Trapdoor/Hatch Standoff Solution?

While I know that killer closing the hatch is still a work in progress, the standoff is still an issue. Why not just have the killer end it? Survivors tend to stand still wide open, completely vulnerable to the killer, but the killer has to strike them to end the standoff. If the killer is meant to be more powerful than 1 survivor, the killer should win in the standoffs. Why not let killers strait out grab survivors standing still?
Best Answer
Because the devs don't want the killer to automatically win. If you didn't know, when closing the hatch was in PTB, after the killer closes it, the exit gates are automatically powered. The survivor still has a chance. I believe it is this way because being in a hatch standoff situation usually means the last survivor's team made some poor decisions, and the survivor that is still alive by making good decisions does not deserve punishment for that.
Well the survivor just wouldn’t stand still if this was the case. They don’t have to stand on the hatch if they don’t want to. They can be a decent distance away from the hatch and the killer still can’t hit them without the survivor escaping due to the sprint you get when hit and the killer having to do their 3 second animation after a hit0