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Do you give the last survivor the hatch?

Member Posts: 11

I consider myself a Killer main but I play plenty of survivor too, but one thing I almost NEVER see as the survivor is the Killer letting the last survivor down the hatch.

When I play Killer, I (almost) always let the last survivor down the hatch, especially when there's been disconnects.

The only exception to this is if the last survivor has been an ######### all game (pallet/flashlight combos etc general swf behaviour you know) or if I don't know where the hatch is and I genuinely can't be bothered looking for it, which is rare but does happen.

I doubt I'm the only one that does this so I'd like to see how many killer mains actually do this or at least try to, I almost never see it happen while I'm playing as survivor and I very rarely get so much as a thank you for doing it so am I wasting my time on good etiquette? Should I just stop bothering if no one else makes the effort to do this anyway? Need y'all to inspire some hope in me

Survivor mains also welcome to comment I guess


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  • Member Posts: 1,043
    edited July 2019

    I don't know... giving the hatch freaks me out a little if I have them already/have caught them/seen them (i.e. walking around with them to find the hatch) mostly because one time I did this ages ago as a relatively new killer because I thought they played well and deserved it and the I got massively abused by the other survivors. Even got told they hope my family dies of cancer. So, since them it kind of freaks me out. If anyone really wants to let them go I'd say just go AFK somewhere or stomp gens/false patrol etc. I've just fallen into a trend of not caring and just wrapping up the game though so I don't give the hatch anymore. Sad I know.

    If you're nice, they hate you, you lose, they abuse you, you're playing normally and win, they'll hate you. Killer is almost a lose/lose role sometimes. I've also had moments of being nice to survivors only to have them throw it in my face later in the trial or get no thanks at all if they make a dumb mistake at the gate and I let them go anyway because I was just doing a daily or a new build etc.

    It's not all terrible though, I have got some really nice messages while playing as killer but they are very rare, and to be fair I think I get thanks more from survivors who I save in a desperate situation as a survivor than ones I show mercy to as a killer.

    This is from someone who is considered a survivor main too, I get why killers don't give the hatch, I don't bother giving it anymore, it should just be found normally.

  • Member Posts: 814

    Depends on mood. If someone dced early and this person wasnt ######### to me or other survivors (teabagging, stupid saves, sandbagging) they have good chance for it.

    Unless i know them for dcing themselves before, then they are moried on sight no matter what.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I always appreciate it when the killer gives me the hatch. It's a nice gesture. I've tried to say thank you a few times, but I'm on PS4 and almost every time the player has had messages turned off, so I stopped trying.

    When I play killer, I sometimes let the last survivor have the hatch, or now that the EGC exists I may give them the exit gate (I get points for closing the hatch, dangit). If the survivors have been rude, I definitely won't give the hatch. If there are two survivors left and I find one camping the hatch, I will absolutely sacrifice them and give it to the other one.

    The other day, I had three survivors left. Downed one, hooked another. The third one left the hooked survivor to die. The downed one showed me what locker the third one was hiding in. It had me laughing, so I sacrificed the one in the locker and gave the downed survivor the hatch.

    I usually just treat the hatch like, "Eh, whatever." I'll choose a survivor whom I'm okay with surviving, and I'll make sure they're the last one standing. If I find them first, they get sac'd, but if they escape, that's fine, too.

  • Member Posts: 529

    If there were DC's early in the game I'll be a nice killer but that's the only exception. If it's a fair match then no. They're all getting the hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    I always give the hatch if someone DC'ed, or if it's a Jane ;)

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    It depends if the survivor was actually decent and could run me around I will give them hatch. But if they couldn't pull their weight they go on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 911

    situationally, sure

    if the survivor was really good and their 3 teammates weren't, i'll intentionally leave them for last so they can get hatch

    if they're an adorable baby survivor i'll probably give them hatch

    if someone makes me laugh i'll give them hatch

  • Member Posts: 750

    basically what miaasma said. though often times, i usually close hatch for those extra points, but let them take the door instead!

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Rarely. If some losers DC-d early on first down, maybe. Or if the last survivor seems very inexperienced, I may do it as a gesture. Otherwise, no way. I work hard to get those kills. And I hate it when I'm given the hatch as survivor. You downed me, you deserve those points.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    I don't trust survivors. I've had too many games where a 4 man SWF literally flocked me to save their friends while also tbagging after every pallet. As survivor, they farm me off the hook in the killer's face, ruining my points and depipping me. Sandbag me, etc. I kill 2, slug one, hook the last, and then hook the slugged one. No one's getting the hatch if I can manage to get them all down.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    I don't typically give survivors the hatch. I give it on disconnects sometimes, but only if I can find it. I'm not wasting time so both of us can look for hatch when I can be in another game. The other time I give hatch is when I'm playing casually and just to have fun. At that point I don't care if they take hatch

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Why'd you give it to a last surv who now unconditionally can get it by themselves?

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    I never give the Hatch. You have to earn your escape, no matter what.

  • Member Posts: 193

    I used to let the last one out if it had been a good match but with the amount of toxic behaviour these days, I only give them the hatch if I feel they were screwed over by their team.

  • Member Posts: 700

    Depends on the last person/the group if i'll give them the hatch, good players get it toxic ones don't

  • Member Posts: 857

    Shirtless David = 85% chance of getting a hatch escape.

    I don't normally give people the hatch, unless they got screwed over by their teammate or they were very respectable in the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I normally don't give the hatch. Not anymore. Not with all the ######### out there.

    Sometimes, when I feel really bad for someone (because he got bodyblocked by a mate all the time, got farmed etc.) I give the hatch.

    But if the last one is a toxic piece of s**t, I will carry him to the hatch to close it in his face, hook him in sight of it or mori him on it. Works best with Wraith or Freddy. Just stand on it and wait.

  • Member Posts: 126

    If they find the hatch first then yeah, can't really stop that.

    If I feel like they deserve the hatch (they played good and weren't toxic or just annoying to play against) then I'll walk away. Otherwise I'm closing it.

  • Member Posts: 3

    So, I'm a new killer and usually get 4 escaped every matche, usually unable to even HIT a survivor. Then one match, at complete random, the entire team seemed to have trouble really hearing me. As hillbilly. With no addons. It was such a massacre, I looked for the hatch, but just couldn't bring myself to close it due to how the game went. So I just walked away and gestured to him to go in when he found it. He said thanks, and that was it.

  • Member Posts: 1,148

    Pretending giving it counts?

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I will let the killer hook me if he offers me the hatch.

    I will only let the survivor get hatch if they weren't toxic and had bad team mates

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    I only allow it depending on how they played. Cocky and the like, they eat the hook. Determined to escape even in the most dire of situations, or if they accept their death, they might get off free More likely to let them free if the game went quick or there was too many DCs too quick, they need BP too.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Yeah, I do it relatively often. If the match was pretty chill, I don't mind letting the last one go.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    I have once or twice. I do it if the Survivor in question got badly dicked by his team.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    Before EGC I would almost always do so

    When it got implemented I stopped being kind

  • Member Posts: 634

    I'll give hatch if I'm in a good mood or there was a DC. c:

  • Member Posts: 939

    I only give hatch if the survivor was boned over by another survivor who was being a dickish, sandbagger of a teammate.

    I love to mori the offender in front of them, nod, then carry them to the promised land.


  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I will generally only do it if someone either DC'd or killed themself on the hook super early or if multiple people do so in succession.

  • Member Posts: 120

    If I downed a survivor, carrying them to a hook and if the hatch sound is somewhere nearby while carrying, then yes. The survivor gets the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    I used to but survivors ruined that

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I used to more than I do now.

    I often give it to survivors who are solid runners. By which I mean good at getting away and juking, not "I can run around this pallet and pile of junk 16 times."

    Since the EGC however I think I just hate the hatch more. I hate that it spawns with 0 gens done and they can get out without doing anything. It makes me suspicious of the people left at the end and think that they were non-contributors so I don't really want to give them the points.

  • Member Posts: 28

    No mercy to the entilted survivor crybabies

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Completely depends on a lot of things.

    If I like a specific player a lot, or the survivors got screwed over badly by DCs, or I just had a very fun game, then yeah I will give someone the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 186

    Nope, Entity put me there to kill. If I have a cypress mori, I might even drop the survivor close to the hatch to begin crawling, just to mori then before they get to it. Works great with moris that involve dragging the survivor back such as Wraith or Legion.

  • Member Posts: 835

    If I have 4 bbq stacks then only people I dont give hatch are bs main building window runners or insta med users.

  • Member Posts: 30

    ha no xD

  • Member Posts: 651

    Not getting that fourth sacrifice can really screw you with the new scoring system. Especially in purple/red ranks.

    That being said. If the game really went pear shaped for the survivors in a very obvious way and I know I'll get at least a pip, I still might let the last survivor get the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 946

    It depends entirely on the survivor.

    If it was a fun and challenging match I have no issue to give them the hatch, I even bring you there on my shoulder.

    Or if your team are just potatoes and screwed you over, like just goofing around and griefing and you are the only one that did some gens I will let you gleefully go.

    But if you are toxic af you die.

  • Member Posts: 745

    I will only give the hatch if I have all 4 stacks of BBQ, they have a DC or I feel like they were pretty much carrying their team while their team did nothing

  • Member Posts: 2,263

    I usually do unless the survivor did something that irked me off. 🙂

  • Member Posts: 943

    spot on, at red ranks that would be a depip for being nice to the survivor whos team got destroyed. so it'd atleast give me a black pip for the 4k lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Used to, not anymore the community has too much nasty elememts. No one uses chat to be respectful or friendly just spend most chat trash talking so if your team screws you i have no sympathy. I wont be disrespecting or trashtalking but i will sacrifice you. The pip system makes pipping a nightmare so letting one go at red ranks can potentially safety you if you let a survivour go.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I pretty much always do. Dont see a reason why i should not.

  • Member Posts: 257

    Only if the rest of the survivors DC and I'm in a good mood. I don't feel any obligation to the survivors due to how often I run into SWF jackanapes

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I only play killer for the dailies now, when doing so I make as many as possible crawl out a gate. Whether they can make it is their problem.

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