"Voice" Com for Solos

dbd_noob Member Posts: 225

As we all know SWF with voice com and Solos cannot be compared, as all the advandages SWFs have do not apply for Solo players.

So here is an idea I got from playing Deathgarden las night: We do not really need voice coms to make life easier for Solo Survs, but it would be a lot of help if you could trigger a bubble (like a failed skill check) to other survivors to indicate where the killer is, or a gen or an injured survivor. Seems like an easy fix for me, don't you think?

And of course with a feature like this, balancing would be easier as the difference between solo and swf would not be that big.


  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225

    that is exactly why you cannot talk to each other but "place notifications" on the map. Maybe with an option to disable the feature so trolls cannot spam 1000 bubbles everywhere

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Urgh no. I don't want to listen to some kid playing Dead by Daylight in the kitchen while his mother is cooking food, yelling for him to stop playing the game and help her. All while the dog's barking mad because its stupid or something.

    I'd be muting the ######### out of everyone.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2019

    The community is way to toxic for any of that.

    How many would scream down the Mic at someone not doing what they want? Play music? Just be overall toxic swearing idiots. It's bad enough when people have chat after a match not to mention what they write on profiles.

    While notifications are another way they can also be spammed by trolls and it ruins immersion, many players like the idea of not knowing and why they bought the game which is evident with over 54% playing solo, why remove that? The only way it would work is by way of another mode but that happening doesn't seem likely as it would really be about seperating SWF.

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225
    edited July 2019

    @se05239 no voice com, just in game notifications like the ones the killers sees when you fat vault as surv or something like that.

    @twistedmonkey i get that some people would not like that kind of information, thats why i mentioned that the "feature" would have to be optional. You want to play "alone"? ok, disable it. You want to get infos from your mates, then turn it on.

    Also please note that I definitely think that that buff to the survivors would also need buffs to the killers in some way.

    Edit: maybe not a bubble is shown, but you can make you aura visible to other survs for idk 2 seconds with some kind of cooldown. for example when you make the point gesture you are shown to others?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291


    It would still mean seperating the player base and if one becomes more played then that choice is removed.

    I am a purist and hate the notifications we already have in game. I dont think they are beneficial and take away any need to learn from players and why we see those in ranks they dont really deserve to be in. Take a perk like Make a Choice, it would be much stonger is the players didnt get told it was active and would mean we would have to always think it was, not knowing is what makes this game what it is imo.

    Too much info as survivor means it truly does becomes an boring M1 simulator as you dont have to think anymore.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Just invite the ones how like to use/abuse voice in pregame chat to your discord.

    Problem solved.

    Voice is already here.

  • XCheekyNuggetX
    XCheekyNuggetX Member Posts: 12

    Uh oh I can already hear the baby killer's crying over this concept. Although I do think proximity chat would be a really cool thing

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    If they want to balance for voice comms, just add in a text chat feature. What you propose in the OP sounds similar to the ping system in Apex Legends, which while it works well in that game and genre, I don't think would work as well in a game like this. Apex uses the crosshairs to aim the ping, which DBD doesn't have, which would make it too clunky to effectively use.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I would say at least make it an option for those who want it and for those who don't there is an "uncheck" box so they can't hear.

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225

    This sounds perfekt for me, as I am the kind of survivor that likes to have as much information as possible. But there should definitely be some kind of timeout to prevent trolling like @Heroiq mentioned

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Right. It's already a survivor based game past green ranks, lets just make it even easier! I thought the premise of the game was to go off whatever info you yourself could gather, and apply it to a team as best you could WITHOUT communication. Actually being able to tell your team where and what is going on gives them far too much control of the match. The way i see it, the balance issues between solo and swf are minor compared to swf and killer.

    But, while I don't think the game needs it, it is a fun idea. If you really want to make it work, you'd then have to give the killer a few perks that could counteract that. Maybe limit the range, or even be able to put up false signs. Heck, maybe even bring in status effects, like deafness, so that survivors couldn't get a warning indication.

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225
    edited July 2019

    I understand you and think you are right @Rivyn. If Solo play is buffed like this there would killers buffs be needed as well. But i think it would be easier to balance as there is no big gap between swf and solos anymore.

  • keenko
    keenko Member Posts: 62

    I can’t help but roll my eyes at the mind numbingly dumbness of when people argue against coms for solo queue survivors because of “toxicity” or because they don’t want to hear someone misuse a mic. As if that’s a valid reason, there’s a mute button in virtually every modern day multiplayer game for a reason. 

    You think it’d break the game? Totally fair to argue. You don’t want to have to take 3 seconds to mute someone? Ridiculous