What shall I level up?

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I'm not sure if I should keep leveling up my preferred killers so they all have BBQ and Ruin since some of them don't or if I should level up a different killer from scratch because I may want a perk in my preferred killer build. For example, my trapper is level 44 but doesn't have ruin, my hillbilly is level 50 without BBQ but my clown is level 3 etc and I want bamboozle so do I try and get the perks I need to get more bp's on my preferred killers or do I level up clown for the teachables. I feel pretty weird just seeing a level 3 clown just chilling out.
td;dr Do I get more teachables or continue leveling my preferred killers to get the "core" perks.
If that was me I would do the Clown first, because it takes the longest to do and it is something i want. However, if you do Trapper or Hillbilly they are closer to being done. What do you like better and want the most really? Do you want BBQ more? Ruin? Or Bam?
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Personally, I'd finish my 2 killers first so that I can gain bp easier.
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I would suggest that u level your favorite killers till u have a playable build. Than u can spend the BP from playing with this killer into the bloodwebs of the killer u wanna level up.
Just remeber, the more killers u level simultaneously, the more teachables will pop up in your bloodweb, so the chance of getting the perks u want gets decreased.
For example, i have 8 or 9 killers full perk, actually going for full perk clown, and i didnt got BBQ once, while i have already 42 perks on tier 3. Bad luck, but annoying as hell.
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I would encourage you not to pollute your bloodwebs with bad teachables though. I will not pick Hangman's Trick even though it means I get a choice of 1 perk on each of Pig's bloodwebs.
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My main is Myers. He is prestige 3 level 50 and has pretty much all of the perks I need to just play him to get BP's. The only problem with that is I will run out of add ons for him.
I could just play survivor with WGLF and Prove thyself but I prefer killer
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Then I would personally keep putting points into Myers until the point where there are no more perks left (otherwise it would feel like a waste). Then find the killer who has any perks you like the sound of for Myers and level them up.
Also, the next time a new killer comes out with a perk you want, you will be able to get it on Myers quickly.