Killer Hex Idea: Boneyard
3/4/5 additional totems are spawned, and 1/2/3 of them will be lit as though they were hexes. The killer sees the false hexes with white auras. When cleansed, they make the same noise notification as hexes.
Side note: Survivors still earn the 1000 “Hex Cleansed” points for cleansing the fake ones.
Imagine the hex-based builds you could make using this. ie Boneyard, Haunted Ground, Thrill of the Hunt, and then your favorite actual hex hidden amongst all these totems!
Then we could buff Small Game to give a totem counter as well as a trap counter.
This way it would be run more as well. Although, I wouldn't make this a Hex perk. This would be a normal perk that makes fake dull/hex totems.
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Making it a hex perk could work, though I see it’s real power being the fact that it floods the field with totems, many of which make significant noise. It also nearly guarantees that NOED will be usable at the end of the match.
As a hex, I would make its actual power minor, but still useful. Maybe something along the lines of +1% lunge range for each totem remaining. An initial 10% would be nice, though of course it will reduce during the match. It also encourages survivors to spend time breaking every totem they see, making noise in the process.
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I find kinda funny the idea of walking around as survivor and seeing totems everywhere
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Some people just want to watch the
worldtotems burn! 😂Jokes aside, interesting idea there!
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Thank you! I’m always on the lookout for things that help increase mindgame potential!
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@yobuddd maybe if it added like 5/6/7 totems it would be hex feasible since the others would disappear instantly once it was cleansed. Also adding 2/3/4 hex fakes. Then I think it would be valid for it to be a hex perk. Basic totem addition though even with a low number of fakes could be base perk and not powerful. Also the concept of noed being used. Again small game buff. Remove one meta slot. Boom now you expanded the usefulness of a survivor perk that would be possibly essential in the game. Other than that I really like your idea.
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I would LOVE to see even more totems and fake hexes than my original ideas! That said, I would be completely happy with any number BHVR went with if they implemented this idea, so I’m not dead-set on my original numbers. In terms of balance, though, it can’t be so many that survivors are overwhelmed.
I’m not too hot on the idea of the totems disappearing. I’d prefer more of a needle-in-the-haystack approach. There should be some added benefit to survivors for clearing the totems, and I don’t know that just having a bunch of them vanish is enough motivation. Furthermore, with this taking up a killer perk slot, it needs to maintain its use as a low-level detection perk with explosions all over the map and the sound of nearby crackling bones during cleansing.
Survivors should either see some benefit for each totem cleared (like my lunge range idea earlier) or they should have to search to find a specific totem that is causing them harm (such as: “as long as the actual hex is active, skill check zones while healing are considerably smaller.”)
Another fun idea that just occurred to me. What if, instead of the hex effects previously mentioned, the hex tremendously thickens the dark mist! You know, as a way to protect all its little totems. Oh yeah, stackable with offerings of course! 🤭Can you imagine the possibilities? This would also give survivors visual confirmation, when the fog suddenly thins, that they have cleansed the real hex and not one of the fakes. This gives your other hexes (like Ruin and such) a little extra protection in the meantime.
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We have locker parks now, how about a totem graveyard with five in one place. All glowing.
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Random chance one of them is replaced with the killer's actual perks oof. I hate the locker tiles they make no sense. Yet some maps are grave yards for huntress because there might be like 6 lockers across the entire map.
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@yobuddd I thought of an even better idea that works with your "Hex perk" idea. All totem spots that are not currently filled are given totems. Some of which become fake hex totems. Once the hex perk is properly cleansed the remaining original totems are left on the map. So you could waste time cleansing 2/3 dull totems for them to not even affect the game.
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This is an amazing idea, so many totems! 😍
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Hey thank you! I really hope this idea takes off and gets the attention of the devs. I would love to see something like this implemented in the game!
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There are some great community suggestions this is one of them. Any perks/mechanics that affect gameplay in a mind-game type way should always be thought about. The more strategic you have to be the better.