one tiny patch and they manage to break end game timer, how do they fail like this????

how can the devs do this many mistakes with patches???? in no way the patch notes talked about the end game, yet, somehow, they managed to just break the timer at the end, when a survivor is downed or hooked, the timer doesn't slow down, it goes at regular speed, how can they create more bugs wihtout touching this specific area?
they always make new bugs, when pulling laurie out fo the locker, her eyes are crazy (it's hilarious tho)
you get blocked by broken pallet fragments, no music when you mori, no music end game, iron will sometimes not working (always worked but now doesn't work sometimes, how??)
fix 20 bugs, add 10, fix 15 minor bugs, add 7, how can they fail like this? put yourself together devs! come on, work better on your game.
Welcome to programming.
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Getting stuck inside pallets that aren’t broken is back.
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This is how it should've been anyways. Now they will "fix" it, but give survivors even more time with the slow down. They aren't slick
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you kidding, didnt see that yet as a killer, i hope i won't
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Spaghetti Code, ahoy!
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Went up against a wraith that got stuck after I pallet stun. Felt bad so I got him unstuck
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@katoptris I wish you were in my lobby! :/
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All right, I've played a number of games after reading these egc timers broken threads, and I'm definitely not getting any faster results from downed and hooked survivors. I even hooked somebody and popped Blood Warden past the egc half way mark. If there was truly no reduced timing, they would have all been garunteed dead. But I kept downing people after that, and 2 of them managed to escape meaning the timer had been slowed down.
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Didn't survivors complain that waiting 3-4 minutes was unbearable and that the game was taken hostage?
Survivors even asked for a concede button...
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I've had it happen 3 times with ghostfaces, but they always seem to be able to walk backwards to get out of it.
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This bug already existed before the last patch. No idea what triggers it. It doesn't happen in a lot of matches, so that's probably why you haven't come across it earlier.
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Spaghetti code, my dawg. FeelsBadMan
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Not big, but I grabbed a Jake out of a Locker.
After he DCd, I had normal Killer control, but the "Carry a Survivor" music kept playing until I stopped carrying an other one.
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this existed for a while
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All the worse.
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Now we got new glitch called "Entity kill you anyway even though you escape and pass through the exit" glitch and "Sometime you can't heal, mend, wiggle and struggle anyway because entity said so" glitch
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Getting Iron Will broke was huge surprise to me in first match after patch as survivor and against Spirit. I did my usual juke and guess what? Instadown, cause Jeff is loud AF while injured, and Iron Will just wasnt working.
I have no idea either how devs can constantly ######### up things they dont even touch in current patch. I've been programming myself in past, and that's just sign of incompetence, stop hiring Indians outsourcerers for 9 bucks/hours, you'll end up as Boeing!
Edit: spelling
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Had that earlier with nurse.
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Did the Spirit have Stridor?
Stridor genuinely just increases the volume of injured noises/breathing for EVERYONE in the game. If you have iron will 3 and you can hear yourself injured, that means the killer has Stridor.
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Welcome to BHRV programming.
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Do the content balancing update.
Do the balance in wrong way or do very very small good balance.
Do bugs to fix later in next Mid-Chapter 45 days later.
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You aren't kidding. This is "Magic: the Gathering Online" levels of spaghetti code.
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This happened to me last week. I couldn't mend, wiggle, or really do anything tbh. The option just wasn't showing up, so I couldn't win. Long-story-short, I was done playing DBD for that day