Why hasnt this been fixed?


  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    It could be cause of medium vaults, you could run Resilience for better window vault opportunity.

  • GucciUwU
    GucciUwU Member Posts: 18

    Yes, if they keep nerfing quick vaults every goddamn patch they should at least fix these window hitboxes

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    same, even with green ping it happens , even with pallets

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Windows were always ment like this. If you are smart enough to stay to close to it, then you deserve the hit. Its all about timing.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Windows have been like this since the momentum change back in January, I don't even know why they added a momentum change because no one asked for changes to vaults just a few nerfs not making them slow as hell, the devs just change what doesn't need to be changed and don't change what needs to be changed.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Sometimes it's close but I've had it happen many times where I've not only safely landed but I started moving away and I still get struck. Not fun! I really hope dedicated servers mitigate a lot of these issues. Especially the massive hitboxes which for some Killers is like the entire screen.

  • eyesthatrock
    eyesthatrock Member Posts: 2

    Sam here what is going on

  • XCheekyNuggetX
    XCheekyNuggetX Member Posts: 12

    Typical fashion needing survivors. I understand that windows are the reason why most infinite loops are in the game and as a red rank killer and survivor I agree they're completely broken, I think loops are needed otherwise survivors will be forced to use pallet after pallet and eventually run out for either themselves or team mates, looping puts some chase time to a pallet and I get that but infinite loops that abuse the killer's slower vault time in order to be faster than them, THEN putting a pallet in the way is a massive kick in the nuts

  • deadlycast
    deadlycast Member Posts: 45

    Well the reverse for killer is. When you swing, hit a survivor before they get to a window. Or as they get it. You down the survivor. Yet they still animate thru the window to the other side. Knowing you seen you hit the survivor before they started the animation of the window.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    The windows are fine. I have plenty of videos of me missing window hits or a killer missing hits. If you see red, you are dead. That means if you see or the red stain is on your back after vaulting the window, you WILL be hit. You are in the hit detection range. Ping affects this. You might be 5 steps away but on the killers side, you are still in the hit detection range because of ping (latency). If your ping is over 60, expect a second delay on all actions. I have a video to show that too. Hope that helps. If you want to see my videos on YouTube, just ask.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    I periodically get hit when vaulting, but with AStupidMonkeyy's advice, perhaps I can avoid going down as often.

    I'm looking forward to dedicated servers personally. They should help a bit with things. (Like not having to make a new party every match.)