When will you delete instaheals

We all knows it's incredible unfair, terrible against m1 killer, and overpowered as hell like bnp was before. So devs, I don't know, do your job. 4 games in a row against one bastard or two with that thing, I'm gonna start playing toxic every time i see one of those.


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Just use Franklin's Demise. That solves the issue of them having kits on hand in the first place. Since it is an insta heal they will go back for it meaning you can force a down and hook them.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    Are you a rank 20 with 50 hours at the game? Any experienced player knows instaheals are way too overpowered. Franklin Demise is completely useless, a D tier perk, the fact that you're even proposing it is nullifying your credibility.

  • _LC
    _LC Member Posts: 105

    Don't be mad, there's no reason for playing toxic and becoming what you are trying to avoid in the first place. Instaheals are indeed very strong, like a lot of things in the game, but they can't just remove everything that is strong cause it will ruin the game. Also, instaheals are not OP. They can completely change the results of a game if used well just like strong perks like noed and such, but what makes the difference in the player that is using it. A normal player benefit from a instaheal to a certain degree, but it's not comparable to what a veteran player can achieve with it. So it's a matter of strong items in the hand of strong players, isn't it?

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    Instalheal is op and doesn't need any skill to use it. 1 instaheal is already op, 4 instalheals is a joke. Bad players using instaheals is also a problem, because a 20 seconds chase can turn easily on a 40-50 seconds chase (example, depends on the map and the situation), if the surv is good and the killer is not top tier instaheals just completely destroy their game.

    It's op, for sure, don't say that's just strong, it's Over powered and doesn't need any kind of skill to tage a huge advantage from it.

    I have 2500 hours at the game, I'm a good surv, I play with good survs, if we run instaheals the game would be even easier for us (it aready is because we are competent and gens can be done in 4 to 5 minutes). Most of my hours (around 2100) are put into Huntress, so i know killer side very very well.

    Don't tell me instalheals are not OP because that's a non sense.

    Noed has a counter, instaheals don't, noed triggers when the game is already advanced and survivor sided, if survs are not brainless the killer can only get 1 with that perk as much. Still can be negated before by doing the 5 totems.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    pffs... you never said about mori

    mori is more often than instaheal and have better effect

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    I mean noed is still in the game, insta saw , insta hatchets … and etc

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    noed has counter? who noobish killer gives totem pre-cleansing time?

    wow the other region servers looks more and more amazing everyday

    individual ideas so funny i can imagine what your play looks like

    its like their red ranked popular streamers, right? like bunch of our green and yellows

    dbd have many of unbalanced things

    but this thing have counterpart both sides, i want to say just left it for fun

    i think thats what those items should be

    and this is party game do you know that?

    you good at this? i always surprised every na/eu players had massive playtimes

    guess what?

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    Agreed, such addons are overpowered and don`t need any skill.

    Even rainbow huntress or 3 blink nurse or any other killer with red/purple addons need at least some practice or you will still suck.

    As for survivors` instaheals: 1) RMB 2)SPACE 3) ??? 4) you are mlg pro, everyone applouds and best players want to meet and play with you.

    Of course if you are dumb as wood you would probably use this to heal yourself after getting hit (which is also a pretty good time waste for M1 killers). But if you have enough IQ you will use insta heal on downed teammate to completely screw the killer, especially if it is endgame and you are on the verge of escaping.

    I wish if instaheals were completely changed and, f.e.g. gave unbreakable perk effect, and ultra-rare one would gave 2 charges, etc.

    Or if they just increased healing speed.

    Or allowed to survive on hook more/to be able to jump off the hook at second phase.

    Anything that would not mess with extra hits without taking any time, skill and price like most killers` ultra-rare do (-4 hatchets, decreased movement speed, decreased stalking speed, takes off ability to see scratchmarks, -3 RBTs, 15 seconds cooldown on power/inability to teleport to traps. of course some addons do not give drawbacks, but they were confirmed to be changed, so they doesnt count).

    Or just give players ability to choose, whether they want to play with and against addons/offerings/perks/alltogether. That would mess lobby, though, but I`d better wait more, than tolerate OP sh*t (As for myself, I use OP addons like silent spirit, 2 bottles nurse or iridescent doctor only against swf with items)/

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    I can feel the hostility of a killer who has been screwed multiple times by this XD

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    When will you delete moris?

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Instaheals are fine.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    So.....only killers are allowed insta things? What about mori? I hardly see any instaheals in my games. Mori I encounter every three games or so. And it bypasses a lot of the game mechanic. Only having to do four hooks and then kill everyone, is OP as #########. you dont have to worry about Ds, so you can tunnel erveryone. It wont go off, although its a anti tunnel perk. Most games that have a mori in them, ends in a 4k for the killer, cause they usually tunnel the first guy out there within 2 minutes. so 3 survivors and 5 gens....means usually screwed and hoping for the hatch when you play solo.

    So my answer is: they probably remove it the same day as all the insta killer things. Never. Its either both have something, or neither side has one. Which to me is completely fair ( but I do hope they will put them out for all sides, dont like killer or survivor insta add ons.)

  • Centernova
    Centernova Member Posts: 39

    Most insta heals are situationally used , Not many people INSTANTLY pop it after getting hit + It makes you get punished for camping/tunneling if a teammate has one, Theres no reason to delete them

  • Centernova
    Centernova Member Posts: 39

    + I doubt you've never used a mori, mori's are your guyses well basically insta heal, without including a cypress, you can mori someone straight off hook if you tunnel them Even if someone has borrowed time, borrowed time just delays the inevitable once mori's are gone, i'd agree with insta heals being gone but its just no or atleast make mori's after second hook that is then i'll agree with insta heals

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Gonna repeat myself from a diffrent post:

    They did at one point say about making it overtime instead of instant but it was long ago